20 research outputs found

    The Relationship between Age, Parity and Husband's Support and the Selection of Long-term Contraception Method (MKJP) By Woman of Childbearing Age

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    The high birth rate of Indonesia has become a significant problem and requires special attention. As an effort to tackle the rapid population growth, the government has formulated a number of development and family planning programs. For instance, the National Family Planning programmes, which is mainly directed towards the use of the Long-term Contraception Method (MKJP); however, the actual usage rate of the programme is still low. This research aimed to examine the relationship between age, parity and husband’s support, and the MKJP selection by women of childbearing age in the working area of Dinoyo Public Health Centre, Malang City. This study was an analytical research with a cross-sectional design. The samples in this research were chosen through the purposive sampling method, with a total sample of 45 women. Data were collected through interviews and questionnaires. Data analysis was carried out using the Chi-Square test, with a significance level of < 0.05. The results showed that there was no significant relationship between the age and the selection of MKJP (sig. 0.461), between the parity and the selection of MKJP (sig. 0.522), and between the husband’s support and the selection of MKJP (sig. 0.460). Therefore, we conclude that there is no significant relationship between the age, parity and husband’s support, and the selection of MKJP by women of childbearing age in the working area of Dinoyo Public Health Centre. Keywords: age, parity, husband’s support, long-term contraception method

    Factors Related to the Quality of Life of Patients with Coronary Heart Disease at Saiful Anwar General Hospital, Malang

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    Most coronary heart disease (CHD) patients experience a decrease in quality of life that can worsen the prognosis. To the best of our knowledge, no previous study has identified the quality of life of CHD patients in Saiful Anwar General Hospital and its predictors. Hence, this study was conducted to determine the factors related to the quality of life of patients with CHD at Saiful Anwar General Hospital. A cross-sectional study was conducted by selecting 90 patients diagnosed with CHD in 2019 purposively. The instruments used in this study were the DASS-21, SF-36 and social support. Data were analysed using univariate and bivariate with binary logistic regression. The study found that the quality of life of patients with CHD has an average value of 63.29. As many as 88.9% of CHD patients were categorized as having a good quality of life. There was no relationship between the independent variables and the quality of life. Further research needs to be done on potential variables related to the risk factors of the CHD patients’ quality of life, which can subsequently be used as a guideline for optimizing and improving the patients’ quality of life. Keywords: coronary heart disease, risk factors, quality of lif

    Gambaran pengetahuan peserta webinar manajemen penyakit tidak menular pada masa Covid-19

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    Peran epidemiolog di masa covid-19 menjadi krusial sebab tidak hanya dituntut untuk membantu penanganan covid-19, namun juga harus tetap melayani permasalahan PTM. Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan alumni prodi ilmu kesehatan masyarakat Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan (FIK) Universitas Negeri Malang (UM) tentang manajemen PTM pada masa covid-19. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian ini adalah webinar online yang dilaksanakan dalam beberapa sesi menggunakan Zoom video conferencing platform. Jumlah peserta yang terlibat yaitu 24 alumni S1 IKM FIK UM. Penilaian tingkat pengetahuan tentang manajemen PTM dilakukan dengan pretest-posttest. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif dalam bentuk persentase. Hasil pengabdian ini ditemukan adanya peningkatan skor terendah pada pretest peserta dari yang semula 25 menjadi 37,5. Kesimpulan pengetahuan peserta webinar after sales mengalami peningkatan setelah diberikan penyuluhan tentang manajemen penyakit tidak menular pada masa covid-19. Terjadi penurunan persentase peserta pada kategori pengetahuan kurang dan sedang, diiringi dengan peningkatan persentase peserta secara signifikan pada kategori baik dari 18 pada pretest menjadi 39 pada posttest

    Relationship of Self-control and Media Exposure with Premarital Sexual Behaviour in Senior High School Students

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    Premarital sexual behaviour is a social phenomenon that is common today. Modernization is one of the reasons for various parties to share pornographic behaviour on the pretext of being a medium for sexual knowledge. Adolescents with good self-control will be able to control negative behavioural impulses from external factors such as premarital sexual behaviour. This study aims to determine the relationship of self-control and media exposure with premarital sexual behaviour in 11th-grade students of Senior High School “X” in Malang City. The study utilized a correlational quantitative method with a cross-sectional design. A total of 76 students, selected using a simple random sampling technique, were included in the study. Data were collected through a questionnaire and analysed using a linear regression analysis with a significance level of (α = 5%) = 0.05. The study found that self-control and information media were both partially and simultaneously related to the premarital sexual behaviour in adolescents. Based on the analysis, the beta value of the selfcontrol was β = 0.303, and that of the information media was β = 0.227. This indicated that the self-control variable had the most dominant relationship with premarital sexual behaviour. Further, the R-Square value was 0.416, which meant premarital sexual behaviour in 41.6% of the 11th-grade adolescents of Senior High School “X” in Malang City was related to two independent variables, self-control and information media. Keywords: adolescent, self-control, media exposure, premarital sexual behaviou

    Implementasi metode demonstrasi deteksi dini penyakit tidak menular pada pengetahuan dan keterampilan kader posyandu lansia

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    Kader posyandu lansia di Kelurahan Temas belum sepenuhnya mandiri dalam melakukan deteksi dini penyakit tidak menular. Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan kader posyandu lansia di Kelurahan Temas, Kota Batu. Metode yang dilakukan adalah pelatihan dan demosntrasi. Tempat di pendopo Kelurahan Temas Kota Batu. Waktu pelaksanaan pada  Bulan September, 2021. Peserta sejumlah 15 orang yang merupakan kader posyandu RW 2. Variabel yang diukur adalah tingkat pengetahuan dan keterampilan deteksi dini PTM. Analisis menggunakan deskriptif sederhana yaitu persentase. Hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat diperoleh bahwa ada perbedaan pengetahuan dan keterampilan sebelum dan setelah dilakukan sosialisasi. Diharapkan dari kegiatan ini adanya pemantauan secara berkala dan berkelanjutan untuk mencegah PTM  bagi lansia

    Functional Status and Incidence of Loss to Follow-up after Antiretroviral Therapy Initiation

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    Taking medication for lifetime puts Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-infected patients in challenging situations. The loss to follow-up (LTFU) is a major problem arising from their non-compliance. Information about functional status as a predictor of LTFU is limited. Therefore, this study was aimed to identify the association between the functional status and the incidence of LTFU among HIV patients at Saiful Anwar General Hospital, Indonesia. A retrospective cohort study was conducted in the tropical diseases and infections division of the Saiful Anwar General Hospital by observing 148 HIV patients who were diagnosed in 2015. Data were collected based on existing data in medical records. The log-rank test was used to compare the time of LTFU between groups. Cox proportional hazard was used to determine the effect of functional status after being controlled by other variables. This study found that 65.9% of HIV patients were able to retain on antiretroviral therapy for 39 months. Functional status had a significant association with the time LTFU occurred. Ambulatory patients had a higher risk of experiencing LTFU than working functional status (AHR = 2.289; 95% CI 1.106–4.738; p-value = 0.026). Identifying the patient’s characteristic that has a higher risk of LTFU helps to determine the right strategy to ensure treatment adherence. Keywords: antiretroviral therapy (ART), functional status, HIV, loss to follow-up (LTFU), Indonesi

    Discrepancy Evaluation of 10 Antenatal Care Services (10T) at the Dinoyo Health Center, Malang City

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    One of the goals of the Antenatal Care (ANC) program is to identify abnormalities or complications early that may occur during pregnancy. The quality of antenatal care contributes to better outcomes for pregnant women. Meanwhile, at the Dinoyo Health Center, the coverage of antenatal care visits showed a decreased trend. Furthermore, the quality of ten antenatal care services (10T) was still unknown. This study aimed to evaluate the implementation of ten antenatal care services (10T) at the Dinoyo Health Center. This descriptive qualitative study was conducted at the Dinoyo Health Center on April 2022. Data were obtained from ten informants that were purposively selected and also from secondary data. Data analysis was carried out using the Discrepancy Evaluation Model (DEM) approach. The data triangulation process was also done. This study found that one of ten antenatal care services (10T) did not meet the standard. It was a counseling session

    Hubungan Pengetahuan dengan Mitra Pria dalam Keluarga Berencana di Desa Klampok, Kecamatan Singosari, Kabupaten Malang

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    Indonesia menduduki nomor empat dunia penduduk terbanyak setelah Tiongkok (1,4 miliar jiwa), India (1,3 miliar jiwa) dan Amerika Serikat (325 juta jiwa). Diperkirakan pada dua puluh lima tahun mendatang Indonesia mengalami peningkatan pada jumlah penduduk yaitu dari 238,5 juta pada Tahun 2010 menjadi 305,6 juta pada Tahun 2035. Salah satu cara untuk menekan pertumbuhan jumlah penduduk dan angka kelahiran yang tertulis di dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 25 Tahun 2009 tentang Kependudukan dan Pembangunan Keluarga adalah dengan Program Keluarga Berencana (KB) atau dengan menggunakan alat kontrasepsi oleh Pasangan Usia Subur (PUS). Angka partisipasi pria sendiri dalam penggunaan alat kontrasepsi di Indonesia masih sangat rendah, yaitu hanya 2,1% peserta KB pria dan mereka umumnya memakai kondom. Persentase tersebut lebih rendah jika dibandingkan dengan negara lain, seperti Iran (12%), Tunisia (16%), Malaysia (9-11%), bahkan di Amerika Serikat mencapai (32%). Menggunakan kuesioner dengan sasaran responden 95 pria PUS yang dipilih secara acak menggunakan teknik simple random sampling, diketahui 42,1% responden memiliki kategori pengetahuan baik. Sedangkan untuk minat sendiri sebanyak 46,3% responden masuk dalam kategori minat sedang dalam ber KB. Terdapat hubungan signifikan antara pengetahuan dengan minat pria dalam keluarga berencana dengan nilai p value 0,001


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    ABSTRACT: Menarche is the first menstruation as a natural process that occurs in the reproductive female. Menstruation is the release of the wall of the uterus (endometrium) accompanied by a reguler and normal bleeding every month from the uterus as a sign that the reproductive organs have matured. Knowledge of menstruation is crucial for female adolescent in facing menarche, so that they are ready to face menarche. Otherwise, the lack of knowledge will lead to erroneous assumptions and behavior, such as assuming that menarche is a disease, and also anxiety. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between knowledge of menstruation and the readiness of menarche on female adolescents at SDN Asrikaton 1, Pakis District, Malang Regency. This research used the design of Correlational research with Cross sectional approach. Samples were obtained using the technique of Total sampling the 35 female students (grade IV, V, VI) at SDN Asrikaton 1. Samples studied were female students who had not experienced menarche. Data were collected by using questionnaire, and then statistically analyzed by the methode of Chi-square. Based on the results Statistical analysis showed the significance value (p-value) of 0.000. Therefore, it can be concluded that there was a significant correlation between knowledge of menstruation and the readiness of menarche on female adolescents at SDN Asrikaton 1.Keyword: knowledge, menstruation, menarche, readiness    ABSTRAK: Menarche adalah menstruasi pertama yang merupakan proses alami yang terjadi pada wanita reproduktif. Menstruasi adalah pelepasan dinding rahim (endometrium) disertai perdarahan secara teratur dan normal yang terjadi setiap bulan dari rahim sebagai tanda bahwa organ reproduksi telah matang. Pengetahuan yang baik terkait menstruasi sangat diperlukan siswi dalam menghadapi menarche, agar mereka siap menghadapi menarche. Jika tidak, akan menimbulkan anggapan yang keliru terkait menarche, seperti menganggap bahwa datangnya menarche sebagai suatu penyakit, sehingga menimbulkan kecemasan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan tentang menstruasi  dengan kesiapan dalam menghadapi menarche pada siswi SDN Asrikaton 1 Kecamatan Pakis Kabupaten Malang. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian korelasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional, menggunakan teknik total sampling pada 35 siswi kelas IV, V, VI SDN Asrikaton 1 yang belum mengalami menarche. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dengan analisis data yaitu univariat dan bivariat menggunakan chi square. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan nilai p-value 0,000. Hasil ini menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan mengenai menstruasi dengan kesiapan dalam menghadapi menarche pada siswi SDN Asrikaton 1.Kata Kunci: pengetahuan, menstruasi, menarche, kesiapa

    Gambaran Status Gizi Siswa Kelas VII di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri

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    Pada usia sekolah anak melakukan banyak aktivitas fisik, baik di lingkungan sekolah maupun di luar sekolah. Dari hasil observasi di Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Malang menyatakan bahwa sekolah menengah pertama berstatus Negeri telah hampir semuanya menerapkan program 5 hari sekolah dengan Full Day School, dari pukul 07.00 sampai pukul 15.00 atau sekitar kurang lebih 8 jam per hari. Sehingga aktifitas siswa di sekolah semakin lama dan tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran status gizi siswa kelas VII di SMPN Kabupaten Malang. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kuantitatif, karena gambarannya menggunakan batas ambang indeks massa tubuh (IMT) dari pengukuran tinggi badan (TB) dan berat badan (BB), jumlah, dan frekuensi. Hasil data penelitian menyatakan, status gizi siswa SMPN 1 Singosari kategori status gizi kurus sebanyak 19 siswa (59,3%), kategori status gizi normal sebanyak 11 siswa (34,3%) dan kategori status gizi gemuk sebanyak 2 siswa (6,2%). Status gizi siswa SMPN 1 Tumpang kategori status gizi kurus sebanyak 14 siswa (43,7%), kategori status gizi normal sebanyak 15 siswa (46,8%) dan kategori status gizi gemuk sebanyak 3 siswa (9,3%).Status gizi siswa SMPN 1 Turen kategori status gizi kurus sebanyak 11 siswa (34,3%), kategori status gizi normal sebanyak 11 siswa (34,3%) dan kategori status gizi gemuk sebanyak 10 siswa (31,2%). Untuk saran penelitian ini, pihak sekolah yang menggunakan program PPK membuat program skrining kesehatan siswa di setiap bulan, agar status kesehatan dan gizi dari pola makan siswa dapat terpantau. Serta membuat jadwal pelajaran terprogram mengenai tentang kesehatan siswa dan gizi siswa, agar siswa menanamkan menset atau pemikiran yang preventif secara dini