83 research outputs found

    Ectopic molar pregnancy: a case report

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    The incidence of hydatidiform moles is 1 per 1,000 pregnancies. Ectopic pregnancy occurs in 20 per 1,000 pregnancies. Thus, the incidence of the ectopic molar gestation is very rare. We report a case of tubal molar pregnancy diagnosed at the systematic histology exam of an ectopic pregnancy. We report the case of 32 years old nulliparus women who presented a vaginal bleeding, lower abdominal pain and 6 weeks amenorrhea corresponding to the last menstrual period. At the clinical examination, the arterial pressure was 100/60 mmHG. The gynecological examination was difficult because of lower abdominal pain. Serum gonadotropin activity was 3454 ui/l. Pelvic ultrasound revealed an irregular echogenic mass in the left adnexa. Diagnostic laparoscopy revealed a left-sided unruptured ampullary ectopic pregnancy. A left laparoscopic salpingectomy was performed. The systematic histologic test identified an ectopic partial molar pregnancy, which was confirmed by DNA ploidy image analysis. The patient was followed with weekly quantitative B-hCG titers until three successive B-hCG levels were negative. It is pertinent that clinicians take routine histological examination of tubal specimens in ectopic pregnancy very seriously in order to diagnose cases of ectopic molar gestations early and mount appropriate post treatment surveillance

    Le mélanome primitif de la muqueuse génitale féminine: à propos de trois observations et revue de littérature

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    Le mélanome malin primitif de l'appareil génital féminin est une tumeur extrêmement rare. Il est fréquemment observé au niveau de la vulve mais il est rare au niveau du col utérin et du vagin. Il est le plus souvent   diagnostiqué à un stade tardif à l'occasion de métrorragies ou de massetumorale. Son histogénèse a été longtemps débattue. Le diagnostic est anatomo-pathologique avec recours nécessaire à l'étude   immunohistochimique. Sa prise en charge n'est pas codifiée avec plusieurs thérapeutiques proposées notamment dans le mélanome métastatique.Son pronostic est désastreux, associé à un taux élevé de récidives et à une courte survie. Les auteurs présentent trois observations, de  mélanomes primitifs vaginal, vulvaire et cervical, chez trois patientes âgées  respectivement de 70, 65 et 40 ans. Et à travers ces observations, ils mettent en relief les principaux aspects cliniques, histologiques, thérapeutiques de cette entité avec une revue de la littérature

    Distribution of Carcinogenic Human Papillomavirus Genotypes and Association to Cervical Lesions among Women in Fez (Morocco).

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    OBJECTIVES:To determine the distribution of cervical high-risk human papillomavirus genotypes and their association to cellular abnormalities in women from Fez and its neighborhood. METHODS:Women attending the Hassan II University Hospital for cervical pap smears were recruited after an informed consent. Interviews and two cervical samples were performed for each woman. Cervical samples were used for cytological analysis and HPV DNA detection. HPV was typed using a method based on multiplex PCR with fluorescently labeled specific primers followed by capillary electrophoresis. The study was approved by the ethics committee of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Fez. RESULTS:The HPV prevalence in the studied population was 43.1% and the most prevalent types were HPV 53 (23 cases); HPV 16 (20 cases); HPV 35 (18 cases); HPV 51 (10 cases) and HPV 56 (7 cases). From the 619 confirmed pap smears, 20% were abnormal. The cytological abnormalities were significantly associated to HPV infection, women age, number of pregnancies and parity (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION:More attention should be given to HPV in Morocco because it represents an important public health concern. The distribution of carcinogenic HPV types in the studied population is different from the data in other regions but epidemiological studies in other Moroccan regions are required