2,185 research outputs found

    Notes on the Translations of Sūrat al-Inshiqāq

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    This paper conducts a comparative study about four translations of sūrat alInshiqāq: Yousef Ali, Muhammad Hilali-Muhsin Khan, Pickthall and Mohammad Abdel Haleem. Multiple opinions of exposition have been provided to explore how, in certain ayas, the translators fail to find an appropriate equivalent. The translations\u27 problems are categorized into lexical, stylistic and syntactic problems, whereas these categories also have sub-categories in order to clarify the gaps that might be encountered while translating the Qur\u27anic text. The problems are investigated through the theories of free and bound translation. Since religious texts, especially the sacred ones, are contextbased, they have different meanings which are not easy to tackle. In conclusion, the lexical, syntactic and stylistic norms of the target language fail to match those of the Qur’an discourse because these features are far from universal

    Frequency-Magnitude Distribution of Earthquakes

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    Frequency magnitude distribution of all types of earthquakes has received considerable attention in the last few decades. Their linear logarithmic relationship remains the most accepted. The a and b constants of this equation, their values and variations have been studied in detail. It is largely agreed that for the seismicity of the whole Earth, its hemispheres, quadrants and large epicentral regions are a=10.0 and b=1.0. The b-variations have long been investigated and reported to occur in different forms and values. Long- and short-term b-variations occur in a continuous cyclic manner and may exceed ± (0.6 – 0.7) of its absolute value. These are observed to occur not only yearly or monthly but also daily. The b-value always attains maxima and minima before and after the occurrence of all large earthquakes. Many days before the occurrence of large earthquakes, b-values start increasing at variable gradients that are affected by foreshocks. It attains a maximum value shortly before each large earthquake and a minimum on its occurrence. Many factors have been proposed to explain the b-variations including prevailing stress, crustal heterogeneity, focal depth, pore pressure, geothermal gradient, tectonic setting, and other factors. Considering the b-variations of the whole Earth, its hemispheres and quadrants and considering that most proposed factors are directly or indirectly related to the stress, it is concluded that this remains the major factor. It is found that for large earthquakes with Mw ≥ 7, an increase of about 0.20 in the b-value implies a stress increase that will result in an earthquake with a magnitude one unit higher

    Seismic studies of local events received at three arrays in Southern Central Scotland

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    This work has been carried out to extend on the interpretation of the Upper Crustal structure under the Eskdalemuir Seismic Array and the surrounding area. A study of the dispersion of short period (about 1 sec.) surface waves from local events at different distances and azimuths was considered, but the lack of events showing such waves turned attention to the study of first P-arrivals from the same sort of events. The thesis is in six chapters. Chapter I was given with an Introduction. In Chapter III the general aspects of the geology of the area were discussed very briefly. Previous seismic work around EKA was summarised with special reference to LOWNET and LISPB models. Seismic array technique, its advantages and methods of array data processing were discussed in Chapter III which also included a brief description of EKA and LOWNET and a detailed description of Broughton Array which was set up temporarily during the course of this work. Chapter IV gives detailed information about the data sources, origin time recording and play-back facilities. Preliminary results of the analysis of some EKA local events showed some systematic velocity and azimuth variations and this revealed the need for detailed information about the shallow structure under the array itself. Six shots were fired in the vicinity of EKA. Chapter V has been devoted for the presentation of the results of these shots, their discussion and interpretation. These demonstrated an anisotropy effect in the area of the array. Chapter VI presents the results of all local events, received at the three arrays, their discussion, comparison and interpretation. A velocity structure around EKA is proposed which involves (1) a rapid increase of velocity (0.8 km/sec./km) to about 1.6 km depth followed by a slow rate (< 0.003 km/sec./km) to an undefined depth (2) a variation in the initial (zero depth) velocity with azimuth ranging from 5.0 to 4.4 km/sec. parallel and normal to the Lower Palaeozoic strike respectively. The Broughton data were consistent with this model if the Lower Palaeozoic structure under the Midland Valley is essentially flat-lying. The extent to which these conclusions are consistent with previous work is discussed. Some of the methods of analysis are described in the Appendices (1 - 7), which also include two computer programs with their output results which form the basis for the interpretation and the above conclusions


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    Abstract Purpose- Signs and symbols play important roles in our lives because they help us to convey messages even without written words. With the invention of the internet and the evolution of web technologies, the universe became a global village because the internet facilitated a better and faster avenue for human communication. In libraries and allied information science terrains, the internet fostered the use of Websites, to portray the intellectual contents that are domiciled in them. On the library websites, users can ascertain the timings, collections, policies etc. of a particular library because the icons that are visible on a homepage usually make it very attractive to the user, as well as convey the interpretations of the images without textual inscriptions. Method- This study used a qualitative approach of the descriptive method to analyze the UMT Library homepage. Icons of resources, services and facilities are the components that were used for the collection of data. Findings- Results of the study showed that the images on the UMT Library homepage are logical and self-explanatory because they convey logical meanings. Part of the recommendations proffered is for the UMT library to put images/ icons in the category of resources and services offered by the library amongst other

    L-Carnitine Improves the Asthma Control in Children with Moderate Persistent Asthma

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    The objective. was to investigate L-Carnitine level and the effects of its supplementation in children with moderate persistent Asthma. Methods. Free and total serum carnitine levels were measured in 50 children having moderate persistent asthma and 50 healthy control children. The patients group was randomly divided into two subgroups. Subgroup A was supplemented with L-carnitine for 6 months while subgroup B was used as a placebo controls. Both subgroups were assessed by pulmonary function tests (PFT) and childhood-asthma control test (C-ACT) before and 6 months after carnitine supplementation. Results. Total and free carnitine levels were significantly lower in patient group than in control group. PFT and C-ACT showed significant improvements in asthmatic children supplemented with L-carnitine than in those who were not supplemented. Conclusion. L-carnitine levels were initially lower in moderate persistent asthmatic children as compared to healthy control children. Asthmatic children who received L-carnitine supplementation showed statistically significant improvement of C-ACT and PFT