75 research outputs found


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    AbstrakPenelitian ini berawal dari kurangnya keantusiasan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran siswa merasa cepat bosan sehingga siswa meminta bermain pada saat pembelajaran berlangsung sedangkan materi yang belum tersampaikan masih banyak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengatahui bagaiman kelayakan media Quiet Book sebagai media pada pembelajaran tematik dikelas IV B dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana respon siswa setelah menggunakan media pemebelajaran Quiet Book pada pembelajaran tematik dikelas IV B. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SD Negeri Karundang 2 dengan subjek penelitian di kelas IV B dengan 20 siswa pada uji angket respon siswa. Hasil uji validasi oleh para ahli terhadap kualitas media Quiet Book yang dikembangkan termasuk dalam kriteria sangat layak dengan presentase sebesar 85,4%. Hasil uji angket respon siswa terhadap media Quiet Book mendapatkan kriteria sangat setuju dengan persentase sebesar 95%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa media Quiet Book pada pembelajaran tematik dapat dikatakan sangat layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran tematik. Kata Kunci: Media Quiet Book, Pembelajaran tematik.AbstractThis research starts from the lack of enthusiasm of students in the learning process students feel bored quickly so students ask to play while learning takes place while the material that has not been delivered is still a lot. This study aims to find out how the feasibility of Quiet Book media as a media in thematic learning in class IV B and to find out how students respond after using Quiet Book learning media in thematic learning in class IV B. This research was conducted at Karundang 2 Elementary School with research subjects in class IV B with 20 students on the student response questionnaire test. The results of the validation test by the experts on the quality of the developed Quiet Book media are included in the very feasible criteria with a percentage of 85.4%. The results of the questionnaire test students' responses to the media Quiet Book get criteria strongly agree with a percentage of 95%. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the Quiet Book media on thematic learning can be said to be very feasible to use in thematic learning. Keywords: Quiet Book Media, Thematic Learnin

    Treatment of Hailey-Hailey Disease of the vulva: a retrospective case series

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    Background: Hailey-Hailey disease (familial benign chronic pemphigus) of the vulva is a rare autosomal dominant dermatosis characterized by malformation of desmosomes and bullae, particularly in intertriginous areas. Cases: We reviewed the cases of 5 women followed at a single academic institution over a period of 17 years. Of the 5 patients, 4 carried a diagnosis of Hailey-Hailey at the time of presentation to our institution, and one was diagnosed on biopsy. 3 were members of a family group. Initial treatment of choice was a topical steroid (betamethasone in 3, fluocinonide and hydrocortisone in 1 each), vulvar skin guidelines, tepid soaks, a skin protectant (A&D; ointment, zinc oxide) and additional treatment (crotamiton in 1, clotrimazole in 2, and Polysporin in 1). Final treatment regimens in 3 patients followed long term were zinc oxide/A&D; and betamethasone-clotrimazole ointment in all 3, nystatin-triamcinolone ointment in 2, oral minocycline in 1, oral fluconazole prn in 1, and topical tacrolimus in 1. Treatment courses were complicated by superimposed fungal infections, superimposed bacterial infections, and lichen simplex chronicus flares. These were treated with antifungals, topical clindamycin and metronidazole, and steroid-antifungal bursts, respectively. Three of five patients followed long term achieved successful remission with occasional flares. Discussion: Treatment of Hailey-Hailey disease must be tailored to the individual patient. Adherence to vulvar skin care guidelines is critical for the remission of Hailey-Hailey disease. Treatment is long-term and may be complicated by episodes of fungal and bacterial superinfection and lichen simplex chronicus

    Where It’s at Really Matters: In Situ In Vivo Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Spatially Correlates with Electron Paramagnetic Resonance pO2 Images in Tumors of Living Mice

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    Purpose: Tumor microenvironments show remarkable tumor pO_{2} heterogeneity, as seen in prior EPR pO_{2} images (EPROI). pO_{2} correlation with hypoxia response proteins is frustrated by large rapid pO2 changes with position. Procedures: To overcome this limitation, biopsies stereotactically located in the EPROI were used to explore the relationship between vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF) concentrations in living mouse tumors and the local EPROI pO_{2}. Results: Quantitative ELISA VEGF concentrations correlated (p = 0.0068 to 0.019) with mean pO_{2}, median pO_{2}, and the fraction of voxels in the biopsy volume with pO_{2} less than 3, 6, and 10 Torr. Conclusions: This validates EPROI hypoxic fractions at the molecular level and provides a new paradigm for the assessment of the relationship, in vivo, between hypoxia and hypoxia response proteins. When translated to human subjects, this will enhance understanding of human tumor pathophysiology and cancer response to therapy

    Nesting of the Rook Corvus frugilegus in Warsaw in 2013-2014

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    Radiation oxygen biology with pulse electron paramagnetic resonance imaging in animal tumors

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    The reduced oxygen in tumors (hypoxia) generates radiation resistance and limits tumor control probability (TCP) at radiation doses without significant normal tissue complication. Modern radiation therapy delivery with intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) enables complex, high dose gradient patterns, which avoid sensitive human tissues and organs. EPR oxygen images may allow selection of more resistant parts of a tumor to which to deliver more radiation dose to enhance TCP. EPR O(2) images are obtained using injected narrow line, low relaxation rate trityl spin probes that enable pulse radiofrequency EPR O(2) images of tumors in the legs of mice, rats, and rabbits, the latter exceeding 4 cm in size. Low relaxation rates of trityls have enabled novel T(1), rather than T(2), based oxymetry, which provides near absolute pO(2) imaging. Tomographic image formation and filtered back projection reconstruction are used to generate these images with fixed, linear stepped gradients. Images obtained both with T(2) and T(1) oxymetric images have demonstrated the complex in vivo mechanism explaining the unexpected efficacy of TNFerade, a radiation inducible adenoviral construct to locally produce TNF induced vascular as well as radiation damage [1,2]. The unexpected efficacy of large dose radiation fractions is seen to be due to an interaction between host microvasculature and tumor cells producing a prompt (15 minute) post radiation hypoxia, paralyzing tumor cell repair and sensitizing tumors. Finally, cure of tumors treated to a single 50% control dose shows a significant dependence on EPR O(2) image hypoxic fractions, best shown with the fraction of voxels less than 10 torr (HF10). We show that these O(2) images provide a quantitative basis for measuring tumor and normal tissue response to abnormally low O(2) levels. Measurements of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) production in a specific syngeneic mouse fibrosarcoma , FSa vs. fraction of tissue voxels with pO(2) less than 10 torr produced a slope of 0.14 pgVEGF protein/mg total protein/% HF10. We argue that this quantification may be diagnostic of tumor vs. normal tissue, and it may be etiologic in the development of malignancy
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