30 research outputs found

    Malignant Transformation of Erosive Oral Mucosal Lichen Planus To Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Case Report and a Review of the Literature

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    Introduction: Oral Mucosal Lichen Planus (OMLP) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease, usually benign that affects all areas of the oral mucosa. Its diagnosis is based on the clinical examination and histological analysis. The erosive form presents a risk of malignant transformation from 0.3% to 3%, justifying the strict surveillance of the disease and effective treatment of relapses.Case report: This is a 65 years old woman, without specific and non smoking history, reported to the Oral Surgery Department of the Consultation Center of Dental Treatment of Rabat, presenting oral lesions lasting for four years. The intraoral examination revealed the presence of white lesions in the form of plates sitting on the entire right side edge of the tongue. A biopsy was performed and concluded an erosive oral lichen planus which has been transformed to Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma.Discussion: Malignant transformation of the OMLP is rare and remains a subject of controversy despite numerous studies that have been devoted. It occurs most often on the atrophic and erosive forms. Several assumptions have been suggested to explain this malignant transformation, but the chronic inflammation seems to be the key factor. Tobacco and alcohol are well known carcinogenic factors, may contribute to the malignant transformation of the OMLP, but it turns out that this disease affects mostly women who have no-smoking Ethylo intoxication. So there must be other factors

    Focal Fibrous Hyperplasia : Two Case Reports

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    Introduction: Focal fibrous hyperplasia is a lesion of reactive nature afflicting the gingival mucosa in most of cases, with idiopathic etiology.Presentation of the case: This paper reports two cases of focal fibrous hyperplasia in both maxillary and mandibular locations.Conclusion: Focal fibrous hyperplasia is a slowly progressing lesion, the growth of which is generally limited. Many cases will progress for long periods before patients seek treatment because of the lack of symptoms associated with the lesion.

    Non syndromic supernumerary teeth: management of two clinical cases

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    Supernumerary teeth are extra teeth or tooth-like structures. Single, double, or multiple teeth that occur in one or both jaws may be erupted or unerupted and unilateral or bilateral. Supernumeraries are less common in primary dentition than in permanent dentition. The etiology of ST is still unknown. A number of theories have been postulated to try to explain their presence, including atavism (evolutionary throwback), tooth germ dichotomy, genetic and environmental factors, and hyperactivity of the dental lamina. However, all theories are hypothetical due to the inability to obtain sufficient embryologic material on their origin. The aim of this paper is two present two case reports of non syndromic supernumerary teeth in female patients and their management

    A propos d’un ostéosarcome maxillaire

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    Place de la tomographie volumique Ă  faisceau conique en imagerie dento-maxillofaciale

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    La tomographie volumique à faisceau conique ou plus communément appelée « cone beam » est une nouvelle technique d’imagerie qui permet de visualiser l’ensemble du complexe maxillofacial. Ses performances techniques et dosimétriques, ainsi que son coût faible par rapport à la tomodensitométrie, peuvent la proposer comme alternative à cette dernière, notamment dans certaines indications cliniques, telles que les tumeurs odontogènes, les traumatismes maxillofaciaux, l’implantologie, le rapport des dents de sagesse avec les structures avoisinantes... La diffusion de cette technique, qui s’avère prometteuse, est déjà largement avancée. Il est donc désormais important de faire le point sur la place réelle de cette technologie en imagerie dento-maxillofaciale

    Giant cell tumor of the maxilla: an unusual neoplasm

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    Giant cell tumors (GCT) of the bone are uncommon primary bone neoplasms that occur mainly in the epiphyses of long bones. Their incidence in craniofacial skeleton is rare, particularly in the maxilla. We report a case of a 12-year-old patient with a GCT of the left maxilla, who underwent a surgical excision of whole mass, and showed no recurrence one year after intervention

    Esthetic improvement of a nasolabial cutaneous sinus tract

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    A cutaneous sinus tract of dental origin is relatively uncommon and may easily be misdiagnosed, owing to its uncommon occurrence and absence of dental symptoms. Such a lesion continues to be a diagnostic dilemma. The case described here presented a nasolabial cutaneous sinus tract of dental origin that was treated by a surgical approach with an excellent esthetic improvement

    Neurofibromatose type 1 avec un neurofibrome lingual

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    La maladie de Von Recklinghausen ou neurofibromatose de type 1 (NF1) est une maladie héréditaire fréquente, à transmission autosomique dominante; 50 % des cas environ sont dus à la forme sporadique (mutations de novo). Les manifestations les plus fréquentes sont cutanées (tâches café au lait) et neurologiques (neurofibromes cutanés), mais des manifestations buccales peuvent également être observées. Certaines manifestations présentent parfois une transformation maligne. Ceci exige un suivi à long terme de ces manifestations, et une prise en charge impliquant souvent l’intervention de différents spécialistes dont le médecin-dentiste qui devra connaitre l’attitude thérapeutique face aux patients présentant ce syndrome. Un cas d’un neurofibrome siégeant sur la face ventrale de la langue chez un patient âgé de 55 ans, atteint de la maladie de Von Recklinghausen, est présenté