100 research outputs found

    Force Sensitivity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Flocculins

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    Many fungal adhesins have short, -aggregation-prone sequences that play important functional roles, and in the Candida albicans adhesin Als5p, these sequences cluster the adhesins after exposure to shear force. Here, we report that Saccharomyces cerevisiae flocculins Flo11p and Flo1p have similar -aggregation-prone sequences and are similarly stimulated by shear force, despite being nonhomologous. Shear from vortex mixing induced the formation of small flocs in cells expressing either adhesin. After the addition of Ca2, yeast cells from vortex-sheared populations showed greatly enhanced flocculation and displayed more pronounced thioflavin-bright surface nanodomains. At high concentrations, amyloidophilic dyes inhibited Flo1p- and Flo11p-mediated agar invasion and the shear-induced increase in flocculation. Consistent with these results, atomic force microscopy of Flo11p showed successive force-distance peaks characteristic of sequentially unfolding tandem repeat domains, like Flo1p and Als5p. Flo11p-expressing cells bound together through homophilic interactions with adhesion forces of up to 700 pN and rupture lengths of up to 600 nm. These results are consistent with the potentiation of yeast flocculation by shear-induced formation of high-avidity domains of clustered adhesins at the cell surface, similar to the activation of Candida albicans adhesin Als5p. Thus, yeast adhesins from three independent gene families use similar force dependent interactions to drive cell adhesion

    Development of an In Vitro Model for the Multi-Parametric Quantification of the Cellular Interactions between Candida Yeasts and Phagocytes

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    We developed a new in vitro model for a multi-parameter characterization of the time course interaction of Candida fungal cells with J774 murine macrophages and human neutrophils, based on the use of combined microscopy, fluorometry, flow cytometry and viability assays. Using fluorochromes specific to phagocytes and yeasts, we could accurately quantify various parameters simultaneously in a single infection experiment: at the individual cell level, we measured the association of phagocytes to fungal cells and phagocyte survival, and monitored in parallel the overall phagocytosis process by measuring the part of ingested fungal cells among the total fungal biomass that changed over time. Candida albicans, C. glabrata, and C. lusitaniae were used as a proof of concept: they exhibited species-specific differences in their association rate with phagocytes. The fungal biomass uptaken by the phagocytes differed significantly according to the Candida species. The measure of the survival of fungal and immune cells during the interaction showed that C. albicans was the more aggressive yeast in vitro, destroying the vast majority of the phagocytes within five hours. All three species of Candida were able to survive and to escape macrophage phagocytosis either by the intraphagocytic yeast-to-hyphae transition (C. albicans) and the fungal cell multiplication until phagocytes burst (C. glabrata, C. lusitaniae), or by the avoidance of phagocytosis (C. lusitaniae). We demonstrated that our model was sensitive enough to quantify small variations of the parameters of the interaction. The method has been conceived to be amenable to the high-throughput screening of mutants in order to unravel the molecular mechanisms involved in the interaction between yeasts and host phagocytes

    Development of cellular and molecular tools for the analysis of Candida - phagocytes interactions; Application to the functional analysis of a desaturase encoded by OLE2 in C. lusitaniae

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    Les levures Candida sont des pathogènes opportunistes responsables d’infections graves chez les patients immunodéprimés. Au cours de ce travail, nous avons développé un modèle cellulaire in vitro pour la caractérisation multiparamétrique des phénotypes d’interaction entre les levures Candida et les macrophages et les neutrophiles, principaux effecteurs de la défense anti-Candida. Il repose sur l’utilisation de marqueurs fluorescents pour le suivi quantitatif de l’interaction en cytométrie en flux et en fluorimétrie. Ce modèle a été validé par la comparaison de l’interaction de trois espèces de levures, C. albicans, C. glabrata et C. lusitaniae, avec des macrophages murins et des neutrophiles humains. Deux stratégies principales de survie des levures à la phagocytose ont été mises en évidence : par la résistance à la phagolyse et la multiplication des levures à l’intérieur des phagocytes jusqu’à leur éclatement, ou par l’évitement de la phagocytose et la multiplication des levures à l’extérieur des phagocytes. L’interprétation des données quantitatives a été confirmée par microscopie à fluorescence et vidéo-microscopie. Afin de mieux comprendre les interactions Candida-phagocytes, nous avons mis au point des outils pour l’analyse fonctionnelle de gènes chez C. lusitaniae. Une stratégie de PCR chevauchante a été développée pour l’obtention de mutants nuls de C. lusitaniae, sans étape de clonage. C’est ainsi que le gène OLE2, codant une Δ9 désaturase d’acides gras potentiellement impliquée dans la biosynthèse de la prostaglandine PGE2, a été invalidé. Le mutant ole2Δ présentait de très nets défauts de filamentation et de reproduction sexuée. Par rapport à une souche sauvage, le mutant ole2∆ était massivement phagocyté par les macrophages, et la survie des phagocytes était plus importante, ce qui suggère un rôle important des lipides insaturés et des oxylipides dans la signalisation cellulaire au cours de l’interaction Candida-phagocytes. Dans la dernière partie de notre travail, nous avons construit une banque de 10 000 mutants de C. lusitaniae par l’intégration aléatoire d’un marqueur dans le génome. Le criblage de cette banque à travers notre modèle cellulaire d’interaction permettra d’identifier de nouveaux gènes impliqués dans l’interaction avec les phagocytes afin de mieux comprendre la physiopathologie des candidoses et de trouver de nouvelles pistes thérapeutiques.Candida species are opportunistic pathogens causing severe infectious diseases in immunocompromised patients. In this work, we developed a tool for a multi-parameter characterization of the cell interactions between the yeasts Candida and both macrophages and neutrophils, which constitute the main defense against candidiasis. It relies on the labelling of each population with specific fluorescent markers, and on the use of fluorimetry and flow cytometry to assess interactions. The tool has been validated by comparing the interactions of three yeast species C. albicans, C. glabrata and C. lusitaniae, with murine macrophages and human neutrophils. We found that yeasts use two main ways for escaping phagocytosis, which has been confirmed using video-microscopy: either (1) by surviving to phagolysis and dividing into the phagosome until phagocytes burst, or (2) by avoiding phagocytosis and dividing outside phagocytes. In order to better understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in Candida-phagocytes interactions, we developed new molecular tools for the functional analysis of genes in C. lusitaniae, notably a two-step cloning-free PCR-based method for the deletion of genes. This method was successfully used for the deletion of OLE2, a gene encoding a Δ9-desaturase of fatty acids, possibly implicated in prostaglandin PGE2 biosynthesis. The ole2Δ mutant exhibited strong defects in both pseudofilamention and sexual mating. During macrophages infection, ole2Δ yeast cells were massively internalized and triggered less phagocytes cell death than the wild type strain, suggesting that unsaturated fatty acids and/or oxylipids could play a role during interaction with phagocytes. Lastly, a bank of 10,000 mutants was constructed in C. lusitaniae by the random integration of a genetic marker in the genome. The screening of this bank through our tool to analyse cellular interactions will be undertaken to gain insights into understanding of the early stages of the infectious process

    Development of cellular and molecular tools for the analysis of Candida - phagocytes interactions; Application to the functional analysis of a desaturase encoded by OLE2 in C. lusitaniae

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    Les levures Candida sont des pathogènes opportunistes responsables d’infections graves chez les patients immunodéprimés. Au cours de ce travail, nous avons développé un modèle cellulaire in vitro pour la caractérisation multiparamétrique des phénotypes d’interaction entre les levures Candida et les macrophages et les neutrophiles, principaux effecteurs de la défense anti-Candida. Il repose sur l’utilisation de marqueurs fluorescents pour le suivi quantitatif de l’interaction en cytométrie en flux et en fluorimétrie. Ce modèle a été validé par la comparaison de l’interaction de trois espèces de levures, C. albicans, C. glabrata et C. lusitaniae, avec des macrophages murins et des neutrophiles humains. Deux stratégies principales de survie des levures à la phagocytose ont été mises en évidence : par la résistance à la phagolyse et la multiplication des levures à l’intérieur des phagocytes jusqu’à leur éclatement, ou par l’évitement de la phagocytose et la multiplication des levures à l’extérieur des phagocytes. L’interprétation des données quantitatives a été confirmée par microscopie à fluorescence et vidéo-microscopie. Afin de mieux comprendre les interactions Candida-phagocytes, nous avons mis au point des outils pour l’analyse fonctionnelle de gènes chez C. lusitaniae. Une stratégie de PCR chevauchante a été développée pour l’obtention de mutants nuls de C. lusitaniae, sans étape de clonage. C’est ainsi que le gène OLE2, codant une Δ9 désaturase d’acides gras potentiellement impliquée dans la biosynthèse de la prostaglandine PGE2, a été invalidé. Le mutant ole2Δ présentait de très nets défauts de filamentation et de reproduction sexuée. Par rapport à une souche sauvage, le mutant ole2∆ était massivement phagocyté par les macrophages, et la survie des phagocytes était plus importante, ce qui suggère un rôle important des lipides insaturés et des oxylipides dans la signalisation cellulaire au cours de l’interaction Candida-phagocytes. Dans la dernière partie de notre travail, nous avons construit une banque de 10 000 mutants de C. lusitaniae par l’intégration aléatoire d’un marqueur dans le génome. Le criblage de cette banque à travers notre modèle cellulaire d’interaction permettra d’identifier de nouveaux gènes impliqués dans l’interaction avec les phagocytes afin de mieux comprendre la physiopathologie des candidoses et de trouver de nouvelles pistes thérapeutiques.Candida species are opportunistic pathogens causing severe infectious diseases in immunocompromised patients. In this work, we developed a tool for a multi-parameter characterization of the cell interactions between the yeasts Candida and both macrophages and neutrophils, which constitute the main defense against candidiasis. It relies on the labelling of each population with specific fluorescent markers, and on the use of fluorimetry and flow cytometry to assess interactions. The tool has been validated by comparing the interactions of three yeast species C. albicans, C. glabrata and C. lusitaniae, with murine macrophages and human neutrophils. We found that yeasts use two main ways for escaping phagocytosis, which has been confirmed using video-microscopy: either (1) by surviving to phagolysis and dividing into the phagosome until phagocytes burst, or (2) by avoiding phagocytosis and dividing outside phagocytes. In order to better understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in Candida-phagocytes interactions, we developed new molecular tools for the functional analysis of genes in C. lusitaniae, notably a two-step cloning-free PCR-based method for the deletion of genes. This method was successfully used for the deletion of OLE2, a gene encoding a Δ9-desaturase of fatty acids, possibly implicated in prostaglandin PGE2 biosynthesis. The ole2Δ mutant exhibited strong defects in both pseudofilamention and sexual mating. During macrophages infection, ole2Δ yeast cells were massively internalized and triggered less phagocytes cell death than the wild type strain, suggesting that unsaturated fatty acids and/or oxylipids could play a role during interaction with phagocytes. Lastly, a bank of 10,000 mutants was constructed in C. lusitaniae by the random integration of a genetic marker in the genome. The screening of this bank through our tool to analyse cellular interactions will be undertaken to gain insights into understanding of the early stages of the infectious process

    Bioinspired multienzymatic surfaces for antibiofilm protection

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    Candida macrophages interaction

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    Measuring hydrophobic forces on live cells

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    AFM applied to live systems

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