16 research outputs found

    Systems Engineering / Test and Evaluation Conference

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    <i>N</i>,<i>N</i>â€Č-Diphenyl-1,4-phenylenediamine Antioxidant’s Potential Role in Enhancing the Pancreatic Antioxidant, Immunomodulatory, and Anti-Apoptotic Therapeutic Capabilities of Adipose-Derived Stem Cells in Type I Diabetic Rats

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    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are considered to be a promising therapeutic protocol for diabetes mellitus (DM) management. The latter is attributed to their differentiation potentiality to pancreatic ÎČ-cells, angiogenesis, and immune-modulatory capabilities by releasing various paracrine factors. Interestingly, antioxidant co-administration increased the MSCs’ hypoglycemic and regenerative activities. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the therapeutic implication of type 1 DM after the co-administration of adipose tissue-derived-MSCs (AD-MSCs) and N,Nâ€Č-d iphenyl-1,4-phenylenediamine (DPPD), compared to the single injection of either of them alone. In our four week long experiment, six rat groups were used as control, DPPD (250 mg/kg, i.p.), STZ-diabetic (D), D+DPPD, D+AD-MSCs (1 × 106 cell/rat, i.p.), and D+AD-MSCs+DPPD groups. Within this context, a single injection of AD-MSCs or DPPD into diabetic rats showed significant pancreatic anti-inflammatory, immunomodulation, antioxidant, and anti-apoptotic capacities, superior to AD-MSCs injection. However, AD-MSCs and DPPD co-administration into diabetic rats manifested the highest hypoglycemic and pancreatic regenerative activities in managing diabetes compared to the single shot of AD-MSCs or DPPD. These results highlight the synergetic role of DPPD as an antioxidant in enhancing AD-MSCs’ therapeutic applications

    Phylodynamic and recombination analyses of avian infectious bronchitis gi-23 reveal a widespread recombinant cluster and new among-countries linkages

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    Infectious bronchitis virus GI-23 lineage, although described approximately two decades ago in the Middle East, has recently drawn remarkable attention and is considered an \u201cemerging\u201d lineage due to its current spread to several other regions, including Europe. Despite the relevance, no comprehensive studies are available investigating its epidemiologic and evolutionary pattern. The present phylodynamic study was designed to fill this gap, benefitting from a collection of freely available GI-23 sequences and ad-hoc generated European ones. After a relatively ancient origin in the Middle East, likely in the first half of the previous century, GI-23 circulated largely undetected or underdiagnosed for a long time in this region, likely causing little damage, potentially because of low virulence coupled with limited development of avian industry in the considered years and regions and insufficient diagnostic activity. The following development of the poultry industry and spread to other countries led to a progressive but slow increase of viral population size between the late \u201890s and 2010. An increase in viral virulence could also be hypothesized. Of note, a big recombinant cluster, likely originating in the Middle East but spreading thereafter, especially to Europe through Turkey, demonstrated a much-marked increase in viral population size compared to previously circulating variants. The extensive available GI-23 sequence datasets allowed to demonstrate several potential epidemiological links among African, Asian, and European countries, not described for other IBV lineages. However, differently from previously investigated IBV lineages, its spread appears to

    The effects of microbial fertilizers application on growth, yield and some biochemical changes in the leaves and seeds of guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L.)

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    Guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L.) is a summer legume that is becoming a crucial industrial crop because of its high gum and protein content. Thus far, the combined effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and Bradyrhizobium on the yield and chemical composition of guar plants are not well studied. Therefore, the current investigation was designed to estimate the individual as well as the combined effects of AMF and Bradyrhizobium on plant growth, yield and nutritional quality of seeds and leaves of guar. AMF and/or Bradyrhizobium inoculation improved chemical composition of guar seeds and its morpho-physiological (plant height, fresh weight, dry weight, and yield production) traits. In addition to increased guar growth and yield production, the inoculation of AMF and/or Bradyrhizobium increased guar leaf and seed minerals, fiber, lipids, crude protein and ash contents. At primary metabolites, there were increases in sugar levels including raffinose stachyose, verbascose and galactomannan. These increases in sugar provided a route for organic acids, amino acids and fatty acids production. Interestingly, there was an increase in essential amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids. At the bioactive secondary metabolite levels, biofertilizers improved phenols and flavonoids levels and anthocyanin and polyamines biosynthesis. In line with these increases, precursors of anthocyanin (phenylalanine, p-coumaric acid, and cinnamic acid) and the levels of polyamines (diaminopropane, putrescine, cadaverine, spermidine, spermine, and agmatine) were increased. Overall, for the first time, our study shed the light on how AMF and Bradyrhizobium improved guar yield and metabolism. Our findings suggested that the combined inoculation of AMF and Bradyrhizobium is an innovative approach to improve guar growth, yield production and yield quality

    Genotype VII.1.1-Based Newcastle Disease Virus Vaccines Afford Better Protection against Field Isolates in Commercial Broiler Chickens

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    This study evaluated the efficacy of live and inactivated conventional GII LaSota and recombinant GVII Newcastle disease vaccines in commercial broilers. The experimental groups (G2&ndash;G7) were vaccinated on day 7 and day 21 of age with live vaccines from the same vaccine type &ldquo;GII LaSota, GVII vaccine (A), GVII vaccine (B)&rdquo; via eye drop; however, G3, G5, and G7 received a single dose from inactivated counterpart vaccines subcutaneously on day 7 of age. Vaccine efficacy was evaluated based on elicited humoral immunity, clinical protection, and reduction in virus shedding after challenge with virulent GVII 1.1. strain. Results demonstrated that live and inactivated recombinant GVII vaccine based on VG/GA strain backbone elicited superior protection parameters (100% protection). Although the conventional GII LaSota live and inactivated vaccination regime protected 93.3% of vaccinated birds, the virus shedding continued until 10 DPC. The post-vaccination serological monitoring was consistent with protection results. The study concludes that conventional GII ND vaccines alone are probably insufficient due to the current epidemiology of the GVII 1.1 NDV strains. Our findings further support that protection induced by recombinant GVII 1.1. ND vaccines are superior. Interestingly, the efficacy of recombinant ND vaccines seemed to be influenced by the backbone virus since the VG/GA backbone-based vaccine provided better protection and reduced virus shedding

    Marrying Hydrological Modelling and Integrated Assessment for the needs of Water Resource Management

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    This paper discusses the integration of hydrology with other disciplines using an Integrated Assessment (IA) and modelling approach to the management and allocation of water resources. Recent developments in the field of socio-hydrology aim to develop stronger relationships between hydrology and the human dimensions of Water Resource Management (WRM). This should build on an existing wealth of knowledge and experience of coupled human–water systems. To further strengthen this relationship and contribute to this broad body of knowledge, we propose a strong and durable "marriage" between IA and hydrology. The foundation of this marriage requires engagement with appropriate concepts, model structures, scales of analyses, performance evaluation and communication – and the associated tools and models that are needed for pragmatic deployment or operation. To gain insight into how this can be achieved, an IA case study in water allocation in the Lower Namoi catchment, NSW, Australia is presented