224 research outputs found

    Inositol 1,4,5-Trisphosphate Receptors in Hypertension.

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    Chronic hypertension remains a major cause of global mortality and morbidity. It is a complex disease that is the clinical manifestation of multiple genetic, environmental, nutritional, hormonal, and aging-related disorders. Evidence supports a role for vascular aging in the development of hypertension involving an impairment in endothelial function together with an alteration in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) calcium homeostasis leading to increased myogenic tone. Changes in free intracellular calcium levels ([Ca] ) are mediated either by the influx of Ca from the extracellular space or release of Ca from intracellular stores, mainly the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). The influx of extracellular Ca occurs primarily through voltage-gated Ca channels (VGCCs), store-operated Ca channels (SOC), and Ca release-activated channels (CRAC), whereas SR-Ca release occurs through inositol trisphosphate receptor (IPR) and ryanodine receptors (RyRs). IPR-mediated SR-Ca release, in the form of Ca waves, not only contributes to VSMC contraction and regulates VGCC function but is also intimately involved in structural remodeling of resistance arteries in hypertension. This involves a phenotypic switch of VSMCs as well as an alteration of cytoplasmic Ca signaling machinery, a phenomena tightly related to the aging process. Several lines of evidence implicate changes in expression/function levels of IPR isoforms in the development of hypertension, VSMC phenotypic switch, and vascular aging. The present review discusses the current knowledge of these mechanisms in an integrative approach and further suggests potential new targets for hypertension management and treatment.This publication was made possible by an MPP fund (#320133) from the American University of Beirut to AE

    High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Assay for the Simultaneous Determination of Posaconazole and Vincristine in Rat Plasma

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    Purpose. Developing a validated HPLC-DAD method for simultaneous determination of posaconazole (PSZ) and vincristine (VCR) in rat plasma. Methods. PSZ, VCR, and itraconazole (ITZ) were extracted from 200 μL plasma using diethyl ether in the presence of 0.1 M sodium hydroxide solution. The organic layer was evaporated in vacuo and dried residue was reconstituted and injected through HC-C18 (4.6 × 250 mm, 5 μm) column. In the mobile phase, acetonitrile and 0.015 M potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate (30 : 70 to 80 : 20, linear gradient over 7 minutes) pumped at 1.5 mL/min. VCR and PSZ were measured at 220 and 262 nm, respectively. Two Sprague Dawley rats were orally dosed PSZ followed by iv dosing of VCR and serial blood sampling was performed. Results. VCR, PSZ, and ITZ were successfully separated within 11 min. Calibration curves were linear over the range of 50–5000 ng/mL for both drugs. The CV% and % error of the mean were ≤18% and limit of quantitation was 50 ng/mL for both drugs. Rat plasma concentrations of PSZ and VCR were simultaneously measured up to 72 h and their calculated pharmacokinetics parameters were comparable to the literature. Conclusion. The assay was validated as per ICH guidelines and is appropriate for pharmacokinetics drug-drug interaction studies

    The march of pluripotent stem cells in cardiovascular regenerative medicine

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    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) continues to be the leading cause of global morbidity and mortality. Heart failure remains a major contributor to this mortality. Despite major therapeutic advances over the past decades, a better understanding of molecular and cellular mechanisms of CVD as well as improved therapeutic strategies for the management or treatment of heart failure are increasingly needed. Loss of myocardium is a major driver of heart failure. An attractive approach that appears to provide promising results in reducing cardiac degeneration is stem cell therapy (SCT). In this review, we describe different types of stem cells, including embryonic and adult stem cells, and we provide a detailed discussion of the properties of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). We also present and critically discuss the key methods used for converting somatic cells to pluripotent cells and iPSCs to cardiomyocytes (CMs), along with their advantages and limitations. Integrating and non-integrating reprogramming methods as well as characterization of iPSCs and iPSC-derived CMs are discussed. Furthermore, we critically present various methods of differentiating iPSCs to CMs. The value of iPSC-CMs in regenerative medicine as well as myocardial disease modeling and cardiac regeneration are emphasized

    Molecular Insights Into SARS COV-2 Interaction With Cardiovascular Disease: Role of RAAS and MAPK Signaling

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    In December 2019, reports of viral pneumonia came out of Wuhan city in Hubei province in China. In early 2020, the causative agent was identified as a novel coronavirus (CoV) sharing some sequence similarity with SARS-CoV that caused the severe acute respiratory syndrome outbreak in 2002. The new virus, named SARS-CoV-2, is highly contagious and spread rapidly across the globe causing a pandemic of what became known as coronavirus infectious disease 2019 (COVID-19). Early observations indicated that cardiovascular disease (CVD) patients are at higher risk of progression to severe respiratory manifestations of COVID-19 including acute respiratory distress syndrome. Moreover, further observations demonstrated that SARS-CoV-2 infection can induce de novo cardiac and vascular damage in previously healthy individuals. Here, we offer an overview of the proposed molecular pathways shared by the pathogenesis of CVD and SARS-CoV infections in order to provide a mechanistic framework for the observed interrelation. We examine the crosstalk between the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and mitogen activated kinase pathways that potentially links cardiovascular predisposition and/or outcome to SARS-CoV-2 infection. Finally, we summarize the possible effect of currently available drugs with known cardiovascular benefit on these pathways and speculate on their potential utility in mitigating cardiovascular risk and morbidity in COVID-19 patients

    Editorial: Methods and application in cardiovascular and smooth muscle pharmacology: 2021

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    Despite significant advances in basic, translational, and clinical research tackling heart disease, cardiovascular pathologies remain among the leading causes of mortality and morbidity worldwide, being responsible for one-third of global deaths as estimated by the WHO (Organization, 2021). The complexity of risk factors and pathways underlying the development of cardiovascular disorders (CVDs) limits the efficacy of a given therapeutic intervention and necessitates combined pharmacological approaches, as well as lifestyle modification to provide a reasonable health impact (Arnett et al., 2019). Be that as it may, there remains a considerable room for scientific inquiry in pursuit of novel and more refined avenues to prevent, diagnose, mitigate, and reverse different forms of cardiovascular ailment, as well as optimize patient management. Indeed, such a need for research in this field was even further emphasized as the world faced heightened health challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic with cardiovascular complications being among the most serious consequences of SARS-CoV-2 infection (Wehbe et al., 2020)

    Synchronous fluorescence spectrofluorimetric method for the simultaneous determination of metoprolol and felodipine in combined pharmaceutical preparation

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    A rapid, simple and sensitive synchronous specrtofluorimetric method has been developed for the simultaneous analysis of binary mixture of metoprolol (MTP) and felodipine (FDP). The method is based upon measurement of the synchronous fluorescence intensity of the two drugs at Δλ of 70 nm in aqueous solution. The different experimental parameters affecting the synchronous fluorescence intensities of the two drugs were carefully studied and optimized. The fluorescence intensity-concentration plots were rectilinear over the ranges of 0.5-10 μg/mL and 0.2-2 μg/mL for MTP and FDP, respectively. The limits of detection were 0.11 and 0.02 μg/mL and quantification limits were 0.32 and 0.06 μg/mL for MTP and FDP, respectively. The proposed method was successfully applied for the determination of the two compounds in their commercial tablets and the results obtained were favorably compared to those obtained with a comparison method

    Perirenal Adipose Tissue Inflammation: Novel Insights Linking Metabolic Dysfunction to Renal Diseases

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    A healthy adipose tissue (AT) is indispensable to human wellbeing. Among other roles, it contributes to energy homeostasis and provides insulation for internal organs. Adipocytes were previously thought to be a passive store of excess calories, however this view evolved to include an endocrine role. Adipose tissue was shown to synthesize and secrete adipokines that are pertinent to glucose and lipid homeostasis, as well as inflammation. Importantly, the obesity-induced adipose tissue expansion stimulates a plethora of signals capable of triggering an inflammatory response. These inflammatory manifestations of obese AT have been linked to insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes, and proposed to evoke obesity-induced comorbidities including cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). A growing body of evidence suggests that metabolic disorders, characterized by AT inflammation and accumulation around organs may eventually induce organ dysfunction through a direct local mechanism. Interestingly, perirenal adipose tissue (PRAT), surrounding the kidney, influences renal function and metabolism. In this regard, PRAT emerged as an independent risk factor for chronic kidney disease (CKD) and is even correlated with CVD. Here, we review the available evidence on the impact of PRAT alteration in different metabolic states on the renal and cardiovascular function. We present a broad overview of novel insights linking cardiovascular derangements and CKD with a focus on metabolic disorders affecting PRAT. We also argue that the confluence among these pathways may open several perspectives for future pharmacological therapies against CKD and CVD possibly by modulating PRAT immunometabolism.This work was supported by AUB-Faculty of Medicine Medical Practice Plan Grant #320148 and an AUB President Collaborative Research Stimulus Grant to AE-Y

    Adipose tissue immunomodulation: A novel therapeutic approach in cardiovascular and metabolic diseases

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    Adipose tissue is a critical regulator of systemic metabolism and bodily homeostasis as it secretes a myriad of adipokines, including inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines. As the main storage pool of lipids, subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissues undergo marked hypertrophy and hyperplasia in response to nutritional excess leading to hypoxia, adipokine dysregulation, and subsequent low-grade inflammation that is characterized by increased infiltration and activation of innate and adaptive immune cells. The specific localization, physiology, susceptibility to inflammation and the heterogeneity of the inflammatory cell population of each adipose depot are unique and thus dictate the possible complications of adipose tissue chronic inflammation. Several lines of evidence link visceral and particularly perivascular, pericardial, and perirenal adipose tissue inflammation to the development of metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. In addition to the implication of the immune system in the regulation of adipose tissue function, adipose tissue immune components are pivotal in detrimental or otherwise favorable adipose tissue remodeling and thermogenesis. Adipose tissue resident and infiltrating immune cells undergo metabolic and morphological adaptation based on the systemic energy status and thus a better comprehension of the metabolic regulation of immune cells in adipose tissues is pivotal to address complications of chronic adipose tissue inflammation. In this review, we discuss the role of adipose innate and adaptive immune cells across various physiological and pathophysiological states that pertain to the development or progression of cardiovascular diseases associated with metabolic disorders. Understanding such mechanisms allows for the exploitation of the adipose tissue-immune system crosstalk, exploring how the adipose immune system might be targeted as a strategy to treat cardiovascular derangements associated with metabolic dysfunctions.This work was supported by AUB-Faculty of Medicine Medical Practice Plan Grant No. 320148 and an AUB President Collaborative Research Stimulus Grant to AE-Y

    Cardiac autonomic neuropathy: A progressive consequence of chronic low-grade inflammation in type 2 diabetes and related metabolic disorders

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    Cardiac autonomic neuropathy (CAN) is one of the earliest complications of type 2 diabetes (T2D), presenting a silent cause of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Recent research relates the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease in T2D to an ensuing chronic, low-grade proinflammatory and pro-oxidative environment, being the hallmark of the metabolic syndrome. Metabolic inflammation emerges as adipose tissue inflammatory changes extending systemically, on the advent of hyperglycemia, to reach central regions of the brain. In light of changes in glucose and insulin homeostasis, dysbiosis or alteration of the gut microbiome (GM) emerges, further contributing to inflammatory processes through increased gut and blood–brain barrier permeability. Interestingly, studies reveal that the determinants of oxidative stress and inflammation progression exist at the crossroad of CAN manifestations, dictating their evolution along the natural course of T2D development. Indeed, sympathetic and parasympathetic deterioration was shown to correlate with markers of adipose, vascular, and systemic inflammation. Additionally, evidence points out that dysbiosis could promote a sympatho-excitatory state through differentially affecting the secretion of hormones and neuromodulators, such as norepinephrine, serotonin, and γ-aminobutyric acid, and acting along the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone axis. Emerging neuronal inflammation and concomitant autophagic defects in brainstem nuclei were described as possible underlying mechanisms of CAN in experimental models of metabolic syndrome and T2D. Drugs with anti-inflammatory characteristics provide potential avenues for targeting pathways involved in CAN initiation and progression. The aim of this review is to delineate the etiology of CAN in the context of a metabolic disorder characterized by elevated oxidative and inflammatory load.Funding: This work was funded by the Faculty of Medicine at the American University of Beirut, Medical Practice Plan, grant #320148 to A.F.E. and UAEU Program for Advanced Research, grant number 31S398-UPAR to Y.A.-D.Scopu
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