15 research outputs found

    Performance of Oxoid Brilliance™ MRSA medium for detection of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: an in vitro study

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    Oxoid Brilliance™ MRSA was evaluated for its ability to identify methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. A well-defined collection of staphylococci was used (n = 788). After 20 h incubation, the sensitivity was 99.6% and the specificity was 97.3%. This new medium is a highly sensitive method of screening for MRSA

    Evaluation of a fourth-generation latex agglutination test for the identification of Staphylococcus aureus

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     In this study, we evaluated a fourth-generation agglutination assay (Staph Plus; DiaMondiaL[DML]) for the rapid identification of Staphylococcus aureus. First, comparison with three third-generation assays (Slidex Staph Plus, bioMérieux; Staphaurex Plus, Murex Diagnostics; Pastorex Staph-Plus, Sanofi Diagnostics Pasteur) was performed on a predefined strain collection: 265 coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS), 266 methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) and 262 methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) strains (“strain study”). Second, patient material-derived strains (883 CNS, 847 MSSA and 135 MRSA) were tested concurrently with both the DML and Slidex assays (“daily practice study”). In the strain study, the overall sensitivity and specificity of the DML, Slidex, Staphaurex and Pastorex assays were 99.2% and 100%, 98.1% and 100%, 95.2% and 100%, and 98.2% and 98.8%, respectively. Using the respective tests, the result was indeterminate in 0.0%, 0.6%, 0.4% and 1.5% of the strains. Overall, the sensitivity of the DML and Slidex assays were comparable in both sub-studies. However, in MRSA strains, the sensitivity of the DML assay was significantly lower than the Slidex assay. The specificity of the Slidex assay was significantly higher than the DML assay. However, the percentage of indeterminate results was much higher for the Slidex than the DML assay. In conclusion, the presumptive identification of S. aureus by the DML assay proved to be equal to third-generation latex agglutination assays

    Indiana LTAP Road Scholar Core Course #10 Porous Pavement

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    Legal aspects and drainage laws are discussed as well as basic hydrology, structure types, and hydraulic design and sizing

    Impact of remote work on accounting and auditing during Covid-19.

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    Bakalaura darba tēma ir “Attālināta darba ietekme uz grāmatvedības un audita jomām Covid -19 laikā”. Attālinātā darba organizācija tika izmantota arī pirms Covid-19 pandēmijas, taču koronavīruss ir piespiedis attālinātā darba ieviešanu kā obligātu. Attālinātais darbs pašlaik Latvijā ir kļuvis par ikdienu grāmatvedības un audita nozarēm. Šī darba forma pieprasa savu specifiku un liek darbiniekiem pielāgoties jaunajiem apstākļiem, tajā pašā laikā saglabājot gan motivāciju, gan darba kvalitāti. Grāmatvedība un audits, pateicoties digitālu informācijas apstrādes rīkiem, ir viena no nozarēm, kurai sekmīgi veicās pāriet uz darbu attālināti. Ieradumu starpā, kas saglabāsies arī pēc tam, kad pasaule tiks galā ar Covid-19, noteikti būs arī attālinātais darbs. Šī darba mērķis ir, pamatojoties uz teorētiskām atziņām, pieejamās statistiskās informācijas un aptaujas rezultātiem, secināt kā šajās nozarēs darbiniekiem sekmējās ar pāreju uz attālināto darba režīmu. Kādas būs paredzamās tendences attālinātam darbam turpmāk, kā saglabāt produktivitāti, un noskaidrot šķēršļus, noslogojumu un ieguvumus strādājot attālinātā darba režīmā.The topic of the bachelor's thesis is "The impact of remote work on the fields of accounting and auditing during Covid -19". The organization of remote work was also used before the Covid-19 pandemic, but the coronavirus has forced the introduction of work from home as mandatory. Remote work has now become an everyday in accounting and auditing industry in Latvia. This form of work requires its own specifics and forces employees to adapt to new conditions, while maintaining both motivation and quality of work. Accounting and auditing, thanks to digital information processing tools, is one of the industries that has succeeded in moving to work remotely. One of the habits that will remain after the world is dealing with Covid-19 will certainly be work from home. The aim of this work is to conclude, based on theoretical findings, available statistical information and survey results, how employees in these sectors progressed with the transition to remote work mode. What are the expected trends for working from home in the future, how to maintain productivity, and identify barriers, workloads and benefits of remote work

    Indiana LTAP Road Scholar Core Course #10 Culvert Drainage

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    Legal aspects and drainage laws are discussed as well as basic hydrology, structure types, and hydraulic design and sizing

    Impact of remote work on accounting and auditing during Covid-19.

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    Bakalaura darba tēma ir “Attālināta darba ietekme uz grāmatvedības un audita jomām Covid -19 laikā”. Attālinātā darba organizācija tika izmantota arī pirms Covid-19 pandēmijas, taču koronavīruss ir piespiedis attālinātā darba ieviešanu kā obligātu. Attālinātais darbs pašlaik Latvijā ir kļuvis par ikdienu grāmatvedības un audita nozarēm. Šī darba forma pieprasa savu specifiku un liek darbiniekiem pielāgoties jaunajiem apstākļiem, tajā pašā laikā saglabājot gan motivāciju, gan darba kvalitāti. Grāmatvedība un audits, pateicoties digitālu informācijas apstrādes rīkiem, ir viena no nozarēm, kurai sekmīgi veicās pāriet uz darbu attālināti. Ieradumu starpā, kas saglabāsies arī pēc tam, kad pasaule tiks galā ar Covid-19, noteikti būs arī attālinātais darbs. Šī darba mērķis ir, pamatojoties uz teorētiskām atziņām, pieejamās statistiskās informācijas un aptaujas rezultātiem, secināt kā šajās nozarēs darbiniekiem sekmējās ar pāreju uz attālināto darba režīmu. Kādas būs paredzamās tendences attālinātam darbam turpmāk, kā saglabāt produktivitāti, un noskaidrot šķēršļus, noslogojumu un ieguvumus strādājot attālinātā darba režīmā.The topic of the bachelor's thesis is "The impact of remote work on the fields of accounting and auditing during Covid -19". The organization of remote work was also used before the Covid-19 pandemic, but the coronavirus has forced the introduction of work from home as mandatory. Remote work has now become an everyday in accounting and auditing industry in Latvia. This form of work requires its own specifics and forces employees to adapt to new conditions, while maintaining both motivation and quality of work. Accounting and auditing, thanks to digital information processing tools, is one of the industries that has succeeded in moving to work remotely. One of the habits that will remain after the world is dealing with Covid-19 will certainly be work from home. The aim of this work is to conclude, based on theoretical findings, available statistical information and survey results, how employees in these sectors progressed with the transition to remote work mode. What are the expected trends for working from home in the future, how to maintain productivity, and identify barriers, workloads and benefits of remote work

    Uit tante Jo's snippermand /

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    1e dr. Nederlandse uitg.: Amsterdam : Leendertz, 1885.Datering: niet in Brinkman, schatting gebaseerd op 2e druk uit 1902.Op omslag: L.M. Alcott.Met 1 pagina uitgeversreclame

    Studies on the transmission of Pasteurellaceae in experimental rats

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    Bij de uitvoering van dierproeven worden vaak preventieve hygienische maatregelen genomen om besmettingen die het resultaat van proeven ongunstig kunnen be-invloeden, te weren. Weinig inzicht bestaat in de werkzaamheid van deze maatregelen. De verspreiding van Pasteurellaceae onder groepen ratten in experimenten in relatie tot de genomen maatregelen werd onderzocht. Het onderzoek werd uitgevoerd in 2 blokken van het nieuwe dierexperimenteel gebouw D6. Geconcludeerd wordt dat het toepassen van strikte omkleed-procedures bij het verlaten en binnengaan van dierkamers, de overdracht van besmettingen tussen ratten in verschillende kamers duidelijk kan beperken. Binnen een blok ontstaan daardoor kleinere microbiologische eenheden ('barrieres binnen een barriere'). Aanwijzingen werden voorts verkregen voor het bestaan van een (of meer) 'onbekende' bron(nen) van besmetting met Pasteurellaceae. Opvallend was tenslotte het soms sterk kooigebonden voorkomen van besmetting met Pasteurellaceae binnen een dierkamer. Het verkleinen van de microbiologische eenheid tot op het niveau van de dierkamer en de ongelijkmatige verdeling van infecties binnen een dierkamer maakt een sterke toename van het aantal verklikkerdieren voor monitoring van dierexperimenten noodzakelijk.Studies using experimental animals are usually performed under hygienic regimens aimed to prevent infection by microorganisms that might influence the outcome of the studies. Insight into the factors contributing to the spread of various pathogenic microorganisms is however limited. The study on the effect of preventive measures on the spread of Pasteurellaceae infections in groups of rats was performed in 2 blocks of the new experimental animal facility. It was concluded that a rigorous regimen of changing clothes upon leaving and entering animal rooms clearly limits the transmission of infections between rats in different rooms. As a result within a block small microbiological units are created ('barriers within a barrier'). The study also revealed the existence of hitherto unknown sources of Pasteurellaceae contamination. In some of the Pasteurellaceae infected groups of rats it showed that the infection was limited to rats in some cages only. The reduction of the microbiological unit onto the level of the animal room and the uneven spread of infection within an animal room leads to a substantial increase in the number of sentinel animals that will be needed for proper monitoring of animal experiments.RIV

    Evaluation of the DiversiLab Typing Method in a Multicenter Study Assessing Horizontal Spread of Highly Resistant Gram-Negative Rods▿

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    The worldwide prevalence of highly resistant Gram-negative rods (HR-GNR) is increasing rapidly. Reliable typing methods are needed to detect and control outbreaks and to monitor the effectiveness of infection control programs in endemic situations. In this study, we investigated the performance of the DiversiLab typing method in comparison with the amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) typing method. Six hundred fifty-three HR-GNR isolates, which were obtained during a 6-month prospective survey in 18 Dutch hospitals, were typed by AFLP and DiversiLab. Subsequently, the sensitivity and specificity of DiversiLab were calculated, using AFLP as the reference method. In addition, results were compared by means of epidemiological linkage, and Cohen's kappa for agreement was calculated. DiversiLab considered significantly more isolates (275) to belong to a cluster than AFLP (198) (P < 0.001). In direct comparison, the sensitivity was 83.8%, and the specificity was 78.6%. When epidemiological linkage was included in the analysis, DiversiLab considered eight isolates as secondary cases, which were considered unique in AFLP. Only two secondary cases, according to AFLP, were missed by DiversiLab. This results in a kappa for agreement of 0.985. In daily practice, a typing method has to be used in combination with epidemiological information. When this was done, DiversiLab was shown to be a reliable method for the typing of HR-GNR. This, in combination with the ease of use and the speed, makes DiversiLab an appropriate method for screening in routine clinical practice. When a cluster is suspected and the consequences of these findings are substantial, a confirmatory analysis should be performed