503 research outputs found

    Morphologic studies of the Moon and planets

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    The impact, volcanic, and tectonic history of the Moon and planets were investigated over an eight year period. Research on the following topics is discussed: lunar craters, lunar basins, lunar volcanoes, correlation of Apollo geochemical data, lunar geology, Mars desert landforms, and Mars impact basins

    Hepatocyte Lysosomal Membrane Stabilization by Olive Leaves against Chemically Induced Hepatocellular Neoplasia in Rats

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    Extensive efforts are exerted looking for safe and effective chemotherapy for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Specific and sensitive early biomarkers for HCC still in query. Present work to study proteolytic activity and lysosomal membrane integrity by hepatocarcinogen, trichloroacetic acid (TCA), in Wistar rats against aqueous olive leaf extract (AOLE).TCA showed neoplastic changes as oval- or irregular-shaped hepatocytes and transformed, vesiculated, and binucleated liver cells. The nuclei were pleomorphic and hyperchromatic. These changes were considerably reduced by AOLE. The results added, probably for the first time, that TCA-induced HCC through disruption of hepatocellular proteolytic enzymes as upregulation of papain, free cathepsin-D and nonsignificant destabilization of lysosomal membrane integrity, a prerequisite for cancer invasion and metastasis. AOLE introduced a promising therapeutic value in liver cancer, mostly through elevating lysosomal membrane integrity. The study substantiated four main points: (1) the usefulness of proteolysis and lysosomalmembrane integrity in early prediction of HCC. (2) TCA carcinogenesis is possibly mediated by lysosomal membrane destabilization, through cathepsin-D disruption, which could be reversed by AOLE administration. (3) A new strategy for management of HCC, using dietary olive leaf system may be a helpful phytotherapeutic trend. (4) A prospective study on serum proteolytic enzyme activity may introduce novel diagnostic tools

    Desert landforms of southwest Egypt: A basis for comparison with Mars

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    Geologic interpretations of The Gilf Kebir-Uweinat of Apollo-Soyuz photographs were verified. The photographs and LANDSAT images showed features reminiscent of those depicted by Mariner and Viking missions to Mars. These features were to better understand their morphologic analogs on Mars. It is indicated that climate change played a significant role in the formation of the eastern Sahara. It is also revealed that correlations between the eolian features in southwestern Egypt and the wind blown patterns on the surface of Mars result in a better understanding of eolian activity on both planets

    A Novel Algorithmic Approach using Little Theorem of Fermat For Generating Primes and Poulet Numbers in Order

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    Computer encryption are based mostly on primes, which are also vital for communications. The aim of this paper is to present a new explicit strategy for creating all primes and Poulet numbers in order up to a certain number by using the Fermats little theorem. For this purpose, we construct a set C of odd composite numbers and transform Fermats little theorem from primality test of a number to a generating set Q of odd primes and Poulet numbers. The set Q is sieved to separate the odd primes and the Poulet numbers. By this method, we can obtain all primes and Poulet numbers in order up to a certain number. Also, we obtain a closed form expression which precisely gives the number of primes up to a specific number. The pseudo-code of the proposed method is presented

    A Comparative Study on the Active Constituents, Antioxidant Capacity and Anti-Cancer Activity of Cruciferous Vegetable Residues

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    أجريت هذه الدراسة لتقييم كفاءة وفعالية مخلفات أربعة أنواع من خضروات العائلة الصليبية (البراسيكا) تم ستخلاصهم بمذيبين (الميانولي  - المائي) وهم كاتالي البروكولي ، كرنب بروكسل ، القرنبيط ، الفجل الأحمر. وتم تقييم المستخلصات من حيث محتواها الكلي من المركبات الفعالة مثل الفينولات و الفلاڤونيدات والتانينات وڤيتامين سي واتعرف عليها بالـ HPLC ودراسة نشاطاتها المضادة للأكسدة بأكثر من طريقة مثل الـ DPPH· والـ Fe2+-chelating والـ Reducing power وكذلك دراسة كفاءتها في كبح جماح ومنع إنتشار وتكاثر ثلاثة أنواع من الخلايا السرطانية للإنسان علي النطاق المعملي مثل خلايا سرطان الكبد HePG2 و خلايا سرطان القولون HTC116 وخلايا سرطان الثدي MCF7. أظهرت النتائج أن المستخلص الميثانولي لمخلفات البروكولي وكرنب بروكسيل أعطي أعلي محتوي من المركبات الفعالة و أعلي نشاط مضاد للأكسدة في كبح جماح الشق الحر الـ DPPH· و وأعلي قدرات إختزلية ضد الحديديك الـ Reducing power. بينما أظهر المستخلص المائي لكل من كرنب بروكسيل والقرنبيط اعلى نشاط في عملية خلب الحديدوز الـ Fe2+-chelating. أكد تحليل HPLC للتعرف علي المركبات الفينولية الموجودة في مستخلصات مخلفات خضروات البراسيكا التي تم التعرف عليها أن المستخلص الميثانولي يمتلك كميات مرتفعة من الكاتشين والروتين والكيوماريك والبنزويك و الليتيولين. كما أظهر المستخلص الميثانولي لمخلفات كرنب بروكسيل تأثيراً مثبطاً و مانع للإنتشار وقاتل مع كافة أنواع الخلايا السرطانية وكان ذلك متبوعاً بالبروكولي والفجل الاحمر على التوالي. أكدت هذه النتائج أن مخلفات كرنب بروكسيل تحتوي على مركبات كيميائية فعالة يمكنها أن تمنع تكاثر الخلايا السرطانية. لذلك ، اقترحت هذه النتائج أن مخلفات خضروات البراسيكا يمكن إستخدامها كمضادات أكسدة قوية ومضادة لإنتشار الخلايا السرطانية وذلك في تطبيقات الصناعات الغذائية و الدوائية.This study is pointed out to estimate the effectiveness of two solvents in the extraction and evaluating the active ingredients and their antioxidant activity as well as anti-cancer efficiency. Therefore, residues from four different Brassica vegetables viz. broccoli, Brussels sprout, cauliflower, and red cherry radish were extracted using two procedures methods: methanolic and water crude extracts. Methanol extracts showed the highest content of total phenolic (TP), total flavonoids (TF), and total tannins (TT) for broccoli and Brussels sprouts residues. Methanolic extract of broccoli and Brussels sprouts residues showed the highest DPPH· scavenging activity (IC50 = 15.39 and 18.64 µg/ml). The methanol and water extracts of Brussels sprout residues showed the highest chelating activity (IC50 = 11.77 and 5.94 µg/ml) and exhibited the highest reducing power (EC50 =14.38 and 20.18 µg/ml) with broccoli respectively. The HPLC analysis of phenolic compounds confirmed that the methanol extract of all the residues examined possessed high amounts of catchine, rutin, cumaric, benzoic, and luteolin. The methanol extract at 100 µg/ml of Brussels sprouts residues displayed a rise cytotoxic effect on HePG2 (80.40%), MCF7 (75.49%) and HCT116 (22.74%) followed by broccoli and red cherry radish, respectively. This result confirmed that Brussels sprouts residue contain effective chemical compounds that can inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells. Therefore, these results proposed that those Brassica vegetable residues might be beneficial as a potent antioxidant and anticancer agents and strongly recommended as fixing in constituent's food applications and pharmaceutical industries

    Antioxidant and AntiproliferativeEffects on Human Liver HePG2Epithelial Cells from Artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) By-Products

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    Cynara scolymus L.is a medicinal plant frequently used in traditional medicine for liver diseases. This study aimed to evaluate the antioxidant and Anti-tumer effect in human Liver HePG2 epithelial cells of artichoke. The antioxidant activity of the free phenolic of bracts methanolic extract, as measured with the DPPH.freeradical scavenging activity and iron chelating showed significant antioxidant activity > 0.05  as well as yielded the largest quantity of  phenolics and flavonoids  compounds. A significant increase was observed in hepatocellular carcinoma cell line (HePG2) 78.3 % treated with free phenolic extract of bracts higher than that found in by the heart of artichoke 36.7%. This work showed that extracts with high antioxidant activity can be obtained from artichoke and artichoke by-products. Therefore, this study indicate that the free phenolic extract from bracts of Cynara scolymusL. might be of interest within the developing market of nutritional ingredients and is capable of yielding nutritional supplements with antioxidant and anticancer activities. Key words: Artichoke by-products, antioxidant, antitumor, HepG

    Characterization of anomalous Zeeman patterns in complex atomic spectra

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    The modeling of complex atomic spectra is a difficult task, due to the huge number of levels and lines involved. In the presence of a magnetic field, the computation becomes even more difficult. The anomalous Zeeman pattern is a superposition of many absorption or emission profiles with different Zeeman relative strengths, shifts, widths, asymmetries and sharpnesses. We propose a statistical approach to study the effect of a magnetic field on the broadening of spectral lines and transition arrays in atomic spectra. In this model, the sigma and pi profiles are described using the moments of the Zeeman components, which depend on quantum numbers and Land\'{e} factors. A graphical calculation of these moments, together with a statistical modeling of Zeeman profiles as expansions in terms of Hermite polynomials are presented. It is shown that the procedure is more efficient, in terms of convergence and validity range, than the Taylor-series expansion in powers of the magnetic field which was suggested in the past. Finally, a simple approximate method to estimate the contribution of a magnetic field to the width of transition arrays is proposed. It relies on our recently published recursive technique for the numbering of LS-terms of an arbitrary configuration.Comment: submitted to Physical Review

    Risk Factors of Epistaxis in Primary School Children in Dakahlia Governorate, Egypt

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    Background: Epistaxis is a common pediatric complaint, so we study its risk factors trying to control and decrease it among primary school children. Objectives: To determine frequency of epistaxis and to assess the risk factors of epistaxis in primary school children (8-12 years old). Patients and Methods: A cross-sectional study that was conducted on 312 children. Sample was collected by systematic random technique from the children attending to Family Health Center, Sanafa, Mit-Ghamr city, Dakahlia Governorate, Egypt. Participants’ data regarding socio-demographic characteristics, and risk factors were collected via predesignedquestionnaire. Results: The study revealed that prevalence of epistaxis among the studied group was 32.4% and the most common risk factors among the studied group were smoking, head trauma, factory gases, chronic cough and upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) (56.7%, 45.8%, 35.6%, 32.7% & 30.1% respectively).Conclusion: Recurrent epistaxis can be troublesome and alarming for parents and children. so special attention must be given for it