16 research outputs found

    دراسات لقياس كفاءة نبات الحرجل كمضاد ميكروبي 2 - الاستخلاص بنسب مختلفة من الكلوروفورم / ميثانول

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    Aerial parts of Solenostemma argel plant were successively extracted with chloroform/methanol in different proportions (4 fractions). The phytochemical and chromatographic screening as well as quantitative determination of the flavonoid and saponin contents were carried out to each fraction. The antimicrobial activity of the four fractions against eight bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus; Micrococcus; Streptococcus spp; Bacillus anthracis; E. coli; Klebsiella pneumoniae; Pseudomonas aeruginosa; and Proteus vulgaris and 14 fungi: Fusarium; Aspergillus parasiticus; A. flavus; A.jiiger; A. candidus; A. glaucus; Penicillum; Chrisosporium; Cr. neoformans; Candida spp; C. albicans; Can. spp 20; Mucor and Rhodotorula were studied. A powerful effect was observed in case of Streptococcus spp. and moderate action against E. coli. B. anthracis; S. aureus; Klebsiella pneumoniae and Proteus vulgaris. There was no effect on Micrococcus and Pseudomonas while a weak fungicidal activity was observed.أستخلص الجزء الهوائي لنبات الحرجل باستخدام الكلوروفورم / الميثانول بنسب مختلفة والذي أنتج أربعة مستخلصات تم دراستها فيتوكيمائيا وكروماتوجرافيا وكذلك التقدير الكيفي لمحتويات الفلافونات والصابونينات لكل مستخلص كما درس النشاط المضاد للميكروبات ممثلا في ثمانية أنواع من البكتريا وأربعة عشر فطراً . وكان من الواضح التأثير الجلي للنشاط القوي للميكروب السبحي ، وفاعلية متوسطة للميكروب القولوني و عصويات الجمرة الخبيثة والميكروب العنقودي المكور الذهبي والكلبسيللا والإسيدوموناس ، بينما كان تأثير هذه المستخلصات ضعيفاً على الفطريات

    In-vitro assessment of differential cytokine gene expression in response to infections with Egyptian classic and variant strains of highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza virus

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    In Egypt, two distinct genetic groups of HPAI H5N1 viruses are co-circulating: classic 2.2.1/C sub-clade and antigenic drift variant clade isolated from vaccinated poultry flocks. The response of chicken innate immunity to both genotypes is not investigated, so far. In this study, expression of immune related genes (IL1b, IL4, IL6, IL8, IL10, IL18, IFNα and IFNγ) after infecting chicken macrophage cell line (HD11) and chicken peripheral blood Mononuclear cells (PBMC) with a classic and a variant strains was assayed using quantitative reverse-transcription real-time polymerase chain reaction assays (qRT-PCR). In HD11, the variant strain induced higher levels of IL1b and IL8 at 6 hours post infection (hpi), IL4 at 24 / 48 hpi and IFNα at 48 hpi than the classic strain. Conversely, the classic strain induced about 10-fold increase of IFNγ at 24 and 48 hpi and the virus replicated at higher level than the variant strain. The results of PBMC infection were similar to that reported from HD11 except for IFNγ gene expression that was higher at variant strain infected cells than that infected with the classic strain. After 24hpi skewing the innate immune response toward anti-inflammatory (humoral-associated) cytokines was different between HD11 (through IL4) and PBMC (through IL10). To sum up, the classic strain produced less cytokines which may indicate adaptation to evade the recognition by the innate immune system and explain its higher pathogenicity

    Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of locally isolated Salmonella strains used in preparation of Salmonella antigens in Egypt

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    Aim: This work was conducted to study the phenotypic and genotypic characterization of locally isolated Salmonella strains (Salmonella Pullorum, Salmonella Enteritidis, and Salmonella Typhimurium) from poultry used in the preparation of Salmonella antigens in Egypt. Materials and Methods: The phenotypic characterization of Salmonella strains was done using standard microbiological, biochemical, and serological techniques. Molecular identification was done using different sets of primers on different genes using different polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques. Results: The phenotypic characterization of Salmonella strains was confirmed. Molecular identification revealed detection of 284 bp fragment of InvA gene in all studied Salmonella strains. Furthermore, multiplex PCR was used for more confirmation of being Salmonella spp., generally at 429 bp as well as genotyping of Salmonella Typhimurium and Salmonella Enteritidis at 559 and 312 bp, respectively, in one reaction. Conclusion: The locally isolated field Salmonella strains were confirmed phenotypically and genotypically to be Salmonella Enteritidis, and Salmonella Typhimurium and could be used for the preparation of Salmonella antigens

    دراسات لقياس كفاءة نبات الحرجل كمضاد ميكروبي 1-الاستخلاص بنسب مختلفة من الميثانول / والماء

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    Aerial parts of Solenostemma argel plant were successively extracted with methanol/water in different proportions (4 fractions). The phytochemical and chromatographic screening as well as quantitative determination of the flavonoid and saponin contents were carried out to each fraction. The antimicrobial activity of the four fractions against eight bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus; Micrococcus; Streptococcus spp; Bacillus anthracis; E. coli; Klebsiella pneumoniae; Pseudomonas aeruginosa; and Proteus vulgaris and 14 fungi: Fusarium; Aspergillus parasiticus; A. flavus; A. niger; A. candidus; A. glaucus; Penicillum; Chrisosporium; Cr. neoformans; Candida spp; C. albicans; Can. spp 20; Mucor and Rhodotorula were studied. It was clear that the most powerful effect was observed in case of Streptococcus spp.; moderate action against E. coli, B. anthracis; S. aureus; Klebsiella pneumoniae and Proteus vulgaris. The fungicidal activity of fraction No. 1 showed antifungal activity to A. niger; Mucor while fraction 2 showed the activity against A. niger; A. candidus chrisosporium, Cand. albicans, Cand. spp 20 and Rhodotorula. But fraction 3 had an effect on A. niger, Cand. spp 20 and Rhodotorula. On the other hand, fraction 4 was highly effective to A. parasiticus and A. candidus. It was clear that 4 fractions gave different degrees of antifungal activity to the examined 14 fungal species.أستخلص الجزء الهوائي لنبات الحرجل بإستخدامٍ الميثانول /والماء بنسبة مختلفة والذي أنتج أربعة مستخلصات حيث فحصت فيتوكميائيا وكروماتوجرافيا وكذلك التقدير الكيفي لمحتويات الفلافونات والصابونينات لكل مستخلص كما درس النشاط المضاد للميكروبات ممثلا في ثمانية أنواع من البكتريا وأربعة عشر فطراً. وقد كان واضحاً الأثر الفعال القوي للمستخلصات على الميكروب السبحي ومتوسط التأثير على الميكروب القولوني وميكروب الجمرة الخبيثة والميكروب المكور العنقودي الذهبي والكلبسيللا والبروتيس . كما أسفر نشاط المستخلص رقم 1 كمضاد فطري ضد الأسبريجيلس نيجر (19 مم ) والميوكر (12 مم ) بينما أثر المستخلص رقم 2 فكان أوضح تأثير له ضد الأسبريجيلس نيجر وكاند والكريزوسبورم والكاندا أليكانز وجنس الكنديدا والرودوتيللا بدرجات 10 و10 و 18 وه و 6 و 9 مم على التوالي . ولكن المستخلص رقم 3 أظهر نشاط على الأسبريجلس نيجر والكنديدا والروديتيللا (5 مم ) لكل من الفطريات الثلاث . وعلى الجانب الآخر فإن المستخلص رقم 4 كان ذو نشاط فعال على السبريجليس بارازيتيكس (36 مم ) والأسبؤيجيلس كاند (15 مم ) والكريزوسمبورم والكربتوكوكس نيوفورمانرْ5و 6 مم على ا لتوا لي