34 research outputs found


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    Abstract At the present time, a lot of researchs and treatments have been carried out by experts to minimize the bad effects due to erosion and sedimentation, including the application of groin. Beach structure of the groyne generally used on the Indonesia beaches is groin solid model (impermeable) in which no water can pass the groin. The various types, configuration, material, and height of groin have been applied in Aceh. One of the types is porous zig-zag type groin (gropozag). This type had been tested both as physical model in the laboratory and numerical model. However, the performance application in the field had been rarely carried out. This paper aims to determine the effect of the gropozag application on the coastline changes in the Neuheun Beach. The groin was made of cubes arranged in a zigzag pattern. The size of a unit cube was 1m x 1m x1m with several holes on either side. The upper side was open and the bottom side was completely closed without any holes. Several cube units were assembled into a single groyne series and placed perpendicular to the coast. The observation carried out was without gropozag condition year 2017 and after gropozag installation tear 2019. Output of the research showed that the Gropozag application affected the coastline changes in the left and right area of the Gropozag. The erosion carried out in the left side of the gropozag which was affected by the waves from northeast was higher than the right side of the gropozag. Keywords: coastline change, sedimentation, erosion, groin, gropoza


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    Abstrak PPI di desa Meunasah Keudee kecamatan Mesjid Raya kabupaten Aceh Besar sejak pembangunannya tahun 2013 sampai saat ini belum tersedia fasilitas air bersih yang dibutuhkan nelayan saat pendaratan. Kebutuhan air untuk membersihkan diri (sanitasi), mencuci bagian dalam kapal, dan mencuci hasil tangkapan sulit diperoleh dan sangat minim. Akibat dari keterbatasan tersebut para nelayan harus membeli air bersih melalui depot penjualan yang datang khusus saat kapal mendarat. Hal ini tentu saja cukup memberatkan nelayan dan mengurangi hasil pendapatan mereka. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah penyediaan air bersih dengan menerapkan teknologi tepat guna berupa pemanenan air hujan (PAH) dari atap salah satu bangunan PPI yang ada dan ditampung ke tandon air berkapasitas 1000l. Dari hasil diskusi dan musyawarah informal dengan Perangkat Desa disepakati, tidak hanya menggunakan talang air sebagai pemanen air hujan tetapi juga dilengkapi sumur dangkal. Sehingga kekurangan air bila musim kemarau dapat diatasi. Kata kunci: pemanenan air hujan (PAH), tandon air, sumur dangkal, teknologi tepat guna.  Abstract PPI located at Meunasah Keudee Village, Mesjid Raya District, Aceh Besar Regency, since its construction in 2013 has not yet provided clean water facilities needed by fishermen when their ships landing. The need of water for sanitation is difficult to obtain and quite scarce. As a result, they have to buy water that comes specifically when the ship lands. This of course is quite burdensome for fishermen and reduces their income. The purpose of this activity is the provision of clean water by applying appropriate technology in the form of rainwater harvesting (PAH) from the roof of one of the existing PPI buildings and accommodated into a water tank with a capacity of 1000l. After informal discussion with the Village Head and Panglima Laot, it was agreed that both gutters and shallow well are used to fillup the tank. Hence the lack of water during the dry season can be overcome. Keywords: rainwater harvesting (PAH), water tanndon, shallow wells, appropriate technolog

    PERSEPSI MASYARAKAT TERHADAP FUNGSI HUTAN MANGROVE DALAM UPAYA PENGURANGAN RISIKO BENCANA (Studi Kasus Lokasi Penelitian di Gampong Lamteh Kabupaten Aceh Besar dan Gampong Pande Kota Banda Aceh)

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    This thesis discusses the perception of society on the function of mangrove forest in the effort of disaster risk reduction. Perception is an internal process that allows us to face the environment, so the impact of disasters can be minimized. This research uses both qualitative and quantitative methods. Sources of data in this study consisted of primary data (field research) and secondary data (library research). The results of data analysis describe the perception of the community on the function of mangrove forest in the effort of disaster risk reduction from Gampong Pande Kota Banda Aceh and Gampong Lamteh, Aceh Besar District, with the number of respondents as many as 50 people. Community knowledge about the function of mangrove forest is very good. The community motivation of Gampong Lamteh in the management of Mangrove Forest area is good, while the people of Gampong Pande are very good. With a high level of motivation will affect the attitude and encourage the community to participate in maintaining and preserving the mangrove forest, this is visible from the attitude of both community of gampong to the conservation of mangrove forest which is very good, this means that both community of gampong involved in efforts to maintain and preserve the mangrove forest. Thus, people in Gampong Lamteh and Gampong Pande have a perception that mangrove forests are a common property so they feel entitled and responsible in managing and maintaining the sustainability of mangrove forests. The level of public perception of the mangrove forestsfunction is in the category of good and very good. The community understands that mangrove forest has many functions (ie compound function) as eco-tourism / ecotourism (social function), preventing flood / erosion (ecological function), place of income (economic function), and other functions

    Analysis of Landslide Hazards Area Using Geographic Information System in Gayo Lues District

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    Given the landslide hazards in Gayo Lues Regency are scattered in all sub-districts with various characteristics that influence them, and various parameters that make the vulnerability of landslides increasingly high, and have an impact on the socio-economic and spatial pattern of the district. The research objective is to identify and map the characteristics of landslides, the level of vulnerability. The data of this study are primary and secondary data at the landslide point. The results showed that the dominant type of landslide occurred was the flow of ragged material, rotation and translation with a cause analysis in the form of trigger factors and controllers and the occurrence of landslide repetition in several areas with the result of identifying the characteristics of the threat of landslides


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    Abstract: The earthquake that occurred on July 2nd, 2013 is the base of background on this study. The methodology used in this research is qualitative methods and techniques is made by the method of weighing and scoring of the parameters analyzed, whereas data obtained a secondary data collected from various sources such as government and other organizations. In conducting the study area mapping earthquake risk index takes some analysis to produce a map of earthquake risk. Index of threats are analyzed to obtain the map of threat, vulnerability index to get a map of vulnerability, and capacity indices to obtain the map capacity. The three indexes continued analysis by overlaying process analysis using ArcGIS software. Raster calculator process is then performed to produce a map of earthquake risk. From the analysis, the result for the earthquake risk maps for the districts of Aceh Central region shows an area of 178.541 ha (37.69%) identified with moderate risk and covering 257.975 hectares (54.46%) identified with high risk. There is an area of 40.094 hectares (7.83%) were not affected or the area is very low on the total area of Central Aceh district..Keywords : threats, vulnerabilities, capacities, risks, ArcGIS, Central AcehAbstrak: Gempa bumi yang terjadi pada tanggal 2 Juli 2013 menjadi latar belakang dilakukannya penelitian ini. Metodelogi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dan teknik yang dilakukan yaitu dengan metode pembobotan dan skoring terhadap parameter-parameter yang dianalisis, sedangkan data yang diperoleh merupakan data sekunder yang dikumpulkan dari berbagai sumber baik pemerintahan maupun organisasi lainnya. Dalam melakukan kajian pemetaaan kawasan risiko gempa bumi dibutuhkan beberapa analisis indeks agar menghasilkan peta risiko gempa bumi. Indeks yang dianalisis yaitu indeks ancaman untuk mendapatkan peta ancaman, indeks kerentanan untuk mendapatkan peta kerentanan, dan indeks kapasitas untuk mendapatkan peta kapasitas. Ketiga indeks tersebut dilakukan analisis lanjutan dengan proses tumpang susun analisis dengan menggunakan software Arcgis. Selanjutnya dilakukan proses raster calculator agar menghasilkan peta risiko bencana gempa bumi. Dari analisis yang dilakukan, diperoleh peta risiko gempa bumi untuk kawasan kabupaten Aceh tengah menunjukkan seluas 178.541 hektar (37,69 %) teridentifikasi dengan risiko sedang dan seluas 257.975 hektar (54,46 %) teridentifikasi dengan risiko tinggi. Terdapat seluas 40.094 hektar (7,83 %) area yang tidak terdampak atau sangat rendah dari total luas keseluruhan kabupaten Aceh Tengah.Kata kunci : ancaman, kerentanan, kapasitas, risiko, Arcgis, Aceh Tenga

    Analysis of the Hydraulic Jump Characteristics in a Stilling Basin to Avoid Dam Failure

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    Flooding may occur due to dam failure at downstream of the spillway. Stilling basin of the spillway plays an important role in reducing turbulence generated by hydraulic jumps. It can avoid flooding and local scouring as well. Therefore, this study aims to analyze hydraulic jump characteristics experimentally. Two series of structures namely initial (S0) and final (S1) were tested. The S0 model is the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) III type, while S1 is set the adverse slope of 1:2 at the downstream and lowering the bottom elevation of the channel by 4 m. Measurements were taken on the length of hydraulic jumps, water level and high speed before-after hydraulic jumps at various return periods discharges (Q) of 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 and 1000 years. It is found that at S1, the jump is submerged, causing the relative hydraulic jump height (y2-y1)/y1 to be 40-90% higher than S0. Furthermore, the compression of more than 50% of the hydraulic jump length ratio (Lj/y2) was indicated at S1. In addition, the energy dissipation efficiency (εt) obtained for each discharge at S1 ranged from 58-84% (good absorption). On the other hand, at S0, the εt produced was around 70-89% (Q2-Q50) and 45% (Q100 and Q1000). It can be concluded that the modification of USBR III can reduce the vulnerability of the bottom and downstream parts of the stilling basin. It is expected that the potential flood disaster due to the stilling basin failure of the dam can be eliminated. These results may be used as recommendation to the disaster management strategies, such as improving dam safety guidelines, informing emergency response plans, or guiding infrastructure design to withstand hydraulic forces

    Kajian Prioritas Penanganan Sistem Drainase Kota Sabang - Propinsi Aceh

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    Kota Sabang merupakan salah satu tujuan wisata di Provinsi Aceh dan berkepentingan untuk menjaga kenyamanan wilayahnya dari banjir genangan. Namun saat ini Kota Sabang belum memilikisistem drainase yang baik dan menyeluruh dan masih sering dilanda banjir. Wilayahnya yang berupa pegunungan, perbukitan, dan sedikit dataran, menyebabkan sistem drainase di Sabang menjadi unik dankhusus. Sesuai dengan Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah (RTRW) Kota Sabang Tahun 2012-2017, perlu segera meningkatkan fungsi sarana dan prasarana drainase. Namun karena keterbatasan anggaran daerah maka perlu dilakukan penentuan prioritas penanganan sistem drainase Kota Sabang selama 20 tahun mendatang. Penentuan prioritas penanganan sistem sistem drainase perkotaan Kota Sabang berdasarkan aspek fisik, demografi, dan lingkungan sesuai hasil survey dan analisis terhadap data sekunder. Pemilihan prioritas daerah layanan dilakukan dengan  metode weighted average. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dari ketiga faktor yang dipaparkan diatas, dapat dilihat bahwa prioritas penanganan SubDAS untuk jangkapendek pada  SubDAS Anoi Itam, SubDAS Krueng Balohan dan subDAS Pria Laot. Jangka menengah pada SubDAS Keunekai, SubDAS Ceunohot, SubDAS Aneuk Laot, SubDAS Paya Seunara. Dan jangka panjang pada SubDAS Ceuhum, SubDAS Ujung Bau, SubDAS Gua Sarang, SubDAS Teupin Kareung, dan SubDAS Iboih