17 research outputs found

    Stage structure of <i>Lupinus tidestromii</i> in three successional microhabitats at Abbotts Lagoon.

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    <p>Stacked bars indicate the proportion of <i>Lupinus tidestromii</i> individuals in each of three stage classes (seedling, non-reproductive, and reproductive) found in each of three successional microhabitats at Abbotts Lagoon. Individuals were pooled across plots within each of the three habitat types. Within 145 vegetation plots, there were 198 plants in 22 early plots, 382 plants in 98 mid plots, and 31 plants in 25 late plots; in total, 109 seedlings, 64 non-reproductive plants, and 438 adult plants were found.</p

    Population growth rate of <i>Lupinus tidestromii</i> in different successional microhabitats.

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    <p>Deterministic matrix model projections of population growth rate (Ξ») for <i>Lupinus tidestromii</i> at Abbotts Lagoon are higher in early microhabitats in 2010 and 2011. We present observed values and 95% confidence intervals from 1,000 bootstrap estimates.</p

    Appendix A. Estimates of vital rates and ambient consumption for three study populations of Lupinus tidestromii at Point Reyes National Seashore.

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    Estimates of vital rates and ambient consumption for three study populations of Lupinus tidestromii at Point Reyes National Seashore

    Early Successional Microhabitats Allow the Persistence of Endangered Plants in Coastal Sand Dunes

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    <div><p>Many species are adapted to disturbance and occur within dynamic, mosaic landscapes that contain early and late successional microhabitats. Human modification of disturbance regimes alters the availability of microhabitats and may affect the viability of species in these ecosystems. Because restoring historical disturbance regimes is typically expensive and requires action at large spatial scales, such restoration projects must be justified by linking the persistence of species with successional microhabitats. Coastal sand dune ecosystems worldwide are characterized by their endemic biodiversity and frequent disturbance. Dune-stabilizing invasive plants alter successional dynamics and may threaten species in these ecosystems. We examined the distribution and population dynamics of two federally endangered plant species, the annual <i>Layia carnosa</i> and the perennial <i>Lupinus tidestromii</i>, within a dune ecosystem in northern California, USA. We parameterized a matrix population model for <i>L</i>. <i>tidestromii</i> and examined the magnitude by which the successional stage of the habitat (early or late) influenced population dynamics. Both species had higher frequencies and <i>L</i>. <i>tidestromii</i> had higher frequency of seedlings in early successional habitats. <i>Lupinus tidestromii</i> plants in early successional microhabitats had higher projected rates of population growth than those associated with stabilized, late successional habitats, due primarily to higher rates of recruitment in early successional microhabitats. These results support the idea that restoration of disturbance is critical in historically dynamic landscapes. Our results suggest that large-scale restorations are necessary to allow persistence of the endemic plant species that characterize these ecosystems.</p></div

    Life table response experiment for <i>Lupinus tidestromii</i> populations in early versus late successional microhabitats at Abbotts Lagoon.

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    <p>Results are shown separately for year 2010–2011 and 2011–2012. Key to abbreviations: SB2, seeds in the seed bank that will germinate in two years; SB1, seeds in the seed bank that will germinate in one year; SL, seedling; NR, non-reproductive; REP, reproductive.</p><p>Life table response experiment for <i>Lupinus tidestromii</i> populations in early versus late successional microhabitats at Abbotts Lagoon.</p

    Average transition matrices (with 95% bootstrapped confidence intervals and sample sizes for growth, survival, and regression transitions) for <i>Lupinus tidestromii</i> in early and late successional microhabitat at Abbotts Lagoon.

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    <p>Key to abbreviations: SB2, seeds in the seed bank that will germinate in two years; SB1, seeds in the seed bank that will germinate in one year; SL, seedling; NR, non-reproductive; REP, reproductive.</p><p>Average transition matrices (with 95% bootstrapped confidence intervals and sample sizes for growth, survival, and regression transitions) for <i>Lupinus tidestromii</i> in early and late successional microhabitat at Abbotts Lagoon.</p

    Vegetation community composition of successional microhabitats at Abbotts Lagoon.

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    <p>Non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination plots of community composition in two-dimensional space. Each point represents the composition of herbaceous plants in a site in multidimensional space, and the distance between any two points represents the difference between those two sites according to a modified Raup-Crick metric. Sites that are closer together are more similar in community composition. Open triangles represent the early successional sites, gray circles represent mid successional sites and gray squares represent late successional sites. Lines represent the minimum convex hulls around the data.</p

    Appendix A. Raw data and revised density-dependent functions for rosette survivorship and adult fertility.

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    Raw data and revised density-dependent functions for rosette survivorship and adult fertility

    Appendix B. Transition matrices and elasticity matrices for all years and all populations.

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    Transition matrices and elasticity matrices for all years and all populations