5 research outputs found

    Mutu Layanan Dan Kepuasan Mahasiswa Studi Kasus Di Universitas Negeri Semarang

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    Students as the main external consumer groups should benefit, as well as the perpetrators of the formation process of the added value in the implementation of high-quality academic activities in educational institutions (Salis, 2002). Accordingly, Unnes in preparing the 2010-2014 Strategic Plan has set a vision Become conservation university, International, healthy, superior, and prosperous by 2020. To accomplish this purpose, the entire academic community Semarang State University has the same commitment to always improve the quality of management in providing services to stakeholders, both with regard to academic services, and non-academic. That is why, in order to strengthen the loyalty of stakeholders, especially students, the university should be able to provide optimal service. However, the issue is whether the Semarang State University is able to provide services as expected by stakeholders, so that they feel satisfied with the service received? This study was designed as a research survey explanatory phenomena (explanatory research) and includes research is correlational. The population in this study were all students Unnes which totaled 24,650. The study sample consisted of 400 students from FIP, FBS, Faculty and FT. Data was analyzed using descriptive analysis and Structural Equation Medoling (SEM). The results showed that the tangible, reputation, cooperation and support, reliability, and responsiveness has a positive influence on the quality of service in Unnes. Quality of service in Unnes also affect student satisfaction

    Improvement Strategy of Principal’s Managerial Performance through Adaptability and Organizational Commitment

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    The duty and role of the principal as a manager in the education unit determines the quality of work. Base on the facts through the environment in elementary school Semarang Regency shows that not all of the principals have managerialcompetence in the high level. The purpose of this research is to reveal the effect of adaptability, and organizational commitment toward improvement of the principal’s managerial performance. The method used in this research is quantitative methods. The samples in this research are determined baseon Cluster Sampling technique totally 127 people. The data are collected through questionnaires that have been tested relates to the validity and reliability. The technique of analyzing data usespath analysis with software call SPSS 21. The results show that the improvement of managerial performance of elementary school principals in Semarang Regency is influenced by the adaptability and organizational commitment. Suggestion from the results of this research is for the principals to implement the strategy of proactive attitude internally and externally to mental changes in the school and strengthen organizational commitment to improve managerial performance. Department of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports in Semarang Regency needs in accordance with plan and periodically to conduct education and training of principal’s managerial competence and to optimize the role of supervisor in constructing and assisting the principal of the target school

    Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Yang Efektif Kunci Pencapaian Kualitas Pendidikan

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    The headmaster is one of the key factors in determining the establishment of quality education. Referring to their functions and roles, headmasters serve as the manager and the leader of the educational school institution. Effective management and leadership require headmasters who realize modelling and transformational leadership, indicated by such characteristics as idealized influence, inspiration motivation, intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration. They should empower the teaching staff, work based on a clear time frame, establish interpersonal relationship, develop fair and accountable principles, and be able to work in team