7 research outputs found

    A general framework for hepatic iron overload quantification using MRI

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been considered for the quantification of iron overload in the liver. Iron overload was found to correlate with T2* measurement using T2* weighted images. In this work, we address the problem of iron overload estimation in the liver using MRI. We propose a general framework for all liver models proposed in the literature. The iron overload estimation task is then formulated as a minimization problem, and suitable regularization functions are assigned to the unknown model parameters. Subsequently, an alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) is used to estimate these unknown parameters. Three different models are derived, tested and compared; namely the single exponential (SEXP), the bi-exponential (BiEXP), and the exponential plus constant (CEXP). Simulations conducted using synthetic datasets indicate good correlation between estimated and ground truth T2* for all models. Moreover, the algorithms are evaluated using MRI scans of nine patients of different iron concentrations, using a 3-Tesla MRI scanner. The estimated T2* values of the proposed approaches are found to correlate with those obtained by the MRI scanner console. Moreover, the proposed approaches outperform several existing methods in the literature for iron overload estimation

    Deconvolution and Restoration of Optical Endomicroscopy Images

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    Optical endomicroscopy (OEM) is an emerging technology platform with preclinical and clinical imaging applications. Pulmonary OEM via fibre bundles has the potential to provide in vivo, in situ molecular signatures of disease such as infection and inflammation. However, enhancing the quality of data acquired by this technique for better visualization and subsequent analysis remains a challenging problem. Cross coupling between fiber cores and sparse sampling by imaging fiber bundles are the main reasons for image degradation, and poor detection performance (i.e., inflammation, bacteria, etc.). In this work, we address the problem of deconvolution and restoration of OEM data. We propose a hierarchical Bayesian model to solve this problem and compare three estimation algorithms to exploit the resulting joint posterior distribution. The first method is based on Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods, however, it exhibits a relatively long computational time. The second and third algorithms deal with this issue and are based on a variational Bayes (VB) approach and an alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) algorithm respectively. Results on both synthetic and real datasets illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods for restoration of OEM images

    Bayesian Activity Estimation and Uncertainty Quantification of Spent Nuclear Fuel Using Passive Gamma Emission Tomography

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    In this paper, we address the problem of activity estimation in passive gamma emission tomography (PGET) of spent nuclear fuel. Two different noise models are considered and compared, namely, the isotropic Gaussian and the Poisson noise models. The problem is formulated within a Bayesian framework as a linear inverse problem and prior distributions are assigned to the unknown model parameters. In particular, a Bernoulli-truncated Gaussian prior model is considered to promote sparse pin configurations. A Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method, based on a split and augmented Gibbs sampler, is then used to sample the posterior distribution of the unknown parameters. The proposed algorithm is first validated by simulations conducted using synthetic data, generated using the nominal models. We then consider more realistic data simulated using a bespoke simulator, whose forward model is non-linear and not available analytically. In that case, the linear models used are mis-specified and we analyse their robustness for activity estimation. The results demonstrate superior performance of the proposed approach in estimating the pin activities in different assembly patterns, in addition to being able to quantify their uncertainty measures, in comparison with existing methods

    Bayesian Activity Estimation and Uncertainty Quantification of Spent Nuclear Fuel Using Passive Gamma Emission Tomography

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    In this paper, we address the problem of activity estimation in passive gamma emission tomography (PGET) of spent nuclear fuel. Two different noise models are considered and compared, namely, the isotropic Gaussian and the Poisson noise models. The problem is formulated within a Bayesian framework as a linear inverse problem and prior distributions are assigned to the unknown model parameters. In particular, a Bernoulli-truncated Gaussian prior model is considered to promote sparse pin configurations. A Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method, based on a split and augmented Gibbs sampler, is then used to sample the posterior distribution of the unknown parameters. The proposed algorithm is first validated by simulations conducted using synthetic data, generated using the nominal models. We then consider more realistic data simulated using a bespoke simulator, whose forward model is non-linear and not available analytically. In that case, the linear models used are mis-specified and we analyse their robustness for activity estimation. The results demonstrate superior performance of the proposed approach in estimating the pin activities in different assembly patterns, in addition to being able to quantify their uncertainty measures, in comparison with existing methods

    Deconvolution of Irregularly Subsampled Images

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