108 research outputs found

    Interrill soil erosion under different tillage and management systems

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    A validação de uso de modelos de predição da erosão hídrica do solo baseados em processos físicos fundamentais necessita de informações sobre os valores de seus parâmetros obtidos em condições locais. Este trabalho foi realizado no campo em um Argissolo Vermelho distrófico típico, com o objetivo de avaliar a erosão hídrica em entressulcos sem preparo do solo (com resíduos culturais na superfície), com preparo convencional com solo descoberto (sem resíduos) e com preparo convencional com resíduos incorporados. O esquema experimental baseou-se nos estudos realizados para a determinação da erodibilidade do solo em relação ao modelo WEPP (Water Erosion Prediction Project). Foi aplicada chuva simulada com intensidade planejada de 60 mm h-1, durante 70 minutos, e coletadas amostras da enxurrada das parcelas em entressulcos. A perda de solo em entressulcos foi significativamente menor no tratamento sem preparo do solo em relação aos tratamentos submetidos ao preparo convencional. As taxas de erosão e perda de água em entressulcos foram crescentes com o tempo de chuva até atingir um ponto de valor máximo, após o qual decresceram, com exceção do tratamento sem preparo do solo, cujas taxas foram crescentes em todo o período de aplicação da chuva. O valor da erodibilidade do solo em entressulcos é de Ki = 2,83x106 kg s m-4.The validation of soil water erosion models based on fundamentals physical processes needs information about the values of their parameters obtained under local conditions. A field study was carried out on a sandy clay loam Palleudult soil in order to evaluate the water erosion in interrill areas under the tillage and management soil systems of no tillage and conventional tillage on bare soil and on soil with residues incorporated. The experimental design was based on field experiments to determine soil erodibility using WEPP (Water Erosion Prediction Project) model. Simulated rainfall with intensity of about 60 mm h-1 was applied during 70 minutes and runoff samples were collected from the interrill plots. Interrill soil loss was significantly smaller in no-till treatment than in conventionally tilled treatments. Interrill erosion rates and water loss rates increased with the period of time of rain up to a maximum value and decreased after that, with the exception of no-till treatment where it increased during all rainfall period. The value of the soil interrill erodibility is Ki = 2.83x106 kg s m-4

    Distance between terraces using critical slope length in two soil conservation tillage systems

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    Nos preparos conservacionistas de solo, os resíduos e a rugosidade diminuem o escoamento superficial e permitem aumentar a distância entre os terraços, em relação aos preparos convencionais, apesar do aumento da consolidação da superfície que ocorre especialmente na semeadura direta. Os terraços devem ter uma distância tal que o escoamento superficial não ocasione a remoção do resíduo e o aumento da erosão ou que o volume de água que escoa entre um terraço e outro seja armazenado ou drenado pelo canal. Utilizando chuva simulada e fluxos extras de água no período de 1992 a 1994, na Estação Experimental Agronômica da UFRGS, em Eldorado do Sul (RS), determinaramse distâncias entre terraços para os tratamentos sem preparo do solo e escarificação, na presença dos resíduos culturais de milho, trigo e trigo + milho, em Podzólico Vermelho-Amarelo com 0,066 m m-1 de declividade, com base nos critérios da falha do resíduo cultural e na capacidade de armazenamento de água no canal. Pelo critério da capacidade de armazenamento de água no canal, a menor distância entre terraços (27 a 43 m) ocorreu no tratamento escarificação com o resíduo de milho, enquanto a maior (44 a 60 m) foi no sem preparo com resíduo de milho. Pelo critério da falha do resíduo cultural, no entanto, a menor distância (106 a 130 m) verificou-se no tratamento sem preparo com resíduo de trigo e a maior (328 a 483 m) no tratamento sem preparo com resíduo de milho.In conservation tillage systems, the residue cover and surface soil roughness decrease runoff and allow increased terrace distance, as compared to conventional tillage systems, in spite of the increase of surface consolidation which occurs especially in no-tillage systems. The distance between terraces should not allow runoff between them since this would cause residue removal and increased erosion as well as a runoff volume or rate higher than the terraces’-channel capacity. The distance between terraces was determined at the Agronomic Experimental Station at the UFRGS, in Eldorado do Sul (RS), Brazil, from 1992 to 1994. Simulated rainfall and extra inflow on no-tillage and chiseling systems were used with corn, wheat and corn + wheat residues, in a Paleodult soil with 0.066 m m-1 slope steepness. Based on the criterion of water storage capacity at the terrace channel, the smallest distance between terraces (27 to 43 m) was determined for chiseling with the corn residue, and the largest distance (44 to 60 m) for no-tillage with corn residue. Based on the criterion of residue failure, the smallest distance between terraces (106 to 130 m) was for no-tillage with wheat residue and the largest distance (328 to 483 m) for no-tillage with corn residue

    Perdas de água, solo e nutrientes durante chuva simulada de alta intensidade, em dois sistemas de manejo do solo e diferentes fontes de adubação

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    The goal of this study was to quantify the water, soil, and soluble nutrient losses during high-intensity rainfall simulated in two soil preparation systems with four sources of fertilization. Forty-five days after the corn seeding, a 120 mm h-1 intensity rainfall was simulated during 90 min in field plots with conventional tillage (CT) or no-tillage (NT). Each system had four repetitions with the fertilizer treatments, including without fertilization, mineral, urban waste compost (UWC), and pig slurry. P, K, Ca, and K concentrations were measured in soluble form, in addition to electrical conductivity, pH, water, and soil losses. As expected, the greatest soil losses occurred with CT; however, the greatest water losses occurred with NT. Among the fertilizers, UWC was more efficient because it had the highest infiltration rates. The concentrations of P, K, Ca, and Mg did not exhibit any interaction between fertilization and soil tillage treatments. K was the nutrient that presented the greatest losses (kg ha-1) at the end of the simulated rainfall because of the highest concentrations (mg L-1) added to high runoff coefficients of 45% for CT and 77% for NT. Thus, the evaluated system with cover crops and minimum soil tillage was not sufficient to control nutrient transfer in the soluble form during intense rainfall events.O objetivo do trabalho foi quantificar as perdas de água, solo e nutrientes na forma solúvel durante chuva simulada de alta intensidade, em dois sistemas de preparos do solo e quatro fontes de adubação. Quarenta e cinco dias após a semeadura do milho, uma chuva com intensidade de 120 mm h-1 foi simulada durante 90 minutos, em parcelas de campo sob preparo convencional (PC) e plantio direto (PD). Em cada preparo há quatro repetições dos tratamentos com adubação: sem fertilização, mineral, composto de lixo urbano (CO), e dejetos de suíno. Foram mensuradas as concentrações de P, K, Ca, Mg na forma solúvel, além da condutividade elétrica - Ce, pH, perda de água e solo. Conforme esperado as maiores perdas de solo ocorreram para o PC, entretanto, as maiores perdas de água no PD. Entre as adubações, o CO foi o mais eficiente, pois apresentou as maiores taxas de infiltração. As concentrações de P, K, Ca e Mg não apresentaram interação entre os tratamentos de adubação e os tratamentos de preparo do solo. O K foi o nutriente que apresentou as maiores perdas (kg ha-1) ao final da chuva simulada, devido as maiores concentrações (mg L-1) somado aos altos coeficientes de escoamento superficial sendo 45% para o preparo convencional e 77% para o plantio direto. Ao final, o sistema avaliado com plantas de cobertura e mínimo revolvimento do solo não foi suficiente para controlar a transferência de nutrientes na forma solúvel durantes eventos de chuvas intensas

    Escoamento superficial e desagregação do solo em entressulcos em solo franco-argilo-arenoso com resíduos vegetais

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    Soil surface cover with crop residue modifies surface flow characteristics, generated by excess rainfall, and soil detachment and sediment transport resulting from the erosion process. The objective of this study was to evaluate the hydraulic conditions, detachment and flow resistance on interrill erosion on soil covered with residue. The experiment was conducted in the laboratory, on a Hapludult soil at a slope of 0.10 m m-1, under simulated rainfall and soil surface covered with soybean residue at the rates of 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, and 0.8 kg m-2. The increase in soil surface cover (SC) with residue, caused an increase in water flow depth and hydraulic roughness, and a decrease in the mean flow velocity, due to an increase in the viscous forces from the physical interference of residue on runoff, thus contributing to a reduction in interrill soil detachment rate (Di). The Di was 5.35x10-4 kg m-2 s-1 for bare soil and was reduced to 1.50x10-5 kg m-2 s-1 for soil with 100% of surface cover. The Laflen’s and the potential models were adequate to estimate the coefficient of soil coverage by residue in direct contact with soil as a function of the soil surface cover.A presença de resíduos vegetais sobre a superfície do solo altera as características do escoamento superficial gerado pela chuva e a desagregação e transporte de sedimento resultantes do processo erosivo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as condições hidráulicas e as relações de desagregação do solo e de resistência ao escoamento com a presença de resíduos vegetais na erosão em entressulcos. O experimento foi realizado no laboratório, com um Argissolo Vermelho distrófico típico, em parcelas com 0,10 m m-1 de declive sob chuva simulada. O solo foi coberto por resíduos vegetais de palha de soja, nas doses de 0, 0,05, 0,1, 0,2, 0,4 e 0,8 kg m-2. O aumento na cobertura do solo (CS) com resíduos vegetais elevou a altura da lâmina de escoamento e a rugosidade hidráulica e reduziu a velocidade média do escoamento, provocada pelo aumento das forças viscosas promovida pela interposição física dos resíduos ao escoamento. O resultado é a redução na taxa de desagregação do solo (Di). A Di foi de 5,35x10-4 kg m-2 s-1 para solo descoberto e 1,50x10-5 kg m-2 s-1 em solo com 100% de cobertura na maior dose de palha. Os modelos de Laflen e potencial foram adequados para estimar o coeficiente de cobertura para resíduo em contato direto com a superfície do solo em função da cobertura do solo

    Rill erosion under different soil tillage methods and soil consolidation

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    O preparo e a consolidação do solo alteram a sua capacidade em resistir à erosão em sulcos. Com o objetivo de estudar a erosão em sulcos em diferentes preparos e consolidação do solo, conhecer o diâmetro mediano dos sedimentos transportados e determinar a erodibilidade em sulcos (Kr) e a tensão crítica de cisalhamento (tc) do solo, foi realizado um experimento no campo, em 1997/98, em um Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico arênico. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado com seis repetições. Os tratamentos constaram de: preparo convencional recente (CR), preparo convencional consolidado (consolidação de dois meses) (CC), plantio direto sem palha (PDS) e plantio direto com palha (PDC, 94% de cobertura). Usou-se chuva simulada de intensidade constante (65 mm h-1) até escoamento aproximadamente constante de água no solo. Em seguida, na extremidade superior do sulco, foram adicionadas descargas líquidas (Q) crescentes de 0,0002 m3 s-1 até 0,0010 m3 s-1, para os tratamentos CR e CC, e de 0,0004 m3 s-1 até 0,0020 m3 s-1, para os tratamentos PDS e PDC, sendo as amostras coletadas na parte inferior de cada sulco. As parcelas foram delimitadas por chapas metálicas cravadas no solo no sentido do declive (0,20 m de largura por 6,00 m de comprimento). O valor de Kr determinado foi de 0,012 kg N-1 s-1 e o tc foi de 2,61 N m-2. A desagregação, as perdas de solo e o diâmetro mediano dos sedimentos apresentaram a seguinte seqüência em magnitude: CR, CC, PDS e PDC, particularmente nas maiores Q. O regime de escoamento foi turbulento supercrítico, com exceção da primeira Q aplicada, onde o regime foi laminar subcrítico, para o PDC, graças à presença de resíduos culturais, e laminar supercrítico, para os demais tratamentos. A consolidação e a cobertura do solo alteram o regime do escoamento e reduzem a erosão em sulcos e seus efeitos são complementares.Soil tillage and consolidation modify soil resistance to rill erosion. Thus, an experiment was carried out on a Hapludulf, under field conditions in 1997/98, to study rill erosion under different tillage methods and soil consolidation, to evaluate the sediment size and to determine rill erodibility (Kr) and critical shear stress (tc). The experiment was completely randomized with six replications, using the following treatments: recent conventional tillage (RCT), two-month consolidated conventional tillage (CCT), no-tillage with mulch (NTM) with 94% surface coverage with crop residues, and no-tillage with a bare soil surface (NTB). A constant simulated rainfall of 65 mm h-1 was applied until a steady-state runoff rate was reached. Afterwards, extra inflows were applied at rates ranging from 0.0002 m3 s-1 to 0.0010 m3 s-1, for RCT and CCT, and from 0.0004 m3 s-1 to 0.0020 m3 s-1. The plots (0.2 m wide by 6.0 m long) were confined by metal borders along the slope. The Kr was 0.012 kg N-1 s-1 and tc was 2.61 N m-2. Soil detachment, soil loss and sediment size had the following order RCT, CCT, NTM and NTB, particularly for the higher flows. Flow regime was turbulent and supercritical, except for the lowest inflow, where the flow was laminar and subcritical for NTM, due to the mulch, and supercritical laminar for the remaining treatments. Soil consolidation and surface coverage modify flow regime and reduce erosion, and their effects are complementary


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    Avaliou-se a lixiviação do herbicida Acetoclor (na dose de 3360 g ha-1) em Argissolo Vermelho distrófico típico, submetido à semeadura direta e ao preparo convencional. Adotou-se delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados com três repetições. Nas parcelas principais encontravam-se os tipos de preparo do solo (semeadura direta e convencional), nas subparcelas as épocas de avaliação (1, 7 e 21 dias após aplicação do herbicida) e nas subsubparcelas as profundidades de coleta (1-4, 6- 9, 11-14 e 16-19 cm). A lixiviação do herbicida Acetoclor foi avaliada mediante bioensaio, utilizando o trigo como planta indicadora (altura e matéria seca da parte aérea das plantas). Não houve diferença na lixiviação do Acetoclor entre a semeadura direta e o preparo convencional nas avaliações do primeiro ao sétimo dias após a aplicação (DAT). A concentração do herbicida Acetoclor foi maior na profundidade de 16-19 cm em semeadura direta aos 21 DAT, sugerindo maior lixiviação do Acetoclor nesse sistema de preparo de solo no decorrer do tempo. LEACHING OF ACETOCHLOR HERBICIDE IN SOIL SUBMITTED TO DIRECT TILLAGE AND CONVENTIONAL PREPARATION Abstract The Acetochlor herbicide leaching (in dose of 3360 g ha-1) in a Typical Paleudult soil submitted to direct tillage and to conventional preparation was evaluated. The experimental design of casualized blocks with three replications was adopted. In the main portions the soil preparation types were found (direct and conventional tillage), in the sub-portions the evaluation periods (1, 7 and 21 days after herbicide application), and in the sub-portions the samplings depth (1-4, 6- 9, 11-14 and 16-19 cm). The Acetochlor leaching was evaluated through a bioassay by utilizing wheat as indicator plant (height and dry-matter of plant aerial parts). It wasnt found difference in Acetochlor leaching between direct tillage and conventional preparation in the evaluations of the first to the seventh days after application (DAA). The Acetochlor concentration was higher in the depth of 16-19 cm in direct tillage in 21DAA, suggesting greatest leaching of Acetochlor in this system of soil preparation with the elapse of time

    Sediment transport and deposition of various textured soils in shallow flow

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    Soils with a wide range of textural composition were used in a series of laboratory experiments conducted to study the transport and deposition of sediment eroded by simulated rainfall and deposited along a concave 0.5 x 3.0 m bed. A procedure was developed to determine the density of soil aggregates for the silt loam and silty clay soils. Samples of sediment entering, leaving and deposited on the concave bed were collected. Change in characteristics of sediment leaving the depositional area with time compared with the inflow sediment were studied. Deposition of sediment on the concave bed, its evolution of a deposition profile, size distribution of deposited sediment along the bed, and distribution between primary particles and aggregates were examined. Findings for these shallow flow conditions were at variance with the classic sediment transport theory. In this study, for silty clay and fine soils, median size of deposited sediment increased in the downslope direction, while for the silt loam the median size decreased downslope. For silt loam and silty clay soils, median size of sediment leaving the depositional area increased with time, while for the fine sand soil the median size decreased with time. The degree of exposure of particles to flow and raindrop impacting the area were found to be the major cause for these results. Dimensionless sediment transport relationships were developed for uniform and non-uniform size of non-cohesive sand sediment and for non-uniform cohesive agricultural soils. For the uniform sand and non-uniform sandy soils, a typical bed load equation with consideration of excess tractive force fit the data reasonably well. This may also imply that rolling, sliding and hopping were the major modes of motion for the sandy soil particles under shallow flow conditions. For the silt loam soil, a power function of dimensionless shear stress with an exponent of about 1.5 gave good prediction of sediment transport capacity. For silt loam and sandy soils the presence of rainfall on the depositional area did not change considerably the coefficient and the exponents which were obtained when data with and without rainfall were considered. For silty clay soils a reliable relationship was not found to describe the sediment transport capacity. A simplified deposition model was developed to simulate the evolution of bed profile for the sandy soil
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