26 research outputs found

    Ed.D. Programs as Incubators for Social Justice Leadership

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    A través de sus doce capítulos con autores y autoras de muy diversos contextos, este libro incluye aportaciones vinculadas a los programas educativos que promueven el liderazgo para la justicia social. Las diferentes contribuciones abordan temáticas como el uso de la nueva teoría de liderazgo educativo para promover la justicia social, la definición de problemas para facilitar el cambio o la necesidad de implementar una pedagogía crítica para desarrollar el liderazgo vinculado a la equidad..

    Mental Health and Access to Information in Times of COVID-19: The Role of Social Work

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    The confinements and limited social interactions that have derived from COVID-19 have aggravated the situation of people with previous pathologies. As a result, access to health and its rehabilitation or support resources has been limited and redirected toward online care. People with mental health problems have considerably suffered during the pandemic because, for many of them, accessing different information resources through telematic means proved to be a great difficulty in their everyday lives. This exploratory research work aims to establish which elements have successfully facilitated access to online information for people with mental health problems. This is especially urgent in times of COVID-19 when misinformation has significantly harmed this group. To do so, we followed the communicative methodology and held interviews with two professionals and nine users who participated in the case study. The main results show that, in developing digital communicative competencies in accessing information with this group, individualization of care to overcome barriers, the link with social workers as references of truthful information, and the importance of emotional work and interactions are critical elements

    Emotional and educational accompaniment through dialogic literary gatherings: a volunteer project for families who suffer digital exclusion in the context of COVID-19

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    In order to improve educational conditions of families lacking digital resources during the home lockdown associated with the COVID-19 crisis, a project of educational and emotional support through books featuring Dialogic Literary Gatherings was carried out, with the name “Books that Bring People Together”. We present the main results of the impact of this activity from the point of view of n = 63 volunteers who participated in it. Using Student’s t-test for related samples, the differences in volunteers’ competencies before (pre-test) and after (post-test) the experience were tested, in order to analyze whether the activity had also exerted an impact on these competencies. Moreover, a correlation analysis was applied between the items for evaluating family participation by the volunteers, volunteer skills, and training, with the aim of testing the relationships between those variables as a result of participation in the experience. Results show that families found that accompaniment improved the quality of life of their children, making them feel loved and accompanied. In addition, the family atmosphere was improved, as did the children’s interest in reading. This mode of training led to greater involvement, motivation, and interest, thereby complying with a transversal axis of the process—community participation

    Liderazgo y creación social: una aproximación a las principales aportaciones

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    La conceptualización del liderazgo y la creación social son los ejes funda- mentales de este artículo. Partiendo de la relevancia del liderazgo en las ciencias socia- les, se realiza una revisión de literatura científica sobre liderazgo en empresas, política y movimientos sociales, y organizaciones escolares. Además, se incluyen el concepto de creación social y algunos de los elementos comunes con el liderazgo. La presentación de conceptos y los avances en estos ámbitos sugieren la necesidad de seguir investigando sobre las dinámicas de cambio implícitas en estos conceptos. The conceptualization of leadership and social creation are the fundamental topics explored in this article. The relevance of leadership in the social sciences is the point of departure from which we undertake a review of the scientific literature on leadership in companies, political and social movements, and school organizations. We also include a discussion of the concept of social creation and some of the elements it shares in common with leadership. The presentation of concepts and the advances in these areas suggest the need to continue investigating the dynamics of change implicit in these concepts

    Feminización de la judicatura española

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    La judicatura española está experimentando una transformación importante, y en las últimas promociones las mujeres superan a los hombres. No obstante, hasta fechas muy recientes la mujer ha estado discriminada en el acceso a puestos de máxima responsabilidad, donde su representación es reducida, a pesar de reunir las condiciones requeridas. Previsiblemente, en los próximos años la presencia de la mujer en los órganos de decisión y gestión judicial se habrá incrementado sustancialmente y, como consecuencia de ello, tal vez la justicia sea más eficaz y eficiente. La metodología utilizada es de carácter cuantitativo de tipo descriptivo y analítico, dado que se estudia el aumento creciente de la presencia de mujeres dentro de la carrera judicial española, y se hace un análisis del proceso de feminización de los profesionales de la justicia. Y también de carácter cualitativo, recogiendo sus opiniones sobre este fenómeno y las condiciones de igualdad existentes en la organización judicial española. The Spanish judiciary is undergoing a major transformation, in which women have been gaining prominence, being majority in the latest promotions. However, women have been discriminated in their access to high responsibility positions, in which their representation is low, even though they meet all the requirements. Presumably, in the coming years, the presence of women indecision-making bodies and the judicature''s management will substantially increase. As a result, justice could become more effective and efficient The methodology used was, on the one hand, descriptive and analytic, considering the increasing participation of women in the Spanish judiciary and analyzing the feminization of the judicature professionals; and, on the other, qualitative, collecting their views on this phenomenon and on the existing conditions of equality in the Spanish judicial system

    La formación como variable de calidad del envejecimiento en el empleo en entornos organizacionales tecnificados

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    En el marco de los cambios tecnológicos introducidos en la industria 4.0, el estudio analiza a nivel organizativo las relaciones entre innovación tecnológica, calidad del empleo, formación, posición organizacional y edad de las/os trabajadoras/es. A partir de la observación de un impacto neutral de la introducción de tecnologías avanzadas sobre la mayoría de dimensiones que componen el constructo “calidad del trabajo”, el estudio se basa en un análisis mediante modelos de ecuaciones estructurales realizados utilizando datos de una muestra de 907 empleadas/os de 9 empresas de la industria 4.0 de Aragón. Los resultados de los modelos testados permiten observar que la introducción de nuevas tecnologías puede provocar un decrecimiento de la calidad percibida de la experiencia de trabajo asociada al paso de tiempo, y que la formación atenúa de manera relevante dicho efecto negativo, sobre todo en los entornos menos tecnificados. Within the framework of the technological changes introduced by the Industry 4.0, the study aims to analyse at an organizational level the relationships between technological innovation, job quality, training, organizational position and age of the workers. Starting from the observation of a neutral impact of the introduction of advanced technologies on the majority of dimensions that make up the construct ‘quality of work’, the study is based on an analysis through models of structural equations carried out using data from a sample of 907 employees from 9 companies of Industry 4.0 of Aragon. The results of the tested models allow to observe that the introduction of new technologies can cause a decrease in the perceived quality of the work experience associated with the passage of time, and that training significantly attenuates this negative effect especially in organisational environments relatively less technified

    Exclusionary and Transformative Dimensions: Communicative Analysis Enhancing Solidarity Among Women to Overcome Gender Violence

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    10.1177/1077800414537212Rivalry and lack of solidarity among women, which exist in the social imaginary and are also reproduced in some research, are linked to the perpetuation of gender violence. The analysis of qualitative data collection in research on gender violence is essential to prevent the reproduction of stereotypes and to induce transformation through research. This article is focused on the communicative analysis, which identifies for each category analyzed an exclusionary dimension (that promotes gender violence) and a transformative one (that contributes to preventive socialization of gender violence). Although in our studies we identify rivalry among women as an element of the exclusionary dimension, at the same time, we identify solidarity among women as an element of the transformative dimension. This solidarity breaks with stereotypes of 'natural' female rivalry and stands out as one key element to overcome gender violence