13 research outputs found

    Methodology to generate navigation models in building

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    Indoor route networks models are created for use in navigation. They may be built manually, but it is better to generate them automatically, based on the building floor plans. Research has been conducted in this field in many research centers. The authors undertook to develop their own methodology for generating navigation networks, using topological neighborhood relations and semantic data. The research project focuses on one floor in a building, which consists of rooms and an expanded corridor with an obstacle in the form of an open space between the floors. The first stage of the project consisted in the segmentation of the corridor space to improve its resolution. The objective of the conducted research was to select special points (five suggestions) for the segmentation. As a result, five different segmentations of the corridor space were obtained. The aim of the second stage was to automatically generate five navigation network models. The graphically presented results have been verified against the routes generated between the selected points in the building plan. A comparison of the results with other solutions shows that the routes generated in the presented methodology are more straight-line and less zigzagging

    GIS w polskiej edukacji wyższej – dyskusja

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    The idea for this publication was barn in June 2015, during a meeting of Polish teachers involved with Geographic lnformation Systems. The meeting was initiated by the Department of Geoinformation, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, University of Łódź, which received a grant to organize it. The discussion and presentations from academic teachers representing various universities in Poland were very interesting and sometimes heated. it would be advisable for other educators to familiarise themselves with the aspects of GIS education among Polish geographers, foresters, surveyors and other users. The experience of Geoinformation education in Poland is still modest, so the views of people who have been involved at Polish universities with it since the 1990s should be interesting to readers. Geographic lnformation Systems (GIS) – the integration of environmental and climate issues as an important factor for economic development and quality of life – an innovative second-degree studies. Akronim GIS-E-QL: GIS for environment and quality of life. Project objectives: The main aim of the project is to start-up attractive and innovative second­ degree studies – geoinformation in mutual cooperation of the FGS and the FMCS, students education, improving the competence of academic teachers, conference organization, publishing, cooperation with practitioners and establishing contacts with partners from Norway. This aim is consistent with the “Ana lysis of the economy's demand for graduates in key field of strategy in the context of the Europe 2020” 2012 and “Strategy for development of higher education in Poland 2020”, in the field of promoting innovative courses, formed collectively with practitioners, raising awareness of the environment. Joint actions of educators and practitioners, supported the by the strengthening of university's hardware, software and spatial data, will ensure a high quality project. The existing cooperation with practitioners indicate that further training is necessary and they would like to see postgraduates in their institutions. The final beneficiaries of the project will be the students and the academical teaching staff and indirectly the economy of the region. Students who graduate will be the main recipient of the project, the next will be teaching staff who will have contact with the practices and Norwegian partners with similar interests. In broad terms the project will benefit Polish and European economy and environment.The experience of Polish scientists and educators in the GIS has not been as long as mentioned by Michael F. Goodchild who jointly with Ross Newkirk (Goodchild 2006) started the fi rst GIS training course at the University of Western Ontario in Canada in 1975. Discussions on the scope of knowledge included in the GIS have continued at most universities that have offered such classes. In 1988/89, owing to the National Centre for Geographic Information and Analysis (NCGIA), the 3-volume document of over 1000 pages was put together to include curriculums, student materials and other teaching aids. We have good models and we can use them. Meetings and discussions about the GIS education have been and still are regularly held all over the world (Forer P., Unwin D. 1999). When employees of Polish universities were starting to learn the GIS software and possibilities, Morgan J. M., Fleury B., Becker R. A. (1996) had already identifi ed over 800 higher education institutions all over the world that had offered at least one GIS course. The rapid development of new technologies, methods, the creation of new labour markets has arisen discussions on the contents GIS training in various centres of higher education, e.g. in the Netherlands, the US, and those have been similar to the ones presented in this article (Toppen F. J. 1992) and some issues needed to be resolved in court (DiBiase, D. 2008). You can see how important these meetings of educators are for exchanging opinions and experience. They have allowed to meed people representing various fi elds involved in the geoinformation, which may result in co-operation and new educational initiatives, and sometimes, competition. Finally, we should agree with prof. J. Gaździcki (2009 p. 12) that “It is obvious that the success of any measures to modernise education in the area under consideration depends on the interest of academic communities, involvement of research and academic staff in these endeavours, their will, ambition and willingness to co-operate”.This book has been prepared within the project „Geographic Information Systems (GIS) – the integration of environmental and climate issues as an important factor of economic development and quality of life – an innovative second-degree studies” supported by a grant from Norway through the Norway Grants and co-financed by the Polish funds. (Agreement No FSS/2014/HEI/W/0114/U/0013)

    Indicators of Geographic Potential and Business Opportunities for the Development of Active Tourism: Kayaking in Poland

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    Poland’s natural and geographical features, including an abundance of rivers and lakes, create favorable conditions for the development of kayaking tourism. Poland is one of the leading European countries in terms of the number of kayaking trails. The aim of this study was to propose indicators for assessing the potential of Poland’s water resources for the development of kayaking activities. This research was pursued in several stages. The number of rivers where kayaking tours are organized was determined in the first stage of the study. Indicators describing the potential of the existing water bodies for the promotion of kayaking tourism were proposed in the second stage. The study produced surprising results. The number of kayaking tour operators has increased considerably in recent years, and new water tourism centers have been established in the vicinity of large urban areas. The popularity of well-established kayaking destinations in Warmia-Masuria, Podlasie and Western Pomerania, i.e., Polish regions with considerable potential for the development of water tourism, has declined. The study revealed that the success of kayaking businesses is presently determined by other factors, and further research is needed to identify these determinants

    Multi-criteria analysis of tourism potential of the Warmia-Masuria

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    Istotą pracy było przeprowadzenie analizy potencjału turystycznego województwa warmińsko-mazurskiego. Wykorzystano zbiory danych przechowywane w PRNG, BDOO i BIP oraz udostępnione przez portale społecznościowe: „Otwarte zabytki” oraz System Centralnej Ewidencji i Wykazów w Turystyce. Przyjęto założenie, że dane pochodzące z różnych zbiorów pozwolą uwydatnić alternatywny potencjał regionu dla powszechnej turystyki wodnej. Wykorzystując oprogramowanie ArcGIS, utworzono obrazy rastrowe celem zwizualizowania gęstości rozmieszczenia poszczególnych obiektów uczestniczących w badaniu. Tak zrealizowane opracowania włączono do analizy wielokryterialnej, która pozwoliła określić potencjał turystyczny, jak również wyznaczyć lokalizację miejsc szczególnie atrakcyjnych. Uwzględniając zróżnicowane preferencje odbiorców przygotowano trzy odmienne mapy tematyczne, opracowane pod kątem turysty: miejskiego, historyka oraz przyrodnika. Wyniki analizy wielokryterialnej wskazują przede wszystkim okolice dużych miast: Elbląga i Olsztyna będące ciekawą propozycją dla turysty miejskiego, centralną część Warmii i Mazur, którą powinien rozważyć turysta historyk oraz zachodnie powiaty mogące przyciągnąć uwagę turysty przyrodnika.The goal of the study was to carry out an analysis of the tourist potential of the Warmińsko-Mazurskie voivodship. Data collections stored in PRNG, BDOO and BIP were used, as well as provided by social networking sites: "Open Monuments" and Central System of Records and Tourism Records. It was assumed that data from different collections would highlight the region's alternative potential for widespread water tourism. Using ArcGIS software, raster images were created to visualize the density of individual objects participating in the study. Such studies have been incorporated into multidimensional analysis, which has allowed the geographic diversity index to be determined, as well as the location of particularly attractive sites. Taking into account the different preferences of the audience, three different thematic maps were prepared, drawn from the perspective of the tourist: urban, military and naturalist. The results of multidimensional analysis are promoted mainly by the surroundings of big cities: Elbląg and Olsztyn and the central part of Warmia and Mazury

    Modification and integration of spatial data obtained from various sources in order to perform spatial analyses and develop 3D models of buildings

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    Od 2019 roku Główny Urząd Geodezji i Kartografii (GUGiK) nieodpłatnie udostępnia online zbiory uzyskane z lotniczego skaningu laserowego i ich produkty pochodne. Dane te umożliwiły przekształcenie (transformację) istniejącego zasobu map geodezyjnych (zbioru danych zgromadzonych w przestrzeni 2D) do obiektów przestrzennych oraz ich wizualizacji 3D. Celem niniejszej pracy było przedstawienie wykonanej transformacji danych i ocena jakości zrealizowanego procesu. Dodatkowo sprawdzono, czy zgromadzone dane mogą być bezpośrednio wykorzystane do budowy bazy danych trójwymiarowych (3D) - stanowiącej produkt atrakcyjny dla specjalistów z dziedziny inżynierii lądowej. Jest to istotne ustalenie, wiedząc, że służba geodezyjna wykonuje pomiary w nawiązaniu do osnowy poziomej i wysokościowej, czyli współcześnie wyznaczane są trzy współrzędne mierzonych obiektów W pracy wykorzystano zbiory udostępnione przez GUGiK, a także zbiory wektorowe zgromadzone na Wydziale Geoinżynierii UWM w Olsztynie. Ze zbiorów pozyskanych metodą pomiarów bezpośrednich w ramach studenckich praktyk pomiarowych opracowano bazy danych z obiektami zapisanymi za pomocą dwóch i trzech współrzędnych. Uzyskane w niniejszej pracy rezultaty wskazują, że można przekształcić istniejący zasób danych pomiarowych oraz map geodezyjnych do nowej formy prezentacji - prezentacji przestrzennej (3D) - bardziej czytelnej dla profesjonalistów wykorzystujących technologię BIM (ang. Building Information Modelling), jak również przyjaźniejszej obywatelom zainteresowanym użytkowaniem tych danych.Since 2019 in Poland, the Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography (abbrev. in Polish, GUGiK) has made available on-line free of charge collections obtained from airborne laser scanning and their derivatives. These data enabled the conversation (transformation) of the existing resource of geodetic maps (a set of data collected in 2D space) into spatial objects and their 3D visualization. The purpose of this paper is to present the data transformation performed and to assess the quality of the implemented process. In addition, it was checked whether the collected data can be directly used to build a three-dimensional (3D) database - constituting a product attractive to specialists in the field of civil engineering. This is an important finding, knowing that the geodetic service performs measurements in relation to the horizontal and altitude network, i.e. nowadays, three coordinates of the measured objects are determined. The work uses the sets provided by GUGiK, as well as vector sets collected at the Faculty of Geoengineering at UWM in Olsztyn. The sets were obtained from direct measurements carried out as part of measurement's student practices, from which databases with recorded objects using two and three coordinates were developed. The results obtained in this study indicate that it is possible to transform the existing resource of measurement data and geodetic maps into a new form of presentation - spatial (3D) presentation - more readable for professionals using BIM technology (Building Information Modelling), as well as more friendly to citizens interested in using these data

    A Methodology for Generating Service Areas That Accounts for Linear Barriers

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    The aim of this study was to modify an algorithm for mapping service areas, also known as access areas. The algorithm is widely applied in network analyses. Service areas are generated based on features such as road networks and base points representing selected objects or facilities. Spatial barriers in the space between road segments are not taken into account in the process of generating service areas. Such barriers include railway lines and rivers. In this study, a methodology for generating service areas that accounts for spatial barriers was proposed by designing a dedicated tool in the ModelBuilder application in ArcGIS (ESRI) software. The ModelBuilder application has limited functionality, and the developed algorithm had to be modified. The modified algorithm was verified based on spatial data from four cities. The results produced by standard analytical methods were compared with the results generated by the modified algorithm. The study demonstrated that spatial barriers decrease the size of service areas. The modified algorithm generates more reliable results than standard methods

    A Method for Generating the Centerline of an Elongated Polygon on the Example of a Watercourse

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    The centerlines of polygons can be generated with the use of various methods. The aim of this study was to propose an algorithm for generating the centerline of an elongated polygon based on the transformation of vector data. The proposed method involves the determination of base points denoting the direction of river flow. These points were also used to map two polygon boundaries. A Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) was created based on the polygon’s breakpoints. Edges that intersect the river channel in a direction perpendicular to river flow (across) were selected from a set of TIN edges. The polygon was partitioned into segments with the use of the selected TIN edges. The midpoints of selected TIN edges were used to generate the polygon’s centerline based on topological relations. The presented methodology was tested on a polygon representing a 15-km-long section of a river intersecting the city of Olsztyn (a university center). The analyzed river is a highly meandering watercourse, and its channel is narrowed down by hydraulic structures. The river features an island and distributary channels. The generated centerline effectively fits the polygon, and, unlike the solution modeled with the Medial Axis Transformation (MAT) algorithm, it does not feature branching streams

    Conversion topological, geometric and atribute GIS data to analitical models

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    Artykuł prezentuje przekształcanie danych GIS w celu otrzymania modeli analitycznych. Modele te opierają się głównie na topologii, a są wizualizowane w postaci grafów. Na podstawie fragmentu mapy katastralnej zaprezentowano budowę modelu sieci drogowej i dostępności z pasa drogowego do parcel. Uzyskane modele mogą być wykorzystywane w analizach sieciowych. Wizualizacje modeli w formie grafów uwidaczniają struktury katastralne. Fragmenty grafów w formie gwieździstej wskazują na uporządkowaną strukturęThis paper presents methods of GIS data transformations in order to acquire analytics models. These models are mainly based on topology rules and are visualized as graphs. Using cadastral maps model of road network datasets and parcel accessibility was developed. It may be applied in network analysis. When they are visualized as graphs, cadastral structures are exposed. Parts of graphs with stellate shape indicates regular structure of plots

    A Modified Methodology for Generating Indoor Navigation Models

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    Automatic methods for constructing navigation routes do not fully meet all requirements. The aim of this study was to modify the methodology for generating indoor navigation models based on the Medial Axis Transformation (MAT) algorithm. The simplified method for generating corridor axes relies on the Node-Relation Structure (NRS) methodology. The axis of the modeled structure (corridor) is then determined based on the points of the middle lines intersecting the structure (polygon). The proposed solution involves a modified approach to the segmentation of corridor space. Traditional approaches rely on algorithms for generating Triangulated Irregular Networks (TINs) by Delaunay triangulation or algorithms for generating Thiessen polygons known as Voronoi diagrams (VDs). In this study, both algorithms were used in the segmentation process. The edges of TINs intersected structures. Selected midpoints on TIN edges, which were located in the central part of the structure, were used to generate VDs. Corridor structures were segmented by polygon VDs. The identifiers or structure nodes were the midpoints on the TIN edges rather than the calculated centroids. The generated routes were not zigzag lines, and they approximated natural paths. The main advantage of the proposed solution is its simplicity, which can be attributed to the use of standard tools for processing spatial data in a geographic information system

    Accurate Calculation of Upper Biomass Volume of Single Trees Using Matrixial Representation of LiDAR Data

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    This paper introduces a novel method for accurately calculating the upper biomass of single trees using Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) point cloud data. The proposed algorithm involves classifying the tree point cloud into two distinct ones: the trunk point cloud and the crown point cloud. Each part is then processed using specific techniques to create a 3D model and determine its volume. The trunk point cloud is segmented based on individual stems, each of which is further divided into slices that are modeled as cylinders. On the other hand, the crown point cloud is analyzed by calculating its footprint and gravity center. The footprint is further divided into angular sectors, with each being used to create a rotating surface around the vertical line passing through the gravity center. All models are represented in a matrix format, simplifying the process of minimizing and calculating the tree’s upper biomass, consisting of crown biomass and trunk biomass. To validate the proposed approach, both terrestrial and airborne datasets are utilized. A comparison with existing algorithms in the literature confirms the effectiveness of the new method. For a tree dimensions estimation, the study shows that the proposed algorithm achieves an average fit between 0.01 m and 0.49 m for individual trees. The maximum absolute quantitative accuracy equals 0.49 m, and the maximum relative absolute error equals 0.29%