1,198 research outputs found

    Study of the thermodynamics of charged rotating black holes in five-dimensional anti-de sitter spacetimes

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    Despite the success of General Relativity in the past century, a quantum description of gravity remains one of the most active areas of research in theoretical physics today. While gravity becomes dominant at large scales where classical physics is an appropriate effective theory, the study of very massive systems on a very small scale would require a quantum theory of gravity. A quantum description of gravity is also needed to have a grand unified theory of all the fundamental forces. The most prominent candidate for a theory of quantum gravity is currently String Theory. The discovery of the anti-de Sitter/conformal field theory (AdS/CFT) correspondence shows a duality between gravity solutions from String Theory in anti-de Sitter (AdS) spacetimes and conformal field theories (CFT) that reside on its boundary. Particularly, in a certain limit, the correspondence means that the study of certain classes of Quantum Field Theory in flat spacetime can be mapped to classical black hole solutions in five-dimensional anti-de Sitter spacetimes, the latter being considered an approximation to solutions from String Theory. A strong interest in the study of five-dimensional black hole solutions in anti-de Sitter spacetimes then follows naturally from the AdS/CFT correspondence. One of the predictions of the AdS/CFT correspondence is a relation between the conformal anomaly of the CFT and the trace of the energy momentum theory of the garivational theory. Another interesting prediction is an equivalence between the AdS background energy of black hole solutions and the vacuum energy of the dual CFT on the boundary. The study of black hole thermodynamics in anti-de Sitter spacetimes presents certain challenges that do not exist in flat spacetimes. Particularly, certain isometric charges as well as the action become divergent on the boundary. Our goal here is to study the thermodynamics of the most general solution of blackholes in five-dimensional AdS spacetimes. In doing so, we will address the aforementioned difficulties and discuss the appropriate solutions for them. We will also calculate the conformal anomaly and vacuum energy of the dual CFT then calculate the corresponding quantities in the black hole solution. This will provide a test for the AdS/CFT correspondence in the most general case of black hole solutions in five dimensions AdS spacetimes


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    This study attempts to give a brief account of the employment of animals as symbols by such eminent Native American women poets as Leslie Marmon Silko, Joy Harjo and Linda Hogan. The animals include those whose images appear with high frequency in Native American culture and literature such as the bear, the wolf, the horse, the turtle, and others. The article analyses and compares the different metaphors of different animals as portrayed by the poets under study in order to relate these symbols to the cultural and psychological meanings in their poems. It also marks the points of difference between the use of animal images by European and Native American poets. This will be conducted by employing eco-criticism, a school of criticism which pays due attention to the equality between animals and humans. The study concludes that the Native American poets believe in the kinship with all creatures and dream of restoring the golden days when all creatures received equal appreciation before the coming of the colonizers

    The general oceanic circulation; Some computations, a working hypothesis, and proposed tests

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    An analytic solution for the three-dimensional structure of horizontal velocity has been computed for a parallelepipedic model ocean with certain restrictions. Observed features that repeated themselves when the model parameters were changed have been generalized, and it is hypothesized that some of the persistent features obtained from the computations exist in the real ocean


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    Complete synonymy is known to be rare or almost non-existent, as it is not easy to find words with identical denotations and/or connotations. In contrast, incomplete or near synonymy is plentiful in almost all types of lexis, in general, and the lexis of the Glorious Qur’an, in particular. In addition to its abundance, near synonymy is a source of richness in the ST, a feature that challenges translators and makes it quite difficult for them to produce equally rich TT, with communicatively equivalent lexical items. This ST richness is probably among the main reasons why many translators fail to capture the shades of overlapping denotations or suggestive connotations of the lexical items used in the ST. This study attempts to explore the notion of synonymy in both Arabic and English. It also seeks to assess the accuracy of the translations of selected near synonyms offered by a number of translations of the meanings of the Glorious Qur’an. The adequacy of the translations of the near synonyms in question is judged according to their interpretations by Arab and non-Arab linguists and exegetes as well as to the context in which they occur. The study concludes that the translators under study have limitations in translating the near synonyms adequately. Therefore, it proposes more appropriate renditions of those synonyms, thus minimizing the chances of distortion which other defective translations are riddled with

    Short and long term properties of high strength concrete

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    A comprehensive experimental study was carried out to investigate the engineering properties of high strength concrete in the range of 10,000 to 15,000 psi. The study included the determination of the uniaxial compressive strength, static modulus of elasticity, tensile strength, flexural strength, stress distribution parameters and Whitney block assumption and temperature rise of high strength concrete due to chemical reaction. The concrete was produced by using silica fume, locally available aggregate, cement type I, superplasticisers and retarders. Three concrete mix designs were obtained from ready recipes and tests were carried out at six different ages. Test results were compared with ACI code formulas for predicting modulus of elasticity and modulus of rupture for low strength concrete by using uniaxial compressive strength . Also, results were compared with existing data concerning the modulus of elasticity for high strength concrete and the tensile strength for low strength concrete. Experimental results are presented and discussed along with SHORT AND LONG TERM PROPERTIES OF HIGH STRENGTH CONCRETE: previously established relations for relations for normal strength concrete. Recommendations and conclusions are made for different relations and measurements

    Chaotic behavior of a discrete dynamical systems with complex parameter

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    In this paper, we present the equivalent system of complex logistic equation. We study some dynamic properties such as xed points and their asymptotic stability, Lyapunov ex-ponents, chaos and bifurcation. Numerical results which conrm the theoretical analysis are presented

    Counseling Psycho-motor Program to Life Adaptation for Breast Cancer Women "Before and After Mastectomy"

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    Background: Breast cancer a form of major health and psychological crisis that affect women and its impact is similar to trauma, the patient psychological and social in a bad state. The main aim of this study was to assess the impact of the psycho-motor program to life adaptation for breast cancer women "before and after mastectomy". The participants were 45 female patients, recruited from the oncology department of the University Hospital in the Beni Suef Governorate. Data were collected on one tool consisting of three parts, sociodemographic questionnaire, post/traumatic stress disorder (PTTSD) questionnaire, and the psychological pressures questionnaire. Results indicated that, the highest statistically significant association was between psycho-motor program and life adaptation for breast cancer women "before and after mastectomy". Keywords: Counseling, Psycho-motor, Adaptation, Breast cancer, Mastectomy

    Use of Ionic Liquids for the Treatment of Biomass Materials and Biofuel Production

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    Biomass, as fuel source, is renewable, environmental friendly and abundant in nature. It is of great interest to produce green energy and bio-products from lignocellulose. The replacement of conventional organic solvents by a new generation of solvents that are less toxic, less flammable and less polluting is a major challenge for the chemical industry. The aim of this work is to study the solubility of biomass-based materials in ionic liquids in order to overcome the lack of experimental data on phase equilibria of {carbohydrate-ILs} mixtures. Solubility data were successfully correlated using NRTL and UNIQUAC thermodynamic models. The fundamental natures of the interaction between carbohydrates and ILs were investigated using ab initio calculations. The pretreatment of miscanthus with ILs resulted in the regeneration of amorphous, porous cellulose almost free of lignin, which is suitable for enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation processes. A successful ethanol production was obtained with an overall ethanol yield reached up to 150 g ethanol kg−1 miscanthus

    A theoretical and empirical study of performance measurement: a challenge for management accounting information systems

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    Management accounting information systems (MAISs) play an important role in supporting continuous improvement efforts and management decision-making activities. MAISs provide manufacturing companies with internal financial and some non-financial information required for the three essential functions of planning, controlling and performance measurement. According to Drury (2000), "management accounting systems accumulate, classify, summarize and report information that will assist employees within an organization in their decision-making, planning, control and performance measurement activities".Performance measurement is one of the most important aspects of MAISs. The development of the concept of performance measurement is the direct result of several dramatic changes in the way today's business environment is structured and how companies employ world class manufacturing (WCM) philosophies or techniques to compete for marketplace advantages. These changes have impacted on the way companies are organised and in skills required to manage, motivate, and empower the workforce to support continuous improvement. Other changes, especially in the Egyptian manufacturing environment, have come from the effect of international agreements, such as General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and World Trade Organisation (WTO), and organisational pressures, such as the ISO 9000 programme.This thesis presents a theoretical and empirical study to determine 'what', why', and 'how' performance measurement systems (PMSs) are changing, as a challenge for MAISs, with the adoption of Just in Time (JIT) and Total Quality Management (TQM) philosophies. A discussion of these questions is presented in Chapter 8. In order to investigate how PMSs can best be used to support the continuous improvement philosophy of JIT and TQM, a model for developing PMSs in a JIT and TQM environment was constructed (see Figure 8.1). This study has used a qualitative method of research. The research findings and the model for developing PMSs in a JIT and TQM environment have been obtained from a literature review and data collected from two Egyptian pharmaceutical companies. The model, as it stands, is exploratory in nature. It proposes a body of ideas that form a new theory formulated for developing PMSs in a JIT and TQM environment. The model could be applicable to manufacturing companies, which have started or plan to implement JIT and TQM philosophies, since it provides a framework for the development and use of PMSs, rather than prescriptive lists of measures and reports that should be used. Norreklit (2000) indicated that models are needed which deepen our understanding of how PMSs are created, and to this end MAISs research has to make its contribution
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