23 research outputs found

    Introduction, Feminism Beside Itself Again

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    The relationship between feminism and cultural studies, with particular reference to feminism as a "cultural project".La relation entre le féminisme et les études culturelles, avec un accent particulier sur le féminisme en tant que « projet culturel »

    Disciplining Women : Feminism or Women's Studies

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    In the context of the university's disciplinary organization, this essay analyzes the epistemological and programmatic relationships between women's studies, feminism and deconstruction.Cet essai analyse, dans le cadre de l’organisation des disciplines universitaires, les relations épistmologiques et programmatiques qu’entretiennent les Études féminines et la déconstruction

    Literary Remains

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    Inside a software design team

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    Diferença sexual, direitos e identidade: um debate a partir do pensamento da desconstrução Sexual difference, rights and identity: a debate arising from the poststructuralist theory

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    Este artigo aborda a diferença sexual a partir da análise do filósofo Jacques Derrida e seu diálogo com a filosofia de Heidegger e de Emmanuel Levinas, articulando essa questão com a reivindicação de direitos para as mulheres, pensada como forma de superação da hierarquia de gênero implícita na dualidade masculino/feminino e questionada pelo pensamento da desconstrução. O trabalho procura demonstrar as possibilidades de aliança entre o pensamento da desconstrução e as teorias feministas.<br>The analysis of philosopher Jacques Derrida and his dialog with the philosophy of both Heidegger and Emmanuel Levinas is the starting point for this paper, which presents a discussion about sexual difference, establishing a link between the issues of sexual difference and claim for women's rights as a way to overcome the hierarchy of gender, which is implicit in the feminine/masculine dualism and questioned by deconstruction. This paper attempts to show the possibilities of alliance between deconstruction and feminists theories