13 research outputs found

    Eksistensi dan Urgensi Upaya Administratif dalam Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan di Indonesia

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    Tulisan ini akan menelaah mengenai penyelenggaraan upaya administratif di Indonesia untuk melihat bagaimana eksistensi dan urgensi upaya administratif dalam pemerintahan. Bagaimana eksistensi dan urgensi upaya administratif dalam pemerintahan di Indonesia? Bagaimanakah konsep atau pola ideal upaya administratif agar dapat menciptakan kemanfaatan serta perlindungan hukum untuk masyarakat? Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa eksistensi dan manfaat upaya administratif akan semakin memperoleh pengakuan, apabila jaminan serupa mengenai kebenaran dan keadilan juga diperoleh seperti halnya pada peradilan administrasi murni. Di samping itu, untuk mewujudkan upaya administratif yang ideal maka perlu dirumuskan pola upaya administratif yang meliputi Badan (Majelis) dan kedudukannya serta Hukum Acara (Hukum Formal) sebagai pedoman dalam melakukan pemeriksaan dan penyelesaian upaya administratif


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    This reasearch attempts to reveals political movement of  Muslim Tionghoa people (Islamic Chinese)  at Yogyakarta. Today, there is a significant shifting of Muslim Tionghoa people. It can not be sparated from the latest problem commonly growing up at Indonesia.  Actually, in many years ago, the Tionghoa people did political role at Indonesia, but untill now  they  often become a victime of ethnic violence. Moreover they  are still discriminated politically. Their rights as citizen of Indonesia is not fulfilled. They  are still distinguished with native people (pribumi), in Indonesia. Their political movement  was still restricted so much, especially in Orde Baru era.However,  recently, exactly after  Reformation movement in 1998 occured,  Tionghoa people in Indonesia are actively participating in political sphere. They are now  success to be member of House of Representative, minister and governor. It is also done by Muslim Tionghoa in Yogyakarta. Muslim Tionghoa at Yogyakarta is united in a organization namely, PITI. PITI is a Muslim Tionghoa people organization existing in Indonesia. This organization has some branches in several Indonesian areas, including Yogyakarta.When early being established, PITI Yogyakarta moved in social and religious activities only. But today, PITI  Yogyakarta is taking act in every areas including social, religion, culture, economy and politic. It is invented that the shifting movement of Muslim Tionghoa  at Yogyakarta politically is related with ethnic discrimination in Indonesia. They would like to eliminate the such discrimination to reach their rights totally as Indonesian citizen

    The constitutional rights of indigenous beliefs adherents in minority fiqh perspective

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    Indigenous Beliefs Adherents (Penghayat Kepercayaan) who were victims of injustice filed a judicial review and finally brought out to Constitutional Court Decision Number 97/PUU-XIV/2016. This decision became the legal basis for Indigenous Beliefs Adherents to obtain their constitutional rights: recognition, respect, and protection by embedding the beliefs they believe in on the electronic ID card (e-KTP). This study aims to analyze based on the epistemology of minority fiqh on the constitutional rights of Indigenous Beliefs Adherents. In contrast to many studies that place minority fiqh in defense of Muslim minorities in the West, this study develops minority fiqh for non-Muslim minorities in Muslim-majority countries. This article uses normative legal research, with qualitative descriptive analysis with a case approach that analyzes Constitutional Court Decision Number 97/PUU-XIV/2016. The study results show that the Constitutional Court Decision viewed from the perspective of minority fiqh is very relevant. Because the purpose of Islamic law is none other than to protect minorities, including freedom of religion. Minority fiqh is also in line with the concept of constitutional rights. The Constitutional Court Decision restores Indigenous Beliefs' constitutional rights to the same level as other religious groups.

    Politik Legislasi Perda Syari’ah di Sumatera Barat

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    Penelitian ini bermula dari hipotesa bahwa ketika partai-partai Islam bergururan, dan pada saat yang sama organisasi-organisasi Islam radikal banyak bermunculan, maka bisa diduga, maraknya Perda-Perda syariah di berbagai daerah di Indonesia dipicu oleh aspirasi organisasi-organisasi Islam radikal. Melalui tekanan politik yang mereka lakukan, meliputi penerapan Perda syariah di sejumlah daerah di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menjawab dua rumusan masalah, yakni; Bagaimana peran organisasi Islam dalam menginisiasi dan pembahasan perda Syariah di Sumatra Barat; Mengapa di Sumatra Barat banyak melahirkan Perda Syariah

    Omnibus Law di Indonesia

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    This article examines the drafting of the Omnibus Law on the Job Creation Bill, the original purpose of which was to facilitate investment or accelerate the economy. Starting from the disharmony of several overlapping regulations, out of sync between one law and another in the investment sector, a universal sweeping law that contains thousands of articles is needed. This study uses the theory of the formation of laws and regulations and the perspective of legal politics, with juridical analysis, to explain how a process of drafting a law, the principles of formation, and the political dynamics that gave birth to it. This paper emphasizes that the process and politics of the Omnibus Law legislation on the Job Creation Bill has minimal public participation and is not transparent. So the legal product of the Job Creation Law is formally flawed, and materially contains articles that are capitalist in content, opening up investment for investors but on the other hand harming the people. In this study, it was also found that the Omnibus Law of the Job Creation Act was born with more character instrumentalist-oligarchic, where the government transplants the Omnibus Law solely as a short-term pragmatic option to spread the 'red carpet' for investors. In other words, the Omnibus Law fails to create an instrumentalist-democratic character, which is oriented towards fulfilling and strengthening the values ​​of the rule of law which is long-term oriented while at the same time creating a sustainable participatory-democratic climate


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    Desain konstitusi yang mengatur prinsip penyelenggaraanpemerintahan daerah dengan sistem desentralisasi memberikan kebebasan untuk menentukan jabatan Wakil Kepala Daerah masing-masing. Tetapi terdapat problem disharmoni antara Kepala Daerah dan Wakilnya karena alasan konflik kewenangan (conflict of authoruty). Bagaimana urgensi dan kedudukan Wakil Kepala Daerah dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan daerah yang menganut sistem desentralisasi? Bagaimana politik hukum pengaturan jabatan Wakil Kepala Daerah yang ideal dalam sistem desentralisasi? Dari awal desain jabatan Wakil Kepala Daerah adalah sebagai pendamping Kepala Daerah. Sehinggga idealnya, Wakil Kepala Daerah dipilih oleh Kepala Daerah terpilih, bukan dipilih berpasangan secara langsung oleh rakyat. Pembagian tugas dan kewenangan antara Kepala Daerah dan Wakilnya juga harus tegas dan jelas untuk menghindari dualisme dan overlaping di antara keduanya. Artinya, Wakil Kepala Daerah benar-benar hanya menjadi pembantu Kepala Daerah, dan bertanggung jawab kepada Kepala Daerah


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    Dalam sejarah Indonesia, banyak pelanggaran hak konstitusional warga negara yang dilakukan oleh Negara. Namun tidak ada instrumen hukum bagi warga negaranya untuk mengajukan pengaduan konstitusional untuk mendapatkan keadilan hak-hak konstitusionalnya telah dilanggar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kasus yang dapat dikatagorikan sebagai pengaduan konstitusioanl, mengetahui otoritas dasar Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia, sehingga pengadilan Mahkamah Konstitusi dapat menguji pengaduan berdasarkan Undang-Undang Dasar, cara mengatasi pengaduan konstitutional ketika pengadilan tidak memiliki wewenang untuk menguji pengaduan yangberdasarkan undang-undang dasar. Penulis menguji pengertian hukum, konsep-konsep hukum, dan prinsip-prinsip hukum yang berkaitan dengan tugas, wewenang, dan fungsi untuk memeriksa pengaduan konstitusional pengadilan. Semua jenis norma hukum baik undang-undang maupun produk legislatif keputusan pemerintah (eksekutif) dan keputusan lembaga peradilan, dapat diuji melalui pengaduan konstitutional selama aturan hukum yang merugikan hak-hak konstitusional setiap warga negara individu. Selain itu harus ada das sollen kewenangan pengadilan untuk memeriksa constitutional complaint. Maka tidak ada jalan lain kecuali melalui mekanisme konstitusi amandemen UUD 1945

    Pembangkangan Sipil Umat Islam di Yogyakarta terhadap Sabda Raja

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    This research is to investigate Muslim people movement at Yogyakarta who rejects Sabda Raja. Last year, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono, a King of Yogyakarta, established a new decree called by Sabda Raja. One of principal messages of the Sabda Raja is to allow a woman (princess) becomes a King/Queen. The Sabda Raja above immediately sparks for and contra among Yogyakarta people, including Muslim People. Several Muslim communities like NU and Muhammadiyah are against Sabda Raja. The reason Muslim people are using to reject Sabda Raja is that it breaks Kraton principle (Paugeran). The principle affirms that a King of Yogyakarta is a man, not woman. Several Muslim people at Yogyakarta considers that Sultan has an political ambition to establish his daughter (princess), GKR Pembayun, to be the next King (Queen) of Yogyakarta, because he does not have a son (prince). Sabda Raja is a legal tool to reach the ambition. Besides that, Sabda Raja also tends to remove religious degree, Khalifatullah, that is attached on King of Yogyakarta. Because of those reasons, Muslim people oppose Sabda Raja

    Belajar Bisnis di Internet

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    124 hlm., 20 c

    Mengenal & Menghayati hari besar Islam

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    68 hal.: ilus.; 21 c