16 research outputs found

    Structural analysis of grabens, Pit Chains and rifting in Noctis Labyrinthus (Mars) based on data derived from HRSC and MOLA.

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    ResearchAims: 1. Study the tectonic features and the stress field in NoctisLabyrinthus. 2. Scrutinize the PitChainsmorohologyand evolution. 3. Reveal the processes responsible for the complex ramify rift systems and troug

    IAU Office of Astronomy for Education, OAE Center Italy - Annual Report 2021

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    First annual report of the the IAU OAE Center Italy, an international office addressed to education and hosted and financed by Inaf. OAE Center Italy was established on the 3rd of March 2021, thanks to a Memorandum of Understanding signed by three parties: IAU, the Office of Astronomy for Education and INAF. OAE Center Italy is a joint project of a consortium of Italian partners, led and represented by INAF and of the IAU OAE, and is operated by INAF. The Italian partners are INAF, the Italian Astronomical Society (SAIt) and the University of Rome Tor Vergata (ToV)

    IAU Office of Astronomy for Education OAE Center Italy - Quarterly Report 1 January-March 2022

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    The IAU O!ce of Astronomy for Education Center Italy (I-OAE) is a joint project of a consortium of Italian partners led and represented by Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF, National Institute for Astrophysics), the International Astronomical Union (IAU) and the IAU O!ce of Astronomy for Education. The Italian consortium is constituted by: INAF, the Italian Astronomical Society (SAIt) and the University of Rome Tor Vergata (ToV). I-OAE HQ are hosted by the INAF - Rome Astronomical Observatory, in Monteporzio. Personnel is selected on voluntary bases according to their interests and competence, in agreement with the Institutes they work for. Brochure of the 2021 activities: https://www.flipsnack.com/eduinaf/oaei-brochure.htmlQuarterly Report 1 January-March 2022 is the report of the activities from January to March 2022 of the IAU Office of Astronomy for Education OAE Center Italy Attachment: brochure of the activities and project 202

    Astro Camping Project In Djerba : First step to develop Astronomy In Tunisia

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    <p>XXXth General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union</p&gt


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    <p>LPSC 2023 [#1031]</p&gt

    Tectonics structures in Noctis Labyrinthus area based on HRSC and CTX photogeological mapping

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    <p>EPSC 2018</p&gt

    Structural analysis of the fault networks in Noctis Labyrinthus (Mars) and preliminary geological mapping for 1/2 of the Eminescu (H09) quadrangle in Mercury

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    Questa tesi è dedicata allo studio delle caratteristiche tettoniche e del rapporto tra faglie e pit chains all'interno di Noctis Labyrinthus al fine di ricostruire un modello deformativo della sua formazione, ancora piuttosto ignota. In particolare abbiamo interpretato su immagini telerilevate ad alta risoluzione, la cinematica, le geometrie e le relazioni di intersezione tra i diversi sistemi di faglie riconosciuti. Abbiamo quindi realizzato una mappa strutturale per l'area selezionata e abbiamo proposto una successione di eventi responsabili della formazione del sistema di rift e delle depressioni in Noctis Labyrinthus. Mentre durante lo studio di Noctis Labyrinthus abbiamo affrontato un contesto estensionale, su Mercurio abbiamo analizzato un regime compressivo usando le immagini della sonda NASA MESSENGER per realizzare la carta geologica di metà del quadrangolo Eminescu (H-09) comprensiva di contesto tettonico . In particolare, forniremo una mappa morfo-stratigrafica con scala di output 1:3M come parte del progetto di mappatura globale della superficie di Mercurio (Galluzzi et al., 2021), al fine di supportare la missione ESA-JAXA BepiColombo su Mercurio.This thesis is devoted to studying the tectonic features and the relationship between faults and pit-chains within Noctis Labyrinthus in order to reconstruct a deformational model of its formation, still poorly understood. In particular, We interpreted on high-resolution remote sensing images, the kinematics, the intersection geometries, and the cross-cutting relationship of the detected faults system. We finally produced a structural map of the area of interest and proposed a succession of events responsible for the formation of the rift and troughs network in Noctis Labyrinthus. While studying Noctis Laborinthus on Mars we dealt with extensional tectonic, on Mercury we analyzed a compressional regime, using NASA MESSENGER image to produce a geological map of half of the Eminescu (H-09) quadrangle comprehensive of its tectonic context. In particular, we will deliver a morpho-stratigraphic map at 1:3M output scale as part of the global mapping project for Mercury' surface (Galluzzi et al., 2021), in the frame to support the ESA-JAXA BepiColombo mission to Mercury

    A Volcano-tectonic activity: Possible scenario beyond the formation of the rift systems in Noctis Labyrinthus (Mars)

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    <p>90th Conference of the Italian Geological Society</p&gt

    Tectonic structures in Noctis Labyrinthus area based in HRSC and CTX photogeological mapping.

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    Noctis Labyrinthus is made up by inter-connected canyons with complex branched networks of extensional faults and grabens whose origin and evolution is still debated. It is located in the Northern hemisphere at the western part of Valles Marineris, and is bordered by Noctis Fossae to NE and by Syria Planum and Syria Colles to the SSE (defined on the surface by the coordinates 6.36\ub0 S, 258.81 \ub0E). Our work was carried out on HRSC and CTX images and was focussed at mapping at different scales faults, scarps and grabens and identifying their cross-cutting relationship in order to assess the strain field responsible for their formation

    Faults mapping in Noctis Labyrinthus area

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    Noctis Labyrinthus is a region located in the western part of Valles Marineris, bordering Syria Planum to the north and it’s a part of the Phoenicis Lacus quadrangle on Mars. The faulting of this region is not yet well understood being made up of intersecting canyons and complex branched networks of faults and extensional grabens. We have mapped all the lineaments on a given portion of the Noctis Labyrinthus (Defined by the coordinates ''6.36 ° S, 258.81 ° ''E on the surface of Mars and bordered with Noctis Fossae on NE and with Syria Planum and Syria Colles on S-SE) on images from the CTX camera of Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. In particular , we have drawn on different scales faults, scarps and grabens and we have checked their orientation using rose diagrams. The Rose diagrams show at all scales two main trends of faults: ENE-WSW and N-S that do not show a preferential cross-cutting relationship of one direction over the other. This seems to support a coeval development of the two systems potentially generated in response of a bidirectional or a radial extension. Particularly relevant are the pits which can be find within the tip and at the margin of the Noctis Labyrinthus grabens. They seem due to the tectonics process of graben propagation more than cratering phenomena and thus might give hints on the rheological subsurface layering which underwent the extensional deformation