51 research outputs found

    Synthesis And Characterization Of Two New Antimony Phosphates Co0,5alsb(PO4)3 And Mg0,5fesb(PO4)3

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    Two new antimony phosphates Co0,5AlSb(PO4)3 and Mg0,5FeSb(PO4)3 were synthesized for the first time by the solid-state reaction method. Their crystal structures have been refined at room temperature from X-ray powder diffraction data using Rietveld method. Co0,5AlSb(PO4)3 crystallizes in the space group R-3c (N°167) (ah = 8.23±0.01Çș, ch = 21.94±0.02Çș). Mg0,5FeSb(PO4)3 crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P21/n (N°14) (am =11.54 Çș, bm = 8.83± 0.02 Çș, cm = 8.39± 0.01 Çș, ÎČ = 96.67°± 0.09). Raman and infrared spectra were recorded and assignments of the stretching and bending vibrations of the PO43- tetrahedra were made. The number of the peaks observed is in good agreement with that predicted by the factor group analysis of the R-3c et P21/n space group respectively. Vibrational spectral studies of two antimony phosphates were collected in-situ at room-pressure and at elevated temperatures, up to 430 oC. At elevated temperatures in air, Mg0,5FeSb(PO4)3 seems to be stable, but Co0,5AlSb(PO4)3 show a transition at 380°C and decomposes at 930°C. This result has been confirmed by differential scanning calorimetric study (DSC).Two new antimony phosphates Co0,5AlSb(PO4)3 and Mg0,5FeSb(PO4)3 were synthesized for the first time by the solid-state reaction method. Their crystal structures have been refined at room temperature from X-ray powder diffraction data using Rietveld method. Co0,5AlSb(PO4)3 crystallizes in the space group R-3c (N°167) (ah = 8.23±0.01Çș, ch = 21.94±0.02Çș). Mg0,5FeSb(PO4)3 crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P21/n (N°14) (am =11.54 Çș, bm = 8.83± 0.02 Çș, cm = 8.39± 0.01 Çș, ÎČ = 96.67°± 0.09). Raman and infrared spectra were recorded and assignments of the stretching and bending vibrations of the PO43- tetrahedra were made. The number of the peaks observed is in good agreement with that predicted by the factor group analysis of the R-3c et P21/n space group respectively. Vibrational spectral studies of two antimony phosphates were collected in-situ at room-pressure and at elevated temperatures, up to 430 oC. At elevated temperatures in air, Mg0,5FeSb(PO4)3 seems to be stable, but Co0,5AlSb(PO4)3 show a transition at 380°C and decomposes at 930°C. This result has been confirmed by differential scanning calorimetric study (DSC)

    Effects of Lizardite Addition on Technological Properties of Forsterite-monticellite Rich Ceramics Prepared from Natural Magnesite and Dolomite

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    Lizardite rich peridotite has never been used to prepare ceramic specimens, especially in Morocco. For this raison, potential use of naturally abundant lazirditic material from the Rif domain, as a supply for ceramic industry, has been evaluated. The effects of lizardite addition to magnesite and dolomite mixtures on the thermomechanical properties of the calcined ceramics were also detailed. To achieve this target, natural lizardite, magnesite and dolomite samples were collected in ultrabasic Beni Bousra massif. Those raw samples were used for the synthesis of a forsterite-monticellite rich ceramics. Both raw and sintered samples were characterized by x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope and fourier transform infrared. The obtained results showed that both magnesite and dolomite were mainly composed of MgCO3 and CaCO3. In contrast, lizardite sample showed high amounts of SiO2, MgO and Fe2O3. An increased amount of lizardite in the initial mixtures enhanced mechanical and dimensional properties of the prepared ceramic specimens, and subsequently, the production of ceramics with the required technological properties. Thus, the preparation of Moroccan lizardite-based ceramics is technically feasible, economically justifiable and socially desirable due to the contribution to the economic growth of the raw materials sector, especially ceramic industry

    Conception de prothĂšse surcorrigĂ©e pour arthroplastie totale de l’épaule

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    L’arthrose est une maladie se traduisant par une dĂ©tĂ©rioration progressive du cartilage articulaire. Dans certains cas avancĂ©s, cette dĂ©gradation peut rĂ©sulter en une destruction totale du cartilage, contraignant les os Ă  frotter les uns contre les autres. Les personnes atteintes prĂ©sentent des douleurs articulaires et leur mobilitĂ© peut ĂȘtre affectĂ©e [1]. Cette maladie peut toucher plusieurs articulations telles que les hanches, les genoux, les doigts ou les Ă©paules. Les causes de l’arthrose de l’épaule sont multiples : instabilitĂ© chronique, fracture de l’humĂ©rus ou encore rupture de la coiffe des rotateurs. Il existe trois types d’arthrose de l’épaule. Le type A correspond Ă  une Ă©rosion symĂ©trique de la glĂšne sans subluxation tandis que le type C dĂ©signe une dysplasie sans usure [2]. L’attention est portĂ©e ici sur le type B pour lequel l’usure du cartilage apparaĂźt de maniĂšre asymĂ©trique, le plus souvent postĂ©rieurement. Suivant le degrĂ© de dĂ©tĂ©rioration des articulations, l’arthroplastie peut consister Ă  retirer l’articulation malade sans poser de prothĂšse, sinon Ă  remplacer une partie ou la totalitĂ© de l’articulation par une prothĂšse [3], comme dans le cas de ce projet. NĂ©anmoins, l’arthroplastie totale de l’épaule chez des patients de type B prĂ©sente des risques post-opĂ©ratoires de subluxation glĂ©no-humĂ©rale. L’implantation d’une prothĂšse asymĂ©trique spĂ©cifique Ă  la morphologie du patient peut ĂȘtre une solution Ă  ce problĂšme. En effet, grĂące Ă  la combinaison des images CT de la scapula de chaque patient, du logiciel CAD et d’analyse par Ă©lĂ©ments finis, il est possible de choisir une surcorrection de la prothĂšse permettant d’obtenir une rĂ©partition des efforts minimisant la subluxation. Ce projet de Bachelor se focalisera sur la conception de deux prothĂšses surcorrigĂ©es uniques, destinĂ©es Ă  deux patients de type B, en veillant Ă  obtenir une meilleure rĂ©partition des efforts au sein de la scapula et une subluxation plus faible

    MitÀ jos... -musiikkivideon suunnittelu ja toteutus

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    OpinnÀytetyössÀ tarkastellaan ensikertalaisen tekemÀÀ musiikkivideoprojektia ammattilaisten musiikkivideon tekemiseen. Toimin teososassa kÀsikirjoittajana, ohjaajana ja tuottajana. TyössÀ kerrotaan musiikkivideon historiasta ja kehityksestÀ maailmalla ja Suomessa lyhyesti. KÀydÀÀn koko musiikkivideon tuotantokaari kappaleen valinnasta, kÀsikirjoituksesta, kuvakerronnan suunnittelusta, työryhmÀn ja esiintyjien valitsemisesta aina kuvauspÀiviin ja jÀlkikÀsittelyyn. Jokaista eri tuotantovaihetta verrataan ammattilaisten musiikkivideon tekemiseen. Pohditaan, miten saatiin tehtyÀ koko tuotantokaaren osa-alueet ammattimaisesti, vaikka budjetin olemattomuus asetti haasteita prosessin tekemiselle. Musiikkivideon tarkoitus on promotoida artistia tai yhtyettÀ ja luoda heille jonkinlainen imago. Artistin tyylin ratkaisee lÀhinnÀ musiikki, jollaista hÀn esittÀÀ. Työ vertailee erilaisia musiikkivideotyylejÀ ja pohtii, miksi kyseisessÀ musiikkivideossa oli valittu juuri tarinallinen tyyli. Tutkitaan myös miten kuvaussuunnittelu onnistui musiikkivideon tarinan nÀkökulmasta. Vaihe vaiheelta kÀydÀÀn lÀpi kuvauspÀivien tapahtumat. Kerrotaan, millaisia ongelmia prosessi tuotti ja miten ne saatiin ratkaistua. - OpinnÀytetyössÀ on liitteenÀ musiikkivideon kÀsikirjoitus, kuvausaikataulu ja osa kuvakÀsikirjoituksesta. - OpinnÀytetyöhön kuuluu teososa, musiikkivideo MitÀ jos..

    Crystal Structure of Pb<SUB>0.5</SUB>Ti<SUB>2</SUB>(PO<SUB>4</SUB>)<SUB>3</SUB>

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    Review on the elaboration and characterization of ceramics refractories based on magnesite and dolomite

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    One of the most important elements of furnaces, boilers and other heating units is the structure (lining), usually made of silica–alumina, basic or special refractories. The basic refractories are materials that are increasingly in demand and whose manufacturing involves necessarily the use of MgO and CaO. In this article, the description and characterization of magnesite (MgCO3) and dolomite (Mg,Ca(CO3)2) and their contribution in industrial ceramics-refractories have been reviewed

    Sorption of Cd(II), Ni(II) and Zn(II) on natural, sodium-, and acid-modified clinoptilolite-rich tuff

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    Sorption of Cd2+, Ni2+and Zn2+ions on natural (ZPCli), sodium modified (ZPCliNa) and acid modified (ZPCliH) zeolites have been investigated in function of the contact time, pH, and metal concentration by the batch technique. The characterization of ZPCIi, ZPCliNa, and ZPCliH materials was performed using X-ray powder diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy techniques. The surface area (BET) and the pHpzcwere also determined. The pH in the point of the zero charge of ZPCli, ZPCliNa, and ZPCliH zeolites was 8.25, 8.00, and 2.05, respectively. The kinetic sorption data for ZPCli, ZPCliNa and ZPCliH were well fitted to the pseudo-second order model (R2> 0.99). The linear model described the Cd, Ni and Zn sorption isotherms for ZPCliH, while for ZPCliNa and ZPCliH it was the Freundlich model. The unmodified and modified zeolitic materials showed the highest sorption capacity for Cd2+, lower for Zn2+ and Ni2+
