20 research outputs found

    Variabilité chromosomique de neuf plantes medicinales au Maroc

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    Se indican los números cromosómicos de 9 taxones usados como medicinales en Marruecos: Carum carvi 2n=20; Coriandrum sativum n=11 y 2n=22; Cuminum cyminum 2n=14; Foeniculum vulgare subsp. dulce 2n=22; Nigella sativa 2n=12; Pennisetum typhoides 2n=14; Petroselinum crispum n=11 y 2n=22; Pimpinella anisum 2n=20 y Trigonella foenum-graecum 2n=16. La mayoría de estos números se indican por primera vez en poblaciones de Marruecos. Cada taxon se acompaña de una fotrografía en mitosis así como de un breve comentario.Chromosomal variability of some medicinal plants in Morocco. Chromosome numbers of nine plants used in Moroccan pharmacopoeia are reported: Carum carvi 2n=20; Coriandrum sativum n=11 and 2n=22; Cuminum cyminum 2n=14; Foeniculum vulgare subsp. dulce 2n=22; Nigella sativa 2n=12; Pennisetum typhoides 2n=14; Petroselinum crispum n=11 and 2n=22; Pimpinella anisum 2n=20 and Trigonella foenum-graecum 2n=16. Most of those numbers are reported for the first time in Moroccan populations. Mitotic metaphases microphotographs and brief comments are detailed for each taxa studied

    Nombre chromosomique de quelques Angiospermes marocaines

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    Se indican los números cromosómicos de cinco taxones pertenecientes a cinco familias de Angiospermas de Marruecos: Allium porrum 2n=32; Armeria simplex 2n=18; Asphodelus ramosus subsp. ramosus n=28; Delphinium nanum subsp. nanum 2n=16 et Dipcadi serotinum 2n=8 et 32. Cada taxon se acompaña de una fotografía en mitosis o meiósis así como de un breve comentario."Chromosome numbers of some Moroccan angiosperm". Chromosome numbers of five taxa from five families of Moroccan angiosperms are reported: Allium porrum 2n=32; Armeria simplex 2n=18; Asphodelus ramosus subsp. ramosus n=28; Delphinium nanum subsp. nanum 2n=16 and Dipcadi serotinum 2n=8 and 32. Mitotic or meiotic metaphases microphotographs and brief comments are detailed for each taxa studied

    Contribution à la connaissance des micromycètes du Maroc. Cas des espèces en survie dans un milieu aquatique

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    Cette étude présente les premiers résultats concernant l’analyse quantitative et qualitative des micromycètes d’origine terrestre de la région de Rabat (Maroc). Les espèces fongiques décrites ont été isolées de l’eau d’un lac-réservoir ; elles ont été entraînées dans le milieu aquatique par différents moyens de transport. L’analyse fongique des échantillons d’eau prélevés du rivage et du large du lac, ainsi que de l’écume et d’autres matériaux immergés dans l’eau a montré que l’eau du lac est riche en champignons (10 250 UFC/litre). Sa charge fongique n’est pas uniformément répartie ; c’est l’eau du rivage qui est la plus chargée.Les souches isolées sont identifiées en se basant sur la morphologie de  leurs appareils végétatif et reproducteur. Cinquante espèces de micromycètes ont été obtenues ; elles appartiennent principalement aux genres Penicillium, Fusarium, Aspergillus et Trichoderma. Ce sont surtout des champignons telluriques, en survie dans l’eau et à large répartition géographique. Six de ces espèces sont inventoriées pour la première fois au Maroc.Mots-clés : Fusarium, Penicillium, micromycètes, champignons terrestres, lac-réservoir, Maro

    Nombre chromosomique de quelques plantes a fleurs du Maroc

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    Se indican los números cromosómicos de once taxones pertenecientes a nueve familias de Angiospermas de Marruecos: Armeria simplex n = 9; Atriplex semibaccata 2n = 18; Cistanche phelypaea n = 20; Echium velutinum subsp. velutinum 2n = 16; Linaria bipartita n = 6; Lupinus cosentinii n = 16; Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum 2n = 38; Plantago amplexicaulis 2n = 10; Sonchus bourgeaui 2n = 16; Vicia lutea et Vicia pseudocracca n = 7. Nueve de estos números se indican por primera vez en poblaciones de Marruecos. Cada taxon estudiado se acompaña de un breve comentario y de la mayoría de ellos se aportan observaciones en mitosis o meiosis.Chromosome numbers of some flowering plants from Morocco. Chromosome numbers of eleven taxa from nine families of Moroccan angiosperms are reported: Armeria simplex n = 9; Atriplex semibaccata 2n = 18; Cistanche phelypaea n = 20; Echium velutinum subsp. velutinum 2n = 16; Linaria bipartita n = 6; Lupinus cosentinii n = 16; Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum 2n = 38; Plantago amplexicaulis 2n = 10; Sonchus bourgeaui 2n = 16; Vicia lutea and Vicia pseudocracca n = 7. Nine of those numbers were reported for the first time in Moroccan populations. Mitotic or meiotic metaphases microphotographs and brief comments are detailed for each taxa studied.Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur SVT 04 / 0

    Analysis of diversity genetic of Moroccan net blotch populations using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers

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    Net blotch caused by Pyrenophora teres f. teres is the most harmful foliar disease in barley generating significant economic losses in Morocco. Populations of P. teres f. teres were collected from different regions of Morocco. Thirty five (35) P. teres f. teres isolates, single conidial, were isolated and were subjected to molecular study using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique. Out of the fourteen primers combinations tested, four primers combinations were selected to disclose the polymorphism between the different P. teres f. teres isolates. The molecular characterization of these isolates showed high degree of polymorphism reaching 95% and identifying 25 specific genotypes. The genetic variability of the different isolates of P. teres f. teres within and between Moroccan regions was highlighted, disclosing no linkage between the isolates and their geographical origins. This result might be due to informal material flow between regions.Key words: Barley, net blotch, Pyrenophora teres f. teres, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), genetic diversity

    Virulence of Moroccan f. Revealed by International Differential Barley Genotypes

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    Pyrenophora teres f. teres (Ptt), causing net blotch in barley, is an important and frequently isolated leaf pathogen across the globe. The virulence spectrum of Ptt from North Africa including Morocco is poorly understood. Sixteen barley genotypes were challenged, at seedling stage, with 15 Ptt isolates that were collected from different agroecological zones of Morocco. The experiment was conducted in a factorial arrangement of treatments in a randomized complete block design with three replicates. The ANOVA revealed highly significant (P < 0.001) effects of genotype (G), isolate (I) and GĂ—I interaction explaining 23.2, 62.5, and 13.9% of the variation, respectively. Therefore, the current study revealed highly diverse virulence pattern of Moroccan isolates. Furthermore, the results indicated that minor virulence of Ptt isolates dominated over virulence interaction. In addition, Taffa (6-rowed) and Aglou (2 rowed), had the highest level of resistance to Ptt, while Coast and Rabat071 were the most susceptible genotypes. Pt2, Pt7, Pt8 and Pt4 were being the most virulent isolates, while Pt10 and Pt11 were the least virulent isolates. The emergence of the new Ptt pathotypes, which were highly virulent to durable resistance in Rabat071 posed a risk of breaking down the currently deployed resistance to net blotch in Morocco. A careful evaluation and selection of Ptt isolates based on minor virulence pattern to barley genotypes is essential for successful barley breeding program for resistance to net blotch in Morocco