833 research outputs found

    Nanotechnology and its Considerations in Poultry Field: An Overview

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    NO ABSTRACT AVAILABLENanotechnology is an emerging science field that in the years to come could have countless beneficial effects on every aspect of everyday life including animal farming. Recently, research in this sector has shown the potential for many different applications in Veterinary practice. In poultry farming in particular, various nanoparticles have been experimentally used for several purposes such as: alternative to antibiotics as growth promoters, as feed additives to enhance and improve the growth rate, performance, immunity, resistance to pathogens and increase the quality of meat. In laying hens, they can have a positive influence to both quantity and quality of eggs. Moreover, nanomaterials applied in embryonated chicken eggs can improve embryos development. The aim of this overview is to provide a description of potential nanotechnology applications for poultry sector and discuss any challenges or obstacles including the matters of safety of application of these nanomaterials in animals, in humans and of course in the environment

    Pheromones and Chemical Communication in Insects

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    Chemical communication is an essential item for insects’ survivals that qualify them to adapt their behavior depending on the surrounding environment. Semiochemicals defined as informative molecules (M) mainly play an important role that conveys specific chemical messages between insect and insect and plant and insect. Olfaction mechanism in insects is a key point of chemical communication between the same and different insect species. Discrimination of various odors through the olfaction system depends only on the evolutionary pressures of the molecules which stimulate the development of specific binding proteins (BPs) and specific receptor sites present on individual chemosensory neurons. Pheromones are defined as species-specific chemical signals which enable communication between life-forms of the same species. Recently, semiochemicals become as alternative or complementary components to insecticide approaches in integrated pest management (IPM) strategies. Pheromones are secreted by insects causing a specific reaction, for example, either a definite behavior or a developmental process. Pheromones have been classified into eight various types: aggregation pheromones, alarm pheromones, oviposition-deterrent pheromones, home recognition pheromones, sex pheromones, trail pheromones, recruitment pheromones, and royal pheromones. Pheromones are promising and can be used singly or in integration with other control strategies for monitoring and controlling insect pests in agricultural systems

    Utjecaj fitobiotičkog svetog bosiljka (Ocimum sanctum) na proizvodnju i zdravlje tovnih pilića

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    Various types of phytobiotics have been recently used in poultry production systems to avoid the development of drug resistance and tissue residues. One such phytobiotic is holy basil or tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), an aromatic plant with multiple therapeutic functions. The powder or extract of tulsi is rich in essential oils and organic acids, which have positive effects on the physiological functions. It has been extensively used in medicine to treat many health issues. Moreover, in poultry industry, dietary tulsi has been recommended for the enhancement of general health conditions with promising results. Enrichment of broilers diets with tulsi improved the growth rate, carcass characteristics, and gut health, relived stress, and modulated the immune response and some biochemical blood parameters. This review article presents in details the different influences of dietary tulsi on these parameters in broilers.Različite se vrste fitobiotika odnedavna rabe u sustavu proizvodnje peradi i da bi se izbjegao razvoj otpornosti na lijekove i njihovih ostataka u tkivu peradi. Jedan od tih fitobiotika je sveti bosiljak ili tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), aromatična biljka s višestrukim terapijskim djelovanjem. Prah ili ekstrakt svetog bosiljka bogat je esencijalnim hlapljivim uljima i organskim kiselinama koje imaju pozitivne učinke na fiziološke funkcije tjelesnih organa, stoga je raširen u uporabi u medicini za liječenje brojnih zdravstvenih problema. U peradarskoj industriji, prehrambeni sveti bosiljak preporučen je za poboljšanje općeg zdravstvenog stanja s dobrim rezultatima. Uporaba svetog bosiljka u prehrani tovnih pilića rezultirala je poboljšanjem stope rasta, kvalitetom mesa, zdravlja želudca, smanjenjem stresa, kao i moduliranjem imunološkog odgovora i nekih hemato-biokemijskih parametara. Stoga, ovaj pregledni članak detaljno predstavlja različite utjecaje prehrambenog svetog bosiljka na navedene parametre u tovnih pilića

    Primary mathematical skills in Egypt and England

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    As the intention of this research was to investigate the acquiring of skills in mathematics in primary schools, Egypt (which is considered to be a developing Country) and England (considered to be an advanced country) were chosen to provide different ends of the scale. This piece of research is considered to be of high significance for a number of reasons: firstly, the acquiring of mathematical skills is an important aim in the school curriculum. Secondly, primary school level is an important stage as it is the basis for the other stages. Thirdly, Elementary school mathematical experience may serve in developing one's abilities to understand social institutions, and in equipping one to meet more effectively problems which occur in personal life. Fourthly, there is a deficiency in defining skills practically. Fifthly, there is a lack in evaluating skills objectively. A practical definition and classification of skills have been adapted, developed, and modified. Objective tests for evaluating skills have been designed for both Egypt and England. Children's performance in the test of skills has been analysed, and appropriate comparisons between Egyptian children and English children in acquiring skills have been made. General observations from the children's results have been made. It is hoped that this research will contribute in evaluating and improving the methods of teaching mathematics in primary school in general, and teaching mathematical concepts and skills in particular

    Influence of dietary Moringa oleifera on broilers performance, intestinal microbial population and humoral immune competence

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    ΔΕΝ ΔΙΑΤΙΘΕΤΑΙ ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΗThis study was designed to evaluate the effect of using different levels of phytobiotic containing Moringa oleifera (M. oleifera) leaf powder (MOLP) on broiler chickens body growth performance parameters, intestinal microbial population, and the humoral immune response. Day-old Hubbard broiler chicks (n = 200) were randomly allocated into 4 treatment diet. Basal diet was supplied with treatments T0, T1, T2 and T3 representing (0, 1%, 5% and 7.5% MOLP); respectively. Chickens were kept under observation for 5 weeks. Body performance parameters, total viable bacterial and coliform counts and humoral immune response to Newcastle disease (ND) virus vaccine were detected using the haemagglutination inhibition (HI) test. The results revealed significant (P < 0.05) improvement in performance parameters in groups supplemented with dietary MOLP. However, the best significant (P < 0.05) performance was observed in the group fed 1% MOLP. There was no significant (P < 0.05) difference among treatments considering the total viable intestinal bacterial and coliform counts. Significant (P < 0.05) increase in the means of HI in dietary MOLP supplemented groups was observed, where the highest means were seen in 1% MOLP treated birds. In conclusion, dietary supplementation with MOLP could improve the performance parameters and the immune response while reducing the total viable intestinal bacterial and coliform counts of broiler chickens. The study recommended using of dietary level of 1% MOLP to improve performance, intestinal health, and immune competence