190 research outputs found

    PhD forum: extracting similar patterns of behavior with a network of binary sensors

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    The aging population is continuously growing and this results in increasing the demands for using technologies to help to manage the rapidly growing sector of the elderly population. To contribute in this effort, we propose a method that can find similar patterns of behavior for extended durations. Our method uses motion sensors as a privacy-aware alternative to cameras. We compute three initial parameters to extract similar patterns of behavior: (1) movement in spot; (2) movement between rooms; and (3) movement within rooms. The three parameters demonstrate good similarity indicators for finding patterns of behavior between each pair of days

    Discovering human activities from binary data in smart homes

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    With the rapid development in sensing technology, data mining, and machine learning fields for human health monitoring, it became possible to enable monitoring of personal motion and vital signs in a manner that minimizes the disruption of an individual’s daily routine and assist individuals with difficulties to live independently at home. A primary difficulty that researchers confront is acquiring an adequate amount of labeled data for model training and validation purposes. Therefore, activity discovery handles the problem that activity labels are not available using approaches based on sequence mining and clustering. In this paper, we introduce an unsupervised method for discovering activities from a network of motion detectors in a smart home setting. First, we present an intra-day clustering algorithm to find frequent sequential patterns within a day. As a second step, we present an inter-day clustering algorithm to find the common frequent patterns between days. Furthermore, we refine the patterns to have more compressed and defined cluster characterizations. Finally, we track the occurrences of various regular routines to monitor the functional health in an individual’s patterns and lifestyle. We evaluate our methods on two public data sets captured in real-life settings from two apartments during seven-month and three-month periods

    Detection of visitors in elderly care using a low-resolution visual sensor network

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    Loneliness is a common condition associated with aging and comes with extreme health consequences including decline in physical and mental health, increased mortality and poor living conditions. Detecting and assisting lonely persons is therefore important-especially in the home environment. The current studies analyse the Activities of Daily Living (ADL) usually with the focus on persons living alone, e.g., to detect health deterioration. However, this type of data analysis relies on the assumption of a single person being analysed, and the ADL data analysis becomes less reliable without assessing socialization in seniors for health state assessment and intervention. In this paper, we propose a network of cheap low-resolution visual sensors for the detection of visitors. The visitor analysis starts by visual feature extraction based on foreground/background detection and morphological operations to track the motion patterns in each visual sensor. Then, we utilize the features of the visual sensors to build a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) for the actual detection. Finally, a rule-based classifier is used to compute the number and the duration of visits. We evaluate our framework on a real-life dataset of ten months. The results show a promising visit detection performance when compared to ground truth

    Out-of-home activity analysis using a low-resolution visual sensor

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    Loneliness and social isolation are probably the most prevalent psychosocial problems related to aging. One critical component in assessing social isolation in an unobtrusive manner is to measure the out-of-home activity levels, as social isolation often goes along with decreased physical activity, decreased motoric functioning, and a decline in activities of daily living, all of which may lead to a reduction in the amount of time spent out-of-home. In this work, we propose to use a single visual sensor for detecting out-of-home activity. The visual sensor has a very low spatial resolution (900 pixels), which is a key feature to ensure a cheap technology and to maintain the user’s privacy. Firstly, the visual sensor is installed in a top view setup at the door entrance. Secondly, a correlation-based foreground detection method is used to extract the foreground. Thirdly, an Extra Trees Classifier (ETC) is trained to classify the directionality of the person (in/out) based on the motion of the foreground pixels. Due to the nature of variability of the out-of-home activity, the relative frequency of the directionality (in/out) is measured over a window of 3 seconds to determine the final result. We installed our system in 9 different service flats in the UK, Belgium and France where the same ETC model is used. We evaluate our method on video sequences captured in real-life environments from the different setups, where the persons’ out-of-home routines are recorded. The results show that our approach of detecting out-of-home activity achieves an accuracy of 91.30%

    Behavior analysis for aging-in-place using similarity heatmaps

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    The demand for healthcare services for an increasing population of older adults is faced with the shortage of skilled caregivers and a constant increase in healthcare costs. In addition, the strong preference of the elderly to live independently has been driving much research on "ambient-assisted living" (AAL) systems to support aging-in-place. In this paper, we propose to employ a low-resolution image sensor network for behavior analysis of a home occupant. A network of 10 low-resolution cameras (30x30 pixels) is installed in a service flat of an elderly, based on which the user's mobility tracks are extracted using a maximum likelihood tracker. We propose a novel measure to find similar patterns of behavior between each pair of days from the user's detected positions, based on heatmaps and Earth mover's distance (EMD). Then, we use an exemplar-based approach to identify sleeping, eating, and sitting activities, and walking patterns of the elderly user for two weeks of real-life recordings. The proposed system achieves an overall accuracy of about 94%

    A Behaviour Monitoring System (BMS) for Ambient Assisted Living

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    Unusual changes in the regular daily mobility routine of an elderly person at home can be an indicator or early symptom of developing health problems. Sensor technology can be utilised to complement the traditional healthcare systems to gain a more detailed view of the daily mobility of a person at home when performing everyday tasks. We hypothesise that data collected from low-cost sensors such as presence and occupancy sensors can be analysed to provide insights on the daily mobility habits of the elderly living alone at home and to detect routine changes. We validate this hypothesis by designing a system that automatically learns the daily room-to-room transitions and permanence habits in each room at each time of the day and generates alarm notifications when deviations are detected. We present an algorithm to process the sensors' data streams and compute sensor-driven features that describe the daily mobility routine of the elderly as part of the developed Behaviour Monitoring System (BMS). We are able to achieve low detection delay with confirmation time that is high enough to convey the detection of a set of common abnormal situations. We illustrate and evaluate BMS with synthetic data, generated by a developed data generator that was designed to mimic different user's mobility profiles at home, and also with a real-life dataset collected from prior research work. Results indicate BMS detects several mobility changes that can be symptoms of common health problems. The proposed system is a useful approach for learning the mobility habits at the home environment, with the potential to detect behaviour changes that occur due to health problems, and therefore, motivating progress toward behaviour monitoring and elder's care.This work has been supported by COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effect of operating variables on hydrogenation of cottonseed oil /

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    Discovering activity patterns in office environment using a network of low-resolution visual sensors

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    Understanding activity patterns in office environments is important in order to increase workers’ comfort and productivity. This paper proposes an automated system for discovering activity patterns of multiple persons in a work environment using a network of cheap low-resolution visual sensors (900 pixels). Firstly, the users’ locations are obtained from a robust people tracker based on recursive maximum likelihood principles. Secondly, based on the users’ mobility tracks, the high density positions are found using a bivariate kernel density estimation. Then, the hotspots are detected using a confidence region estimation. Thirdly, we analyze the individual’s tracks to find the starting and ending hotspots. The starting and ending hotspots form an observation sequence, where the user’s presence and absence are detected using three powerful Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGMs). We describe two approaches to identify the user’s status: a single model approach and a two-model mining approach. We evaluate both approaches on video sequences captured in a real work environment, where the persons’ daily routines are recorded over 5 months. We show how the second approach achieves a better performance than the first approach. Routines dominating the entire group’s activities are identified with a methodology based on the Latent Dirichlet Allocation topic model. We also detect routines which are characteristic of persons. More specifically, we perform various analysis to determine regions with high variations, which may correspond to specific events