4,405 research outputs found

    Exact Solutions of Integrable 2D Contour Dynamics

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    A class of exact solutions of the dispersionless Toda hierarchy constrained by a string equation is obtained. These solutions represent deformations of analytic curves with a finite number of nonzero harmonic moments. The corresponding tau-functions are determined and the emergence of cusps is studied.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Genus-zero Whitham hierarchies in conformal-map dynamics

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    A scheme for solving quasiclassical string equations is developped to prove that genus-zero Whitham hierarchies describe the deformations of planar domains determined by rational conformal maps. This property is applied in normal matrix models to show that deformations of simply-connected supports of eigenvalues under changes of coupling constants are governed by genus-zero Whitham hierarchies.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Phase transitions in multi-cut matrix models and matched solutions of Whitham hierarchies

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    We present a method to study phase transitions in the large N limit of matrix models using matched solutions of Whitham hierarchies. The endpoints of the eigenvalue spectrum as functions of the temperature are characterized both as solutions of hodograph equations and as solutions of a system of ordinary differential equations. In particular we show that the free energy of the matrix model is the quasiclassical tau-function of the associated hierarchy, and that critical processes in which the number of cuts changes in one unit are third-order phase transitions described by C1 matched solutions of Whitham hierarchies. The method is illustrated with the Bleher-Eynard model for the merging of two cuts. We show that this model involves also a birth of a cut

    Fine structure in the large n limit of the non-hermitian Penner matrix model

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    In this paper we apply results on the asymptotic zero distribution of the Laguerre polynomials to discuss generalizations of the standard large nn limit in the non-hermitian Penner matrix model. In these generalizations gnn→tg_n n\to t, but the product gnng_n n is not necessarily fixed to the value of the 't Hooft coupling tt. If t>1t>1 and the limit l=lim⁥n→∞∣sin⁥(π/gn)∣1/nl = \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty} |\sin(\pi/g_n)|^{1/n} exists, then the large nn limit is well-defined but depends both on tt and on ll. This result implies that for t>1t>1 the standard large nn limit with gnn=tg_n n=t fixed is not well-defined. The parameter ll determines a fine structure of the asymptotic eigenvalue support: for l≠0l\neq 0 the support consists of an interval on the real axis with charge fraction Q=1−1/tQ=1-1/t and an ll-dependent oval around the origin with charge fraction 1/t1/t. For l=1l=1 these two components meet, and for l=0l=0 the oval collapses to the origin. We also calculate the total electrostatic energy E\mathcal{E}, which turns out to be independent of ll, and the free energy F=E−Qln⁥l\mathcal{F}=\mathcal{E}-Q\ln l, which does depend of the fine structure parameter ll. The existence of large nn asymptotic expansions of F\mathcal{F} beyond the planar limit as well as the double-scaling limit are also discussed

    Spectral curves in gauge/string dualities: integrability, singular sectors and regularization

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    We study the moduli space of the spectral curves y2=Wâ€Č(z)2+f(z)y^2=W'(z)^2+f(z) which characterize the vacua of N=1\mathcal{N}=1 U(n) supersymmetric gauge theories with an adjoint Higgs field and a polynomial tree level potential W(z)W(z). It is shown that there is a direct way to associate a spectral density and a prepotential functional to these spectral curves. The integrable structure of the Whitham equations is used to determine the spectral curves from their moduli. An alternative characterization of the spectral curves in terms of critical points of a family of polynomial solutions W\mathbb{W} to Euler-Poisson-Darboux equations is provided. The equations for these critical points are a generalization of the planar limit equations for one-cut random matrix models. Moreover, singular spectral curves with higher order branch points turn out to be described by degenerate critical points of W\mathbb{W}. As a consequence we propose a multiple scaling limit method of regularization and show that, in the simplest cases, it leads to the Painlev\`{e}-I equation and its multi-component generalizations.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figure

    Biomolecules and interstellar molecules: structure, interactions and spectroscopic characterization

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    El trabajo de investigaciĂłn de la presente Memoria, realizado con tĂ©cnicas espectroscĂłpicas de alta resoluciĂłn en las regiones de microondas y milimĂ©tricas, presenta dos grandes vertientes: el estudio de molĂ©culas y biomolĂ©culas en fase gas y el de molĂ©culas candidatas a estar presentes en el medio interestelar. En el estudio de molĂ©culas y biomolĂ©culas en fase gas, el objetivo es intentar establecer una conexiĂłn entre su estructura y las propiedades que dichas poseen, en un entorno libre de interacciones intermoleculares y con el medio, mediante el uso de la espectroscopia de microondas en jet supersĂłnicos y en combinaciĂłn con tĂ©cnicas de ablaciĂłn lĂĄser (LA-CP-FTMW y LA-MB-FTMW espectrĂłmetros). Se han abordado con este fin: el estudio de edulcorantes artificiales como el D-sorbitol y la sacarina para intentar esclarecer el origen del dulzor; el efecto exo-anomĂ©rico ha sido puesto en evidencia por primera vez mediante el estudio de la methyl-ÎČ-D-xylopyranose; el primer estudio estructural en fase gas de los dos ĂĄcidos fenĂłlicos mĂĄs importantes, trans-cinĂĄmico y trans-p-cumĂĄrico,, y el estudio del dipĂ©ptido Ac-Val-NH2 para ver los efectos conformacionales que puede tener una cadena lateral apolar.Departamento de QuĂ­mica FĂ­sica y QuĂ­mica InorgĂĄnicaDoctorado en QuĂ­mic

    Una aproximaciĂłn al matrimonio en la Edad Moderna, desde los Discursos del padre Pedro de Calatayud

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    El objeto de este trabajo es el estudio del matrimonio en Castilla durante la Edad Moderna. Entendemos que este tema tiene un gran interĂ©s por varias razones. De hecho, en las Ășltimas dĂ©cadas ha sido estudiado desde diversas perspectivas, en el marco de la DemografĂ­a HistĂłrica, de la Historia Social, religiosa y cultural. El matrimonio ha sido punto de partida para los numerosos trabajos y monografĂ­as que se han elaborado para el caso peninsular en torno al estudio de la familia, y mĂĄs recientemente del estudios de Historia de GĂ©nero, al analizar especialmente el papel de la mujer en el estado de casada. Afrontandolo desde una ĂĄngulo concreto; a travĂ©s de una fuente -impresa- de la Ă©poca, una obra de literatura moral y religiosa, publicada en Castilla en el siglo XVIIIDepartamento de Historia Moderna, ContemporĂĄnea y de AmĂ©rica, Periodismo y ComunicaciĂłn Audiovisual y PublicidadGrado en Histori

    Trace Metal and Speciation Analysis using Ion-Exchange and Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry

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    Studies have been carried out on specific ion-exchange (Dowex 50W-X8 and Dowex 1-X8) and chelation (Chelex-100) resins, in order to determine their physical and chemical characteristics, to understand and explain their limits of function and to optimise their use as substrates in trace metal and speciation measurement by EDXRF. Structural information was obtained by scanning electron microscopy and x-ray microanalysis showing a homogeneous distribution of functional groups and retained ions on both sectioned and whole resins. Particle size experiments performed on Dowex 50W-X8 (38 - 840 ”m) showed that this parameter has no effect on the relationship between intensity of fluorescence and concentration or mass of resin. Inter-element effects were not observed in the analysis of multielemental specimens prepared on ion-exchange / chelation media by EDXRF. This indicates that the proposed method has a significant advantage when compared with other methodologies. A theoretical ‘model’, based on the formation of thin films on the surface of the resin beads, has been proposed in order to link and explain the effects observed in these experiments. The use of a batch retention system has shown distinct advantages over using columns in terms of linearity, accuracy, precision, rapidity and simplicity. Parameters such as pH and ionic strength of the solution, concentration of competing ions and volume of the sample have been proven to be critical. The maximum retention capacity has been determined as 3.2, 1.1 and 0.67 mEq/g for Dowex 50W-X8, Dowex 1-X8 and Chelex-100 respectively. The optimum mass of resin for XRF analysis was found to be 0.5 g, for all resins tested. The linear range covered 4 to 5 orders of magnitude. These findings show the potential of the investigated media to overcome instrumental and sample limitations. Based on the physico-chemical information found, methodologies for three different applications of the resins to EDXRF determinations have been developed and their analytical possibilities explored. The multi-elemental determination of metals in sewage sludge digests was achieved by retaining the metals on Dowex 50W-X8 at pH 2 and Chelex-100 at pH 4. Chelex-100 allows quantitative recoveries for Cu and Zn. A wider range of elements was determined on Dowex 50W-X8, although with poorer recoveries (60 - 90%). The limits of detection were 10 - 21 ”g when Dowex 50W-X8 was used and 8 - 49 ”g for Chelex-100. The method was validated by the analysis of a certified material. The determination of KÎČ/Kα intensity ratios for Cr and Mn species and its potential as a tool for direct elemental speciation has also been studied. A difference in KÎČ/Kα between the oxidation states of the analytes was only observed during the analysis of solutions of the metal species by EDXRF at the 98% level of confidence. Finally, the speciation and preconcentration of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) in waters has been performed by retention on Dowex 50W-X8 and Dowex 1-X8 followed by EDXRF determination. Efficient recoveries and preconcentration factors of up to 500 were achieved, leading to limits of detection of 30 ”g/L for Cr(VI) and 40 ”g/L for Cr(III). This method is simple, fast and inexpensive, allowing quantitative recoveries in the speciation of chromium in waste waters
