173 research outputs found

    Simple Substrate Culture in Arid Lands

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    Effect of Returning versus Discarding Gastric Aspirate on the Occurrence of Gastric Complications and Comfort Outcomes on Enteral Feeding Patients

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    Enteral feeding (EF) is common for patients with different medical health problems, the use of gastric residual volume (GRV) is one of the most nursing practices for monitoring EF. In the nursing literature, there is a wide variation regarding whether the gastric aspirate should be returned to the patient or discarded. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to determine the effect of returning versus discarding gastric aspirate on the occurrence of gastric complications and comfort out comeson enteral feeding patients. A sample of 44 patients completed the study divided randomly into two groups, the control group who received the routine hospital care which was discarding all gastric residual aspirate, and the study group who received returned gastric aspirate up to 250 ml, all patients were followed up for 7consecutive days. The study was conducted in two medical departments of one of the Ministryof Health Hospitals at Center region (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia). Four tools were applied for the study, socio-demographic and medical data sheet, gastric and associate complications with tube feeding sheet, electrolyte and glucose monitoring sheet & comfort outcomes sheet. The study results showed that there was no statistical significant difference between study and control groups in relation to gastric residual volume, feeding intolerance, aspiration pneumonia, electrolytes monitored (sodium& potassium), glucose level, temperature&blood pressure and oxygen saturation in the 1st& 7th day. In addition, the results showed that there was a statistical significant difference between study & control groups in relation to gastric emptying delay in the 7thday, the study group had less mean level than control group, moreover, there was a statistical significant difference in pulse and respiration among control group before and after feeding procedure. Based on the study results, it is recommended to return gastric aspirate up to 250 ml to the patients as it had no indicated riskforgastric and associate complications as well as comfort outcomes when compared to discard gastric aspirate. In addition, further researches can be done to measure different amounts of returning gastric aspirate and its effect on patient's outcomes. Key words: enteral feeding, gastric residual volume, gastric emptying delay, comfort outcomes, returning versus discarding gastric aspirate& gastric complications

    Impact of Preventive Diabetic Foot Nursing Intervention on Foot Status among Patients with Diabetes

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    Background and aim: Diabetic foot is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with diabetes mellitus and many of which are preventable with early recognition and therapy. Aim: The aim of the current study was to assess impact of preventive diabetic foot nursing intervention on foot status among patients with diabetes. Methods: A quazi-experimental design was utilized to conduct the current study on a convenient sample of 67 patients who were assigned randomly to either the study group or control group. The subjects in the study group (33 patients) received the preventive diabetic foot care nursing intervention while, the subjects in the control group (34 patients) received the routine clinic care. The study was conducted at the outpatient clinic in El-Kasr El-Aini Hospital, Cairo University, Egypt. Four tools were applied for the study: Socio-demographic data sheet, Diabetic foot care knowledge test, Foot care behavior, and Lower extremity health status inventory. Results: The study results showed that both groups had low mean knowledge scores related to preventive diabetic foot care in the 1st visit, while in the 4th visit after implementation of the preventive diabetic foot care nursing intervention, the difference was statistically significant. In relation to foot care behavior, there was statistically significant difference between both groups in the 4th visit. Additionally, in relation to foot health status, there was statistically significant difference in the 3rd and 4th visits between both groups. Conclusion: The preventive diabetic foot nursing intervention was effective in improving knowledge, foot care behavior and foot health status scores among patients with diabetes. Keywords: Diabetic patient, preventive foot care, nursing intervention, foot status

    Long-term protection of hepatitis B vaccination among Egyptian children

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    Background: Hepatitis B Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent transmission of hepatitis B virus (HBV). Objective: to detect the long-term immunogenicity of the vaccine in Egyptian children after five and ten years of vaccination. Methods: Two hundreds healthy children were recruited. They were divided into two groups according to their age. Group A included 100 child, around 6 years old, vaccinated 5 years ago. Group `B` included 100 child, around 11 years old, vaccinated 10 years ago. Hepatitis B surface antibody (HBsAb) titre was tested, booster dose of the vaccine was given to children whose HBsAb was < 10 mIU/ml, then one and half month later, they were retested for HBsAb to evaluate the response. Results: Both groups had a wide range of HBsAb (2-1000 mlU/ml), and there was a significant difference in the level of the two groups. Our data proves the decline of antibody titre with time. In group A, 19 children needed a booster dose, 14 of them were vaccinated, and 10 were retested after one and half month. The results showed that 9 (90%) responded by increased level of HBsAb, with six (66.6%) showing an adequate response. In group B, 52 children had antibody titre < 10, 48 of them were vaccinated and 34 were retested one and half months later. Two out of the 34 did not respond and 32 (94.2%) responded by an increase in the antibody titre. Of those who responded, 19 had adequate response (HBsAb ≥ 100) and 13 had hypo-response (HBsAb = 10 -100). Eighty percent (80%) of boys versus 51.7% of girls responded adequately. Conclusion: Hepatitis B vaccine is an effective and successful way for preventing HBV infection. No need for booster dose at least for 5 years after vaccination .Keywords: HBV- HB vaccine- long term immunityEgypt J Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2011;9(1):35-4


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    The experiment was held at the Arid land Agricultural graduate studies and Research Institute - Ain Shams University. A soil moisture sensor is designed and used for measuring and controlling soil moisture content in plant media.  The device has been programmed and connected to three water-lifting pumps to operate them according to each treatment.         A vertical system has been constructed using 18 columns of white square styrofoam pots filled with perlite (In-organic substrate). Three soil moisture content treatments were selected as T1 = 60 %, T2= 80%, and T3 = 100% which were controlled by the sensors.  Solution tank filled with dissolved nutrient elements was used for supplying required water.       Two types of lettuce (green and red) lettuce seedlings were planted in the perlite substrate and irrigated by drip irrigation system. The system was closed and was based on smart automatic drip irrigation system,        Results revealed that, 556.5 liters of water was consumed under condition of T1 = 60 %, while 697.5 liters and 908.5 were consumed under condition of T2= 80 %, and T3 = 100% respectively After 47 days the Red lettuce yield (weight, number of leaves, and also weight of dry lettuce) was higher than green lettuce for all treatments. Yields of lettuce per system unit (4.5 m2) 16 kg/m2 and water use efficiency 26kg /m3 (Barbosa et al 2015) conventional production yielded 3.9 ±  0.21 kg/m2/y of lettuce produce, with water. Hydroponics offered 11±1.7 times higher yields but required 82±11 times more energy compared to conventionally produced lettuce

    Serum levels of lead and copper in a group of Egyptian children with bronchial asthma

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    Background: Copper and lead are trace elements required for the activity of antioxidant enzymes and changes in their levels may lead to reduction in antioxidant activities in asthma.Objective: Our study aims to investigate the serum levels of copper and lead in asthmatic children in correlation to disease severity to anticipate their role as oxidant defenders in this disease.Methods: We enrolled 45 children who were divided into two groups: group 1 included 30 asthmatic children during disease quiescence and group 2 included 15 clinically healthy children matched for age and sex as a control group. Patients were subjected to: history taking, clinical examination, spirometry before and after bronchodilator therapy, complete blood counting, and measurement of serum levels of total IgE, copper and lead (in patients and controls).Results: Patients’ group had significantly higher serum levels of lead (mean 8.2±3.1 μg/dl) and copper (122±31.5 μg/dl) in comparison to controls (mean 5.7±2.3 μg/dl and103.3±21.1 μg/dl respectively). Serum lead and copper levels were higher among patients with moderate persistent asthma than those with mild asthma. Serum total IgE levels correlated positively with serum lead levels among the asthmatic children. However, serum lead and copper levels did not correlate with any of the measured pulmonary function parameters tested.Conclusion: Increased serum level of lead and copper were high in a group of children with bronchial asthma in children and this was more evident in moderate than mild cases.Keywords: children; trace elements; lead; copper; spirometry; bronchial asthma; antioxidants; severit


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    This experiment was performed in 2004/2005 and 2005/2006 seasons at El-Bosaly Protected Cultivation Experimental Site, of the Central Laboratory for Agricultural Climate (CLAC), 15 Km west of Rosetta. The current study was conducted in open field to investigate the growth and productivity of strawberry plants under the shading and cold storage methods. Two strawberry cultivars were used, i.e., Camarosa (cv.) and Yael (cv.). Transplants were set up on 15 of March to 15 of September in both two seasons of 2004-2005 and 2005-2006, respectively under El-Bosaly conditions. Seven treatments were used i.e., short day, 40% shading, 73% shading, three periods cold storage at 5Co, i.e., (24h, 48h and 73h) and control. Results indicated that the application of 73% shading treatment was the most effective in reducing maximum and minimum of air temperature and radiation, followed by 40% shading, whereas, the highest value of maximum and minimum air temperature, radiation were observed in control treatment throughout the two growing seasons. In addition, 73% shading treatment produced the tallest plants and the highest number of leaves per plant and leaf area per plant. Moreover, flowering and chlorophyll in leaves were increased by application of short day treatment. Also, fruit characters such as average weight and number of fruits per plant were the highest values with 40% shading. Chemical components of fruits, i.e., T.S.S were increased with 73% shading treatment. When plants were grown under 40% shading treatment, followed by 73% shading, while cold storage for 72 h treatment gave the lowest values. Neither cultivars nor the interaction between cultivars and tested factors had any significant effects on many studied characters

    Különböző termesztési módok hatása a paradicsom összetételére és minőségére

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    Results obtained during the experimental procedures showed that tomatoes grown in greenhouses had the best physical and chemical properties, with the exception of the content of vitamin C. This was particularly conspicuous in the dry matter content, refractometer reading, sugar and acid content. From the aspect of quality, greenhouse tomatoes were followed by tomatoes cultivated under plastics foils, and lastly by tomatoes grown in the field. It can be stated on the basis of the experimental results that the properties of tomatoes of 70% degree of ripeness were in general more favourable than those of tomatoes of 80% degree of ripeness. Von den bei den Versuchsarbeiten erhaltenen Ergebnisse konnte festgestellt werden, dass die im Treibhaus gezogenen Tomaten die besten physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften (mit Ausnahme des Vitamins C) aufwiesen. Dies war besonders offenbar im Fall des Trockensubstanzgehaltes, und des damit zusammenhängenden Refraktionswertes, bzw. des Zucker- und Säuregehaltes. Betreffs der Qualität standen die unter Kunststoff-folien und dann die am Ackerfeld produzierten Tomaten nach den im Treibhaus bezogenen. Auf Grund der Untersuchungsergebnisse wurde festgestellt, dass die Tomaten bei einem 70% igen Reifungsgraddiber günstigere Eigenschaften verfügten, als die Tomaten bei einem 80% igen Reifungsgrad. A partir des résultats obtenus lors des expériences il s’est fait établirqu’a l ’exception de la teneur en vitaminé C, les tomates cultivées dans des serres ont les meilleures caractéristique physiques et chimiques. Cela se montre surtout dans la teneur en solides et la valeur de refraction, ainsi que dans les teneursen sucre et en acide. La seconde catégorie est celle des tomates cultivles sous des toiles plastiques et la troisiéme celle des fruits cultivés en plain air. Les résulatats permettent de conclure que les caractéristiques destomates du degré de maturité de 70 p. c. sont, en generál, supérieures ä cedes des gruits du degré de maturité de 80 p.


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    In the current research, wheat grains were used to study the effect of grain soaking and sprouting using tap water and saline water (NaCl solution) on sprout growth, proximate analysis, minerals content, anti-nutritional and antioxidant compounds of sterilized grains (soaked for 0.33h) and soaked grains for imbibition (12h) and sprouted grain for 24h old. Results revealed that the longest radical of 24h old wheat sprout was observed at 2000 ppm NaCl, and shortest was observed at 4000 ppm NaCl. Soaked wheat grains (12h) for imbibition recorded the highest moisture content (10.2 to 10.9%) while soaked for 20 min (0.33h) in calcium hypochlorite for sterilization recorded medium content (8.8 to 9.9%) and the lowest one recorded in 24h  old wheat sprouts (6.9 to 7.2%). The low moisture content the high total carbohydrate, total fats and energy and vice versa. Soaked grains for sterilization period (0.33 h) and imbibition (12h) increased zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn) and calcium (Ca) while non-sterilized only potassium (K). Tap water increased sprout magnesium (Mg), and manganese (Mn) content while saline water increased sprout magnesium (Mg), and calcium (Ca) content. Grain sprouting was effective in reducing phytic acid, oxalate and alkaloids anti-nutrient in wheat sprouts especially when using sterilized grains. Soaking non sterilized grains for imbibition (12h) in saline water contained higher total phenol, flavonoids and total antioxidant. Etiolated wheat sprouts contained lower total  flavonoids and antioxidant compared with soaked grains in saline water
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