176 research outputs found

    Tunneling of Massive Dirac Fermions in Graphene through Time-periodic Potential

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    The energy spectrum of graphene sheet with a single barrier structure having a time periodic oscillating height and subjected to magnetic field is analyzed. The corresponding transmission is studied as function of the obtained energy and the potential parameters. Quantum interference within the oscillating barrier has an important effect on quasiparticles tunneling. In particular the time-periodic electromagnetic field generates additional sidebands at energies \epsilon + l\hbar \omega (l=0,\pm 1, \cdots) in the transmission probability originating from the photon absorption or emission within the oscillating barrier. Due to numerical difficulties in truncating the resulting coupled channel equations we limited ourselves to low quantum channels, i.e. l=0,\pm 1.Comment: 20 pages, 13 figures, references added. Version to appear in EPJ

    Transurethral resection of prostate syndrome: report of a case

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    We report a case of transurethral resection of prostate (TURP) syndrome. A 78-year-old man with prostatic hypertrophy was scheduled for transurethral resection of the prostate under spinal anesthesia. 30 minutes after the end of the surgery, the patient presented signs of TURP syndrome with bradycardia, arterial hypotension, cyanosis, hypoxemia and coma. The electrolytes analysis revealed an acute hyponatremia (sodium concentration 125 mmol/L). Medical treatment consisted of hypertonic saline solution 3%, volume expansion, intubation and ventilation. The presented case describes a typical TURP syndrome, which was diagnosed and treated early. The patient was discharged from hospital without any complications.Pan African Medical Journal 2013; 14:1

    Dislocation of temporo-mandibular joint - an uncommon circumstance of occurrence: vaginal delivery

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    Dislocation of temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) is an infrequent disease but still spectacular. This disease consists of a permanent, to some extent complete disruption of the temporo-mandibular joint. These dislocations often occur in a context of yawning, and less frequently after a burst of laughing or relatively mild facial trauma (slap, punch on the chin). We report a case of TMJ occurring in an uncommon circumstance: vaginal delivery. A woman aged 24-years with no special past medical history; primipara was admitted in the Department of Maternity of the University Hospital Hassan II of Fez for an imminent delivery of a twin pregnancy. Ten minutes after admission, the patient delivered vaginally with episiotomy. She gave birth to twins weighing 2800g and 2400g. During labour, and due to efforts of crying, the patient developed a sudden and immediate loss of function of the temporo-mandibular joint, with difficulty of speaking, the mouth permanently opened and with the chin lowered and thrown forward. The examination found an empty glenoid fossa of the temporo-mandibular joint in both sides. The diagnosis of dislocation of the TMJ was established. A CT scan of facial bones was done, objectifying a bilateral dislocation of TMJ. The reduction of this dislocation was performed in the operating room under sedation

    Choc hémorragique suite à une ponction biopsie rénale (PBR): à propos d’un cas

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    La ponction biopsie rénale (PBR) est un examen indispensable en néphrologie mais à risque de complications graves surtout hémorragique. Nous rapportons l'observation d'un patient âgé de 27 ans ayant bénéficié d'une PBR pour un diagnostic étiologique d'une insuffisance rénale aigue, l'évolution après la biopsie a été marquée par l'installation d'un choc hémorragique d'où la prise en charge en réanimation avec une néphrectomie d'hémostase.Key words: Insuffisance rénale, ponction transcutanée, complication, choc hémorragiqu

    71 Pharmacokinetics of nasal administered tobramycin in patients with cystic fibrosis

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    Recent studies showed that the paranasal sinuses can constitute a niche for bacteria. To date no effective treatment for these bacteria is available. Off label administration of nasal antibiotics may be an option. However, first safety of this treatment has to be established. Objectives: With this pilot study in two patients the pharmacokinetic parameters of nasal administered tobramycin were investigated. Methods: In two hospitalised CF-patients, treated with intravenous tobramycin, after a wash-out period, 320 mg of tobramycin, dissolved in 200 ml isotonic saline, was administered to the nose using nasal lavage. Eleven venous blood samples were collected and with a Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectometer (LCMSMS) method, serum tobramycin concentrations were determined. Tobramycin pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated using the MW\Pharm software package. Systemic absorption was calculated by dividing AUC after nasal administration by AUC after intravenous administration corrected for the administered dose. Results: In patient 1, a female of 32 years old, the maximum concentration (Cmax) of tobramycin was 0.027 mg/L. This Cmax was reached 30 minutes after the nasal lavage with tobramycin (tmax). In total 0.20% (0.62 mg) of the tobramycin was systemically absorbed. In patient 2, a male of 36 years old, the Cmax was 0.029 mg/L. The tmax was 45 minutes and in total 0.16% (0.51 mg) of tobramycin was absorbed. Conclusion: Nasal lavage with 320 mg tobramycin did not result in toxic serum levels. The results of two patients showed a fast absorption of tobramycin and a slow elimination. Approximately 0.20% of the tobramycin was absorbed by the sinonasal mucosa

    Pancréatite aigüe du post-partum: à propos d’un cas

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    La pancréatite aigüe est une complication rare durant la grossesse. Son incidence est de 1 pour 1000 à 3000 grossesses. L'origine lithiasique est de loin la plus fréquente. Elle survient le plus souvent au cours du 3ème trimestre ou précocement dans le post-partum. Son pronostic dépend de la rapidité du diagnostic. Nous rapportons un cas de pancréatite aigüe grave d'origine biliaire survenant deux semaines après l'accouchement chez une patiente de 24 ans avec une bonne évolution.Key words: Pancréatite aigüe, grossesse, lithiases, traitemen


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    The Ambivalence of Memory in Moroccan Prison Writings: The Case of Tazmamart. The prison literature produced by survivors of the Tazmamart prison in Morocco is a moving testimony to the dehumanizing conditions of imprisonment. Whether in the form of testimony or fiction, this literature, which liberates speech and breaks the silence on a dark page of human rights in Morocco, reserves a special place for individual and collective memory. In this article, we propose to analyze the ambivalence of prisoners' memories. Firstly, we show that memory is represented as a source of mortifying pain that must be got rid of. Secondly, we show how memory played an important role, and constituted the vital space for resistance and survival. REZUMAT. Ambivalența memoriei în scrierile din închisorile din Maroc: cazul Tazmamart. Literatura penitenciară scrisă de supraviețuitorii închisorii Tazmamart din Maroc este o mărturie emoționantă asupra condițiilor dezumanizante de detenție. Fie că este vorba de memorii sau de ficțiune, acest tip de literatură, care încearcă să aducă lumină într-o situație problematică privind drepturile omului în Maroc, pune la loc de cinste memoria individuală și colectivă. În acest articol ne propunem să analizăm ambivalența memoriei deținuților. În primul rând, vom arăta că aceasta este reprezentată ca o sursă de durere mortificantă de care naratorul trebuie să se elibereze. În al doilea rând, vom arăta, cu ajutorul textelor, cum memoria a jucat un rol important și a constituit un spațiu vital pentru rezistență și supraviețuire. Cuvinte-cheie: Tazmamart, literatură, memorie, durere, rezistență, testament. Article history: Received 3 June 2023; Revised 23 November 2023; Accepted 4 December 2023; Available online 20 December 2023; Available print 31 December 2023

    Neonatal epididymo-orchitis caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa: a case report

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    Epididymitis and epididymo-orchitis are an uncommon causes of acute testicular pain in neonatal boys, epididymo-orchitis is infection or inflammation of epididymis and testis it's may be associated with urinary tract infections or reflux of urine predisposed by an underlying vasal anomaly. Pediatricians should examine the testicles meticulously after a baby is born