13 research outputs found

    Physical Health, Media Use, Stress, and Mental Health in Pregnant Women during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has led to significant changes in the care of pregnant women and their fetuses. Emerging data show elevated depression and anxiety symptoms among pregnant women. Aims: The purpose of this article is to investigate the psychological and behavioral impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on pregnant women in Greece during the first national lockdown. Methods: We used a cross-sectional, anonymous survey to collect data in two fetal medicine clinics in the largest urban centers of Greece during the months of April and May 2020. The questionnaire was largely based on the CoRonavIruS Health Impact Survey (CRISIS), and assessed sociodemographic characteristics, general health and obstetric data and COVID-19-related worries and life changes. Mood symptoms, substance use and lifestyle behaviors were assessed at two time points (3 months prior to the pandemic and the 2 weeks before taking the survey), while perceived stress was measured with the perceived stress scale (PSS-14). Results: A total of 308 pregnant women (Mage = 34.72), with a mean gestation of 21.19 weeks participated in the study. Over one-third of the women found COVID-19 restrictions stressful, and their highest COVID-19-related worry was having to be isolated from their baby. Mean PSS-14 score was 21.94, suggesting moderate stress. The strongest predictors of stress were physical and mental health status before COVID-19 and having experienced a stressful life event during their pregnancy. Compared to 3 months before the pandemic, women reported higher scores on mood symptoms (p < 0.001), TV use (p = 0.01) and social media use (p = 0.031) in the last 2 weeks before taking the survey. Conclusion: Our study provides important preliminary evidence of the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown on pregnant women’s well-being and functioning

    Conjoined Twins Complicating a Dichorionic Triplet Pregnancy after Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Conjoined twins represent a rare type of monoamniotic twins. Ultrasound assessment during the first trimester can facilitate the diagnosis, however further assessment by colour Doppler studies, 3D imaging, fetal echocardiography and fetal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is usually required in order to determine the specific fetal abnormalities and to guide appropriate pregnancy management. This case report presents a rare case of conjoined twins complicating a dichorionic-diamniotic triplet pregnancy, achieved after intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and blastocyst transfer. A 44-year-old woman was referred for chorionicity determination to our Fetal Medicine Centre due to suspicion of conjoined twins in a triplet pregnancy. Ultrasound assessment at 11 weeks demonstrated a dichorionic triplet pregnancy which was also complicated by a rare type of conjoined twins (thoracoomphalopagus) and after a successful embryo reduction a neonate of 2200 g was delivered by caesarean section at term. The accurate diagnosis and early detection of conjoined twins by a fetal medicine specialist is crucial, especially as far as multiple pregnancies with three or more fetuses are concerned

    The Effect of Stimulation Protocols (GnRH Agonist vs. Antagonist) on the Activity of mTOR and Hippo Pathways of Ovarian Granulosa Cells and Its Potential Correlation with the Outcomes of In Vitro Fertilization: A Hypothesis

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    Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (COH) is essential for the success of in vitro fertilization (IVF). Evidence showing the comparison of different COH protocols remains predominantly of low certainty and derives from unspecified infertile and highly heterogeneous populations. Thus, personalized approaches to examine the response of patients to the various COH protocols need to be investigated. Data from in vitro and animal studies have identified the mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) and Hippo signaling pathways play a key role in follicular homeostasis and oocyte quality. To be specific, current data indicate the controlled activation of mTOR and the controlled inhibition of the Hippo pathway within the ovarian granulosa cells (GC). Both are reported to lead to a nurturing follicular microenvironment, increase oocyte quality, and potentially improve reproductive outcomes. As intracellular markers, phosphorylated/unphosphorylated levels of the pathways’ main downstream mediators could be included among the candidate “personalized” predictors of patients’ response to COH protocols and final IVF outcomes. Based on these hypotheses, we make a preliminary attempt to investigate their validity: We propose a prospective cohort study to compare the levels of certain phosphorylated/unphosphorylated components of the investigated pathways (mTOR, ribosomal protein S6 kinase beta-1 (p70S6K-1), yes-associated protein-1 (YAP-1), and transcriptional coactivator with PDZ-binding motif (TAZ)) within the follicular fluid-isolated GC between women undergoing gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonist/“short” protocols and those receiving GnRH agonist/“long 21” protocols. A case-control design comparing these levels between women achieving pregnancy and those who did not is further planned. Additional analyses addressing the population’s expected heterogeneity are planned after the completion of the pilot phase, during which 100 participants undergoing IVF are intended to be recruited. At this stage, these hypotheses are solely based on in vitro/animal data, and thus, similar studies on humans in this respect are necessary for the investigation of their potential validity

    Preeclampsia and Cerebral Palsy in Offspring

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    The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis is to examine the association between exposure to preeclampsia during pregnancy and the occurrence of cerebral palsy in offspring. For this reason, the authors searched PubMed/Medline, EMBASE, and Google Scholar databases (end-of-search: 22 November 2021) and identified the most relevant studies. Then, a meta-analysis of all the eligible studies was performed. Subgroup and meta-regression analyses by study design, degree of adjustment, and geographical region were also conducted. A total of 10 studies were finally included, and no statistical significance was noted in the association between preeclampsia and cerebral palsy (pooled OR = 1.16, 95% CI: 0.77–1.74). The subgroup of studies that provided adjusted odds ratios for any variable except for gestational age showed a statistically significant association (pooled OR = 1.62, 95% CI: 1.36–1.93), whereas the association dissipated in studies also adjusting for gestational age (pooled OR = 1.63, 95% CI: 0.48–5.50). In conclusion, it seems that preeclampsia is not associated with cerebral palsy independently of gestational age; however, further research is needed to shed light on this topic

    Prenatal diagnosis of Baraitser-Winter syndrome using exome sequencing: Clinical report and review of literature

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    Baraitser - Winter Cerebrofrontofacial Syndrome (BWCFF) is a rare disorder characterized by facial dysmorphism and mental retardation of varying grades. The clinical phenotype of BWCFF indicates variable phenotypic expression involving various congenital malformations such as cardiac, renal and musculoskeletal abnormalities. Nevertheless, the prenatal presentation of BWCFF is rarely described, making prenatal diagnosis challenging. This report describes a prenatal diagnosis of BWCFF syndrome to date; a case of a fetus with intrauterine growth restriction, increased nuchal fold, bilateral hydronerphosis, rocker bottom foot and clubfoot detected on Anomaly Scan is outlined. Molecular karyotype failed to detect any abnormality. Assessment with Next Generation Sequencing was then performed, revealing a heterozygous de novo mutation in ACTB gene setting the diagnosis of BWCFF

    Dextro-Transposition of Great Arteries and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes: A Review of the Literature

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    Background: Arterial switch operation (ASO) is the gold-standard surgical approach for dextro-transposition of the great arteries (D-TGA). It is performed during the neonatal period and has almost diminished the previously high mortality rate (from 90% if left untreated to <0.5%). Despite the impressively high survival rates, the surgical procedure itself—along with the chronic post-operative complications and the perinatal impaired cerebral oxygen delivery—introduces multiple and cumulative risk factors for neurodevelopmental impairment. Method: This study is a review of English articles, using PUBMED and applying the following search terms, “transposition of the great arteries”, “neurodevelopment”, “autism”, “cerebral palsy”, and “attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder”. Data were extracted by two authors. Results: Even though general IQ is mainly found within the normal range, D-TGA children and adolescents display reduced performance in the assignments of executive functions, fine motor functions, attention, working memory, visual–spatial skills, and higher-order language skills. Moreover, D-TGA survivors may eventually struggle with inferior academic achievements and psychiatric disorders such as depression, anxiety, and ADHD. Conclusions: The existing literature concerning the neurodevelopment of D-TGA patients suggests impairment occurring during their lifespan. These findings underline the importance of close developmental surveillance so that D-TGA patients can better reach their full potential

    Why Has Metabolomics So Far Not Managed to Efficiently Contribute to the Improvement of Assisted Reproduction Outcomes? The Answer through a Review of the Best Available Current Evidence

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    Metabolomics emerged to give clinicians the necessary information on the competence, in terms of physiology and function, of gametes, embryos, and the endometrium towards a targeted infertility treatment, namely, assisted reproduction techniques (ART). Our minireview aims to investigate the current status of the use of metabolomics in assisted reproduction, the potential flaws in its use, and to propose specific solutions towards the improvement of ART outcomes through the use of the intervention. We used published reports assessing the role of metabolomic investigation of the endometrium, oocytes, and embryos in improving clinical outcomes in women undergoing ART. We initially found that there is no evidence to support that fertility outcomes can be improved through metabolomics profiling. In contrast, it may be helpful for understanding and appraising the nutritional environment of oocytes and embryos. The causes include the different infertility populations, the difference between animals and humans, technical limitations, and the great heterogeneity in the variables employed. Suggested steps include the standardization of variables of the method itself, the universal creation of a panel where all biomarkers are stored concerning specific infertile populations with different phenotypes or etiologies, specific bioinformatics contribution, significant computing power for data processing, and importantly, properly conducted trials

    Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Tetralogy of Fallot: A Systematic Review

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    BACKGROUND: Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) represents between 7 and 10% of the total cases of congenital heart defects (CHD) and is estimated to be the most common cyanotic CHD, requiring medical or surgical intervention within the first year of life. Current advances in prenatal screening and fetal echocardiography led to increased rates of prenatal diagnosis of TOF. Furthermore, improvements in initial medical care, surgical repair, and long-term care are associated with excellent long-term survival until adulthood. Consequently, issues of morbidity have come under the spotlight, specifically neurodevelopmental and psychiatric adverse outcomes, which affect the quality of life of TOF survivors. METHOD: This study is a systematic review of English articles, using PUBMED and applying the following search terms, Tetralogy of Fallot, neurodevelopment, autism, cerebral palsy, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Data were extracted by two authors. RESULTS: Most researchers suggest that TOF survivors score lower in neurodevelopmental tests than healthy populations of the same age and are in danger of neurodevelopmental impairments. Furthermore, it is suggested that TOF adolescents show higher rates of psychiatric disorders. CONCLUSIONS: The neurodevelopment of TOF survivors is not intensively studied. Existing studies in TOF survivors focus on different developmental aspects, using different evaluation methods and thus making conclusions for either one of the four aspects of neurodevelopment (executive function, cognition, and adaptive function, speech-language and motor function, or neuropsychiatric domain). The poor outcomes of these isolated studies indicate the need for future research as well as for continuous neuropsychological assessment and close monitoring of children and adolescents with TOF