690 research outputs found

    Land Use Impact on the Spatial and Seasonal Variation of the Contaminant Loads to Abou Ali River and Its Coastal Zone in North Lebanon

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    Rosana G. Moreira, Editor-in-Chief; Texas A&M UniversityThis is a paper from International Commission of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR, Commission Internationale du Genie Rural) E-Journal Volume 6 (2004): M. Massoud, M. El-Fadel, M. Scrimshaw, and J. Lester. Land Use Impact on the Spatial and Seasonal Variation of the Contaminant Loads to Abou Ali River and Its Coastal Zone in North Lebanon. (May 2004)

    Dysregulation of micro-RNA contributes to the risk of unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss

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    Although there are plenty of evidence that dysregulation of microRNA (miRNA) level is involved in many human diseases, it is still unknown whether abnormal levels of specific miRNAs are associated with recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL). We believe that such an association do exist as this study confirmed significant differences in the level of specific miRNAs between RPL cases and healthy controls. The study was conducted on 100 Palestinian women: 60 patients with at least two unexplained consecutive pregnancy losses half of them were pregnant at the first trimester and the rest were non-pregnant and 40 healthy controls with at least two live births and no history of pregnancy loss; half of them were at their first trimester of pregnancy and the rest were non-pregnant. We investigated the relative expression of miR-21, miR-126, miR-155, miR-182, miR-222 and miR-517* using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction and Ct method experiments. Differential expression was evaluated using Student t-test and fold change analyses. The expression difference of miR-21, miR-126 and miR-182 between patients and controls in the pregnant subjects showed statistically significant difference (p-value ≤ 0.05) with fold decrease of 1.5, 1.6 and 5.6, respectively. In the non-pregnant group miR-21, miR-126, miR-222 and miR-517* expressions were significantly different with fold decrease of 2.4, 2.9, 2.7 and 11.8, respectively. In conclusion, at least miR-21 and miR-126 could serve as potential markers for idiopathic RPL as their levels were significantly lower in patients before being pregnant and during pregnancy. Moreover, restoration of the normal level of those miRNAs might be a novel intervention strategy in unexplained RPL

    Environmental health risks in disadvantaged urban slums

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    Meeting: 6th International Perspective on Water Resources and the Environment, Izmir, Turkey, January 7-9, 2013This paper assesses diarrhea occurrence in two urban slums to identify salient factors influencing case prevalence. Rapid urbanization in settings of poor economic performance and governance has increased the number of people living in urban slums to about 1 billion people worldwide. In this study, water quality analysis showed contamination at the household level due primarily to the location of water storage tanks. Significant difference in diarrhea cases in both study areas correlated with the educational level of household head, financial status, type of water storage tank and cleaning frequency, along with adoption of measures to treat water, or use bottled water

    Modeling of New Three-Phase High Voltage Power Supply For Industrial Microwave Generators With One Magnetron Per Phase

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    This original work treats the feasibility study of a new HV power supply with a three-phase character, supplying a magnetron 800 Watts-2450 MHz per phase, for industrial microwave generators from the modeling with the EMTP code of a single-phase HV power supply for one magnetron. The exploitation of the modeling, with EMTP code, of the power system for one magnetron is to use, essentially, the developed model of its transformer, which is a π quadruple, consisting of saturable inductances able to translate the non-linear phenomena of saturation, while guaranteeing the stabilization process of the magnetron current. Using the new power supply device with a three-phase character and the EMTP code, the feasibility study, in nominal mode, of the three-phase power supply was performed satisfactory. The analysis of the results obtained helped to confirm the possibility of functioning of this new system without interaction between magnetrons, which provides, relative to the current device, gains of size, volume, cost of implementation and maintenance and makes this new system more economical, while guaranteeing the regulation process of the current in each magnetron.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v3i2.240

    Analytical and Numerical Methodology for Modeling Temperatures in Landfills

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    A sub-regional outlook of renewable energy potential: the case of Jordan, Syria and Lebanon

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    This paper addresses the current status and the potentials of renewable energy applications in the selected Middle East countries; Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon. The energy and environmental situations within these primary target areas reflect many similarities and share serious common problems. These include an almost total dependence on imported oil products as the primary energy source, rapidly growing populations that are escalating the demand for energy, and only rudimentary efforts currently underway to mitigate the greenhouse and other adverse environmental effects of energy utilization. Lebanon is highly urbanized compared to Syria and Jordan with much smaller area and has not been fully engaged in pilot projects for use of renewable energy. Applications of solar energy in that region have been growing since 1970. Solar water heating with support of policies in Jordan has achieved measurable market penetration. Lebanon and Syria have not made reasonable progress in solar applications due to subsidized electricity supply to the end user. The technical and economic feasibility of wind energy utilization in Lebanon has not been yet fully explored, while it has advanced with two operating wind farms in Jordan, and one pilot wind farm in Syria. Similarly, the transfer of biomass technology has been successful in Jordan while it remains at the assessment level in Lebanon and Syria coupled with small pilot projects

    Mejora de la producción de lípidos de un prometedor hongo oleaginoso Aspergillus sp. cepa EM2018 para la formación de biodiesel: optimización de las condiciones de cultivo e identificación

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    Oleaginous fungi have recently gained increasing attention among different microorganisms due to their ability for lipid production for the preparation of biofuel. In the present study, a locally isolated fungus E45, identified genetically as Aspergillus sp. strain EM2018, was found to produce 25.2% of the total lipids content of its dry cell weight (DCW). Optimization of culture conditions was performed and lipid accumula­tion increased by about 2.4 fold (from 25.2% to 60.1% of DCW) when the fungus was grown for seven days in the potato dextrose (50 g/L) liquid medium at pH 5.0, incubation temperature at 30 ºC and inoculum size of 2 × 106 spore/mL. Supplementation of the medium with yeast extract and NaNO3 at a concentration of 0.05% as organic and inorganic nitrogen sources, respectively, increased lipid production (53.3% lipid/dry biomass). Gas chromatography analysis of fungal lipids revealed the presence of saturated (mainly palmitic acid C16:0 (33%) and lignoceric acid C24:0 (15%)) and unsaturated fatty acids in different proportions (mainly linoleic acid C18:2 (24.4%), oleica cid C18:1 (14%) and arachidonic C20:4 (7.4%). These findings suggest this new oleaginous fungus as a promising feedstock for various industrial applications and for the preparation of biodiesel.Los hongos oleagino­sos recientemente están ganando una creciente atención entre diferentes microorganismos debido a sus capaci­dades de producción de lípidos para la preparación de biocombustibles. En el presente estudio, se descubrió que un hongo E45 aislado localmente, identificado genéticamente como la cepa Aspergillus sp. EM2018, produce un 25,2% de lípidos totales de su peso de células secas (DCW). Se realizó la optimización de las condiciones de cultivo y la acumulación de lípidos se incrementó aproximadamente 2,4 veces (del 25,2% al 60,1% de DCW) cuando el hongo creció durante siete días en un medio líquido de dextrosa de papa (50 g/L) a pH 5.0, 30 °C de temperatura de incubación y 2 × 106 esporas/ml de tamaño de inóculo. La suplementación del medio con extracto de leva­dura y NaNO3 a una concentración de 0,05% como fuentes de nitrógeno orgánico e inorgánico, respectivamente, aumentó aún más la producción de lípidos (53,3% de lípidos/biomasa seca). El análisis mediante cromatografía de gases de los lípidos fúngicos reveló la presencia de ácidos grasos saturados (principalmente palmítico C16:0 (33%) y lignocérico C24:0 (15%)) y ácidos grasos insaturados en diferentes proporciones (principalmente linoleico C18:2 (24.4%), oleico C18:1 (14%) y araquidónico C20:4 (7,4%). Estos hallazgos sugieren que este nuevo hongo oleaginoso es una materia prima prometedora para diversas aplicaciones industriales y preparación de biodiésel

    Social cost benefit analysis of water and sanitation improvement in a poor urban slum

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    A health-based socio-economic assessment as well as side-by-side social cost benefit analysis is depicted in this visual synopsis of research carried out in a suburban slum in Tripoli, Lebanon. 88% of reported diarrheal cases are attributed to unsafe water supply, inadequate sanitation and hygiene, with cases distributed uniformly throughout the year. The poster includes field observations, and a selection of alternative interventions with estimated costs. Installing rooftop tanks and replacing water piping at the household level are the most economically viable interventions

    Biological explorations of Sinai: flora and fauna of Wadi Isla and Hebran, St Katherine Protectorate, Egypt

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    A comprehensive survey was accomplished for two of the most important and beautiful wadis in the Sinai, Wadi Isla & Hebran. The biodiversity of the two wadis are surveyed including plant species and their associated insects, spiders and scorpions. The list includes 20 plant families with 51 species, 8 insect orders with 54 families and 138 species, and 4 arachnid orders with 17 families and 23 species. The highest number of species recorded were Coleoptera and Hymenoptera.Keywords: Biodiversity, checklist, plants, insects, spider