55 research outputs found

    Quantum computation and simulation in silicon donors: from optically-controlled entangling gates to the Hubbard model

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    Quantum computing holds the promise to solve classically intractable problems. While some beyond-classical computations have been demonstrated, a useful application has yet to be shown. The biggest challenge is to scale up the number of quantum bits and simultaneously increase the accuracy of elementary operations in order to enable correction of errors. Silicon-based implementations promise to enable compatibility with complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor technology and hence a rapid scaling up. For the main part, this thesis is focussed on one particular quantum computing implementation in which the qubit is represented by the spin of the electron of a phosphorous atom in a silicon lattice. This implementation holds the record for the longest coherence times, of the order of days. So far, scalability with such donor-based computers is challenging because of the requirement to precisely position donors in the silicon lattice in architectures currently proposed. In this thesis, two architectures which do not require precise placement of donors are presented: an implementation of a quantum computer in a completely randomly doped sample and a scheme based on the electric dipolar long-range interactions between donors using a translation of ideas from implementations with laser-cooled atoms. Furthermore, we discuss the simulation of quantum materials with dopant atom arrays, in particular making precise predictions for feasible small-scale proof of principle experiments. Lastly, a condensed matter model which is known to be a symmetry protected topological state is implemented into a quantum software library originally written for qubits which is being expanded for use in continuous-variable systems. Our results work towards enabling the implementation of large-scale quantum computation in silicon

    Detente: Cold War Strategies in Transition

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    Probing finite-temperature observables in quantum simulators with short-time dynamics

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    Preparing low temperature states in quantum simulators is challenging due to their almost perfect isolation from the environment. Here, we show how finite-temperature observables can be obtained with an algorithm that consists of classical importance sampling of initial states and a measurement of the Loschmidt echo with a quantum simulator. We use the method as a quantum-inspired classical algorithm and simulate the protocol with matrix product states to analyze the requirements on a quantum simulator. This way, we show that a finite temperature phase transition in the long-range transverse field Ising model can be characterized in trapped ion quantum simulators. We propose a concrete measurement protocol for the Loschmidt echo and discuss the influence of measurement noise, dephasing, as well as state preparation and measurement errors. We argue that the algorithm is robust against those imperfections under realistic conditions. The algorithm can be readily applied to study low-temperature properties in various quantum simulation platforms.Comment: 4+3 pages, 4+1 figure

    Deterministic constant-depth preparation of the AKLT state on a quantum processor using fusion measurements

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    The ground state of the spin-1 Affleck, Kennedy, Lieb and Tasaki (AKLT) model is a paradigmatic example of both a matrix product state and a symmetry-protected topological phase, and additionally holds promise as a resource state for measurement-based quantum computation. Having a nonzero correlation length, the AKLT state cannot be exactly prepared by a constant-depth unitary circuit composed of local gates. In this work, we demonstrate that this no-go limit can be evaded by augmenting a constant-depth circuit with fusion measurements, such that the total preparation time is independent of system size and entirely deterministic. We elucidate our preparation scheme using the language of tensor networks, and furthermore show that the Z2Ă—Z2\mathbb{Z}_2\times\mathbb{Z}_2 symmetry of the AKLT state directly affords this speed-up over previously known preparation methods. To demonstrate the practical advantage of measurement-assisted preparation on noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices, we carry out our protocol on an IBM Quantum processor. We measure both the string order and entanglement spectrum of prepared AKLT chains and, employing these as metrics, find improved results over the known (purely unitary) sequential preparation approach. We conclude with a demonstration of quantum teleportation using the AKLT state prepared by our measurement-assisted scheme. This work thus serves to provide an efficient strategy to prepare a specific resource in the form of the AKLT state and, more broadly, experimentally demonstrates the possibility for realizable improvement in state preparation afforded by measurement-based circuit depth reduction strategies on NISQ-era devices.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures. Supplemental Material: 13 pages, 11 figure

    Leveraging Hamiltonian Simulation Techniques to Compile Operations on Bosonic Devices

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    Circuit QED enables the combined use of qubits and oscillator modes. Despite a variety of available gate sets, many hybrid qubit-boson (i.e., oscillator) operations are realizable only through optimal control theory (OCT) which is oftentimes intractable and uninterpretable. We introduce an analytic approach with rigorously proven error bounds for realizing specific classes of operations via two matrix product formulas commonly used in Hamiltonian simulation, the Lie--Trotter and Baker--Campbell--Hausdorff product formulas. We show how this technique can be used to realize a number of operations of interest, including polynomials of annihilation and creation operators, i.e., apa†qa^p {a^\dagger}^q for integer p,qp, q. We show examples of this paradigm including: obtaining universal control within a subspace of the entire Fock space of an oscillator, state preparation of a fixed photon number in the cavity, simulation of the Jaynes--Cummings Hamiltonian, simulation of the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect and more. This work demonstrates how techniques from Hamiltonian simulation can be applied to better control hybrid boson-qubit devices.Comment: 48 pages, 5 figure

    Bosonic Qiskit

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    The practical benefits of hybrid quantum information processing hardware that contains continuous-variable objects (bosonic modes such as mechanical or electromagnetic oscillators) in addition to traditional (discrete-variable) qubits have recently been demonstrated by experiments with bosonic codes that reach the break-even point for quantum error correction and by efficient Gaussian boson sampling simulation of the Franck-Condon spectra of triatomic molecules that is well beyond the capabilities of current qubit-only hardware. The goal of this Co-design Center for Quantum Advantage (C2QA) project is to develop an instruction set architecture (ISA) for hybrid qubit/bosonic mode systems that contains an inventory of the fundamental operations and measurements that are possible in such hardware. The corresponding abstract machine model (AMM) would also contain a description of the appropriate error models associated with the gates, measurements and time evolution of the hardware. This information has been implemented as an extension of Qiskit. Qiskit is an opensource software development toolkit (SDK) for simulating the quantum state of a quantum circuit on a system with Python 3.7+ and for running the same circuits on prototype hardware within the IBM Quantum Lab. We introduce the Bosonic Qiskit software to enable the simulation of hybrid qubit/bosonic systems using the existing Qiskit software development kit. This implementation can be used for simulating new hybrid systems, verifying proposed physical systems, and modeling systems larger than can currently be constructed. We also cover tutorials and example use cases included within the software to study Jaynes- Cummings models, bosonic Hubbard models, plotting Wigner functions and animations, and calculating maximum likelihood estimations using Wigner functions

    Observation of a finite-energy phase transition in a one-dimensional quantum simulator

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    One of the most striking many-body phenomena in nature is the sudden change of macroscopic properties as the temperature or energy reaches a critical value. Such equilibrium transitions have been predicted and observed in two and three spatial dimensions, but have long been thought not to exist in one-dimensional (1D) systems. Fifty years ago, Dyson and Thouless pointed out that a phase transition in 1D can occur in the presence of long-range interactions, but an experimental realization has so far not been achieved due to the requirement to both prepare equilibrium states and realize sufficiently long-range interactions. Here we report on the first experimental demonstration of a finite-energy phase transition in 1D. We use the simple observation that finite-energy states can be prepared by time-evolving product initial states and letting them thermalize under the dynamics of a many-body Hamiltonian. By preparing initial states with different energies in a 1D trapped-ion quantum simulator, we study the finite-energy phase diagram of a long-range interacting quantum system. We observe a ferromagnetic equilibrium phase transition as well as a crossover from a low-energy polarized paramagnet to a high-energy unpolarized paramagnet in a system of up to 2323 spins, in excellent agreement with numerical simulations. Our work demonstrates the ability of quantum simulators to realize and study previously inaccessible phases at finite energy density.Comment: 5+9 pages, 4+14 figure
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