6 research outputs found

    Histomorphological Effect of Zidovudine on the Testes of Adult Male Wistar Rats (Rattus Novegicus)

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    Background: Zidovudine (ZDV) also referred to as azidothymidine (AZT) was the fi rst approved treatment for human immunodefi ciency virus, although, its impact on the reproductive system has not been clearly understood.Aim: The aim is to analyze the eff ect of dose dependent administration of ZDV (AZT) on the testes of adult Wistar rats was carefully studied.Materials and Methods: The rats (n=20), with an average weight of 150 g were randomly assigned in to a control group (Group 1) (n=5) and three treatment groups (n=5). The control Group 1 received distilled water while the treatment groups divided into Group 2, (subnormal), Group 3 (normal) and Group 4 (excess) were administered 0.3 mg/ml, 1.3 mg/ml and 2.3 mg/ml of AZT respectively (in line with the recommended dose of 600 mg/70 kg) dissolved in distilled water daily for 30 days, using an orogastric cannula. The rats were fed with growers mash and given water liberally. The rats were euthanized under chloroform vapor on the 31st day of the experiment, and the testes were carefully harvested and fi xed in 10% formol saline for histological studies.Results: Histological results of treated group revealed signifi cant changes in testes histoarchitecture (the control showed normal histoarchitecture). Conclusion: ZDV may cause structural abnormalities to testicular tissues. Keywords: Hypospermatogenesis, structural abnormalities, testes, zidovudin

    The histological effect of Cnidoscolus aconitifolius aqueous leaf extracts on the archetecture of the ovary, testis and sperm cells of adult wistar rats

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    This study accessed the effects of Cnidoscolus aconitifolius on some reproductive organs (testis and ovary) and semen analysis cells of adult wistar rats. Twenty four (24) adult wistar rats weighing 170g-215g were used for this study; the animals were weighed and sorted into control and three treatment groups of six rats each. The control received feed mash and water liberally, while the treated groups 2-4 were given 200mg, 400mg and 600mg of Cnidoscolus aconitifolius aqueous extract respectively, also they received feed mash and water liberally. At the end of the four weeks experiment animals were sacrificed, organs harvested and fixed in 10% formal saline for histological studies and sperm cells were placed in normal saline for semen analysis. The extract has no effect on body weight as gradual increase in body weight was observed in all the groups. Microscopic examination of the testis and ovary showed a dose dependent effect, for treated groups; testis revealed spermatogenesis arrest, the ovary revealed lutienization of the ovarian stroma and semen analysis for motility, morphology, viability and sperm count showed significant differences when compared to control group. Therefore caution should be taken in the use of Cnidoscolus aconitifolius.Keywords: Cnidoscolus aconitifolius, medicinal plant, phytochemical screening, anti-fertility agents, reproductive organs

    Haematological Parameters and Histomorphological Effect of Varied Parts of Citrullus Lanatus Juice Fed to Adult Female Mice

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    Plants basically will continue to be the starting materials in making modern drugs. As a result of this, many believe in using herbal products than convectional drugs because of their easy accessibility, low side effects and affordability. Citrulluslanatus (popularly known as watermelon) is a citrus fruit known to contain among others, citrulline and lycopene with hepatoprotective actions on organs such as liver and kidney because of it bioactive and antioxidant properties. This study investigates the haemathological parameters and histopathological effects of crude C. lanatus juice on the liver and kidney of mice. Twenty five female mice weighing between 72 - 99g were randomly divided into five groups(A - E) of five mice each. Group A, were given water (control); group B, were given 2ml of watermelon flesh juice; group C, were given 2ml of watermelon flesh and seed juice, group D, were given 2ml of watermelon flesh and rind juice; and group E were given 2ml ofwatermelon flesh, seed and rind juice once daily for four weeks. At the end of experiment, animals were sacrificed and dissected. Blood sample were taken through cardiac puncture, liver and kidney tissue were excised also to determine the haematological and histopathological effects using routine diagnostic techniques. Highest blood and differential counts except WBC were obtained in groups exposed to crude C. lanatus juice when compared with the control.The liver of animals in all groups appears normal with no remarkable differences from the control. Also, no remarkable differences were recorded in the kidney of animals in all groups except group E which showed interstitial edema with some renal tubules within the cortex undergoing degeneration. From this study and at the dose and duration of study, every part of C. lanatushad no negative impact on the histopathology of the liver and kidney and also had the potential to boost the immune system


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    Abstract The essence of preparing a biological specimen for microscopic studies is to get adequate and accurate medical information that is a true representation of the specimen, be it for research or diagnostic purposes. An artifact can be defined as unrelated, self-colored artificial feature found in tissue sections. This has been an age long cause of misinterpretation leading to misdiagnosis to microscopists. The processing of specimen for medical information is subject to a procedure that results in a tissue fit for diagnosis and interpretation. The procedures themselves are subject to human and material errors and the result is an artifact that in the least may interfere with adequate diagnosis or at the most render the tissue so distorted as to be undiagnosable. The need to recognize these artifacts and attempt to overcome them is the single biggest challenge in the histopathology Laboratory. This article focused on identifying artifacts and their potential cause so that misinterpretation and difficulty in diagnosis can be overcome, and help microscopist to come into definite diagnosis

    Anomalous lobar pattern of left lung: A case report

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    Haematological Parameters and Histomorphological Effect of Varied Parts of Citrullus Lanatus Juice Fed to Adult Female Mice

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    Plants basically will continue to be the starting materials in making modern drugs. As a result of this, many believe in using herbal products than convectional drugs because of their easy accessibility, low side effects and affordability. Citrulluslanatus (popularly known as watermelon) is a citrus fruit known to contain among others, citrulline and lycopene with hepatoprotective actions on organs such as liver and kidney because of it bioactive and antioxidant properties. This study investigates the haemathological parameters and histopathological effects of crude C. lanatus juice on the liver and kidney of mice. Twenty five female mice weighing between 72 - 99g were randomly divided into five groups (A - E) of five mice each. Group A, were given water (control); group B, were given 2ml of watermelon flesh juice; group C, were given 2ml of watermelon flesh and seed juice, group D, were given 2ml of watermelon flesh and rind juice; and group E were given 2ml ofwatermelon flesh, seed and rind juice once daily for four weeks. At the end of experiment, animals were sacrificed and dissected. Blood sample were taken through cardiac puncture, liver and kidney tissue were excised also to determine the haematological and histopathological effects using routine diagnostic techniques. Highest blood and differential counts except WBC were obtained in groups exposed to crude C. lanatus juice when compared with the control.The liver of animals in all groups appears normal with no remarkable differences from the control. Also, no remarkable differences were recorded in the kidney of animals in all groups except group E which showed interstitial edema with some renal tubules within the cortex undergoing degeneration. From this study and at the dose and duration of study, every part of C. lanatushad no negative impact on the histopathology of the liver and kidney and also had the potential to boost the immune system. Keywords: Citrullus lanatus, haematology, histopathology, kidney, liver, mic