719 research outputs found

    Deterministic Java in tiny embedded systems

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    As embedded systems become more and more complex, and the time to market becomes shorter, there is a need in the embedded systems community to find better programming languages that let the programmers develop correct code faster. The programming languages used today, typically C and/or Assemblers, are just too error-prone. The Java technology has therefore gained a lot of interest from developers of embedded systems in the last few years. We propose an approach based on compiling Java into native machine code via C as an intermediate language. The C code generation process should also add close interaction with a fully pre-emptive incremental garbage collector and a small and efficient real time kernel. Tests performed on a small 8-bit microprocessor show that it is possible to use a modern object oriented language with automatic memory management, such as Java, and yet generate fully predictable code that can be run in very small devices with severe memory constraints

    Integrating Microalgal Production with Industrial Outputs - Reducing Process Inputs and Quantifying the Benefits

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    The cultivation and processing of microalgal biomass is resource- and energy-intensive, negatively affecting the sustainability and profitability of producing bulk commodities, limiting this platform to the manufacture of relatively small quantities of high-value compounds. A biorefinery approach where all fractions of the biomass are valorized might improve the case for producing lower-value products. However, these systems are still likely to operate very close to thresholds of profitability and energy balance, with wide-ranging environmental and societal impacts. It thus remains critically important to reduce the use of costly and impactful inputs and energy-intensive processes involved in these scenarios. Integration with industrial infrastructure can provide a number of residual streams that can be readily used during microalgal cultivation and downstream processing. This review critically considers some of the main inputs required for microalgal biorefineries - such as nutrients, water, carbon dioxide, and heat - and appraises the benefits and possibilities for industrial integration on a more quantitative basis. Recent literature and demonstration studies will also be considered to best illustrate these benefits to both producers and industrial operators. Additionally, this review will highlight some inconsistencies in the data used in assessments of microalgal production scenarios, allowing more accurate evaluation of potential future biorefineries

    Garbage collector interface

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    The purpose of the presented garbage collector interface is to provide a universal interface for many different implementations of garbage collectors. This is to simplify the integration and exchange of garbage collectors, but also to support incremental, non-conservative, and thread safe implementations. Due to the complexity of the interface, it is aimed at code generators and preprocessors. Experiences from ongoing implementations indicate that the garbage collector interface successfully provides the necessary functionality in an efficient way

    Många bäckar små gör en stor å?

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    Dagens universitet står inför en allt högre konkurrens om studenter både nationellt och inter-nationellt. Behovet av varumärkning av högre utbildning har således blivit allt större. Univer-siteten måste därför arbeta med att särskilja sig från mängden för att kunna locka studenter och medarbetare till sig. Inom den traditionella varumärkesforskningen har fokus förflyttats från ett produktorienterad till en mer organisationsorienterad syn på varumärkning, där ett enhetligt varumärke ska differentiera organisationen från andra. Forskningsområdet varu-märkning av högre utbildning är ännu relativt knappt och har tidigare fokuserat mycket på externa aspekter av varumärkning. Vi har därför med hjälp av 10 kvalitativa intervjuer under-sökt Lunds universitets förutsättningar för att arbeta med varumärkesbyggande från ett internt perspektiv och i förlängningen deras möjlighet att leverera ett enhetligt varumärke. Studien visar att på grund av olika faktorer så som organisationsstruktur, akademiska värden och starka subkulturer, ser förutsättningarna för ett universitet att arbeta med varumärkesbyg-gande annorlunda ut än för en traditionell organisation. Det påverkar i förlängningen organi-sationens arbete med varumärkesbyggande och möjligheten att leverera ett enhetligt budskap från universitetet. Slutligen fann vi att universitetets fakulteter kan ha mer att vinna på att sär-profilera sig på en nationell nivå, men på en internationell nivå finns ett behov av ett enhetli-gare varumärke

    Selective Catalytic Reduction on Filter Performance Testing on Non-road Diesel Engine

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    High-efficiency lean-burn compression ignition engines are expected to continue to play an important role as a power source for non-road mobile machinery. The challenge for these engines is that they suffer both high levels of nitrogen oxide (NOx) and particulate matter (PM) emissions, and the simultaneous reduction of these particular emissions is difficult due to the trade-off relationship between NOx and PM. Consequently, achieving the most stringent emission limits requires efficient exhaust aftertreatment. Traditionally, NOx and PM have been controlled by separate aftertreatment devices. However, such sequential system configurations have several disadvantages, such as a large volume of the aftertreatment system. The compact design of a selective catalytic reduction (SCR)-coated diesel particulate filters (DPF), referred to as selective catalytic reduction on filter (FSCR), allows the reduction in aftertreatment system volume and mass. Another advantage is that the SCR can be placed closer to the engine to improve SCR temperature behavior. The major challenge of the FSCR technology is the interaction between the SCR and DPF functions. The present study examines the operation of a state-of-the-art combined particulate filter and SCR catalyst device as a part of an exhaust aftertreatment system on a high-speed non-road diesel engine. Unlike previous studies, the goal was a complete ammonia (NH3) slip-free operation. The main objective was to investigate how the SCR properties—NOx conversion and NH3 slip—change when the filter fills up with soot. In this context, tests with clean FSCR and with soot-loaded FSCR were conducted at varying urea dosing. The soot-loaded FSCR, compared with a clean one, showed a slightly (4-6%) lower NOx reduction and higher (1-4 ppm) NH3 slip under identical operating conditions. The results also indicated a decrease in NH3 storage capacity upon soot loading. Finally, a supplementary flow-through SCR catalyst was added downstream of the FSCR, and tests with FSCR only versus FSCR + SCR were performed. Adding the second SCR allowed for higher urea dosing without NH3 slip and, consequently, higher (+23%) NOx conversions.© 2021 The Authors. Published by SAE International. This Open Access article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided that the original author(s) and the source are credited.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    A Review of the Carbon Footprint of Cu and Zn Production from Primary and Secondary Sources

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    Copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) with their unique properties are central for economic growth, quality of life, and the creation of new jobs. The base-metal producing sector is, however, under growing public pressure in respect to energy and water requirements and needs to meet several challenges, including increased demand and lower ore grades, which are generally associated with larger resource use. The development of technologies for metal production from secondary sources is often motivated by increased sustainability, and this paper aims to provide further insights about one specific aspect of sustainability—namely, climate change. The paper presents a review of carbon footprints (CF) for Cu and Zn produced from primary and secondary raw materials by analyzing data taken from scientific literature and the Ecoinvent database. Comparisons are carried out based on the source of data selected as a reference case. The data available in the literature indicate that secondary production of Cu and Zn has the potential to be more beneficial compared to primary production regarding the impact on climate change. However, the technologies used today for the production of both metals from secondary sources are still immature, and more research on this topic is needed. The general variation of data suggests that the standardization of a comparison is needed when assessing the environmental benefits of production in line with the principles of waste valorization, the zero waste approach, and circular econom

    Wintertime Arctic Ocean sea water properties and primary marine aerosol concentrations

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    Sea spray aerosols are an important part of the climate system through their direct and indirect effects. Due to the diminishing sea ice, the Arctic Ocean is one of the most rapidly changing sea spray aerosol source areas. However, the influence of these changes on primary particle production is not known. <br><br> In laboratory experiments we examined the influence of Arctic Ocean water temperature, salinity, and oxygen saturation on primary particle concentration characteristics. Sea water temperature was identified as the most important of these parameters. A strong decrease in sea spray aerosol production with increasing water temperature was observed for water temperatures between −1°C and 9°C. Aerosol number concentrations decreased from at least 1400 cm<sup>−3</sup> to 350 cm<sup>−3</sup>. In general, the aerosol number size distribution exhibited a robust shape with one mode close to dry diameter <i>D</i><sub>p</sub> 0.2 μm with approximately 45% of particles at smaller sizes. Changes in sea water temperature did not result in pronounced change of the shape of the aerosol size distribution, only in the magnitude of the concentrations. Our experiments indicate that changes in aerosol emissions are most likely linked to changes of the physical properties of sea water at low temperatures. The observed strong dependence of sea spray aerosol concentrations on sea water temperature, with a large fraction of the emitted particles in the typical cloud condensation nuclei size range, provide strong arguments for a more careful consideration of this effect in climate models

    Regulation of smooth muscle dystrophin and synaptopodin 2 expression by actin polymerization and vascular injury

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    Producción CientíficaObjective: Actin dynamics in vascular smooth muscle is known to regulate contractile differentiation and may play a role in the pathogenesis of vascular disease. However, the list of genes regulated by actin polymerization in smooth muscle remains incomprehensive. Thus, the objective of this study was to identify actin-regulated genes in smooth muscle and to demonstrate the role of these genes in the regulation of vascular smooth muscle phenotype. Approach and Results: Mouse aortic smooth muscle cells were treated with an actin-stabilizing agent, jasplakinolide, and analyzed by microarrays. Several transcripts were upregulated including both known and previously unknown actin-regulated genes. Dystrophin and synaptopodin 2 were selected for further analysis in models of phenotypic modulation and vascular disease. These genes were highly expressed in differentiated versus synthetic smooth muscle and their expression was promoted by the transcription factors myocardin and myocardin-related transcription factor A. Furthermore, the expression of both synaptopodin 2 and dystrophin was significantly reduced in balloon-injured human arteries. Finally, using a dystrophin mutant mdx mouse and synaptopodin 2 knockdown, we demonstrate that these genes are involved in the regulation of smooth muscle differentiation and function. Conclusions: This study demonstrates novel genes that are promoted by actin polymerization, that regulate smooth muscle function, and that are deregulated in models of vascular disease. Thus, targeting actin polymerization or the genes controlled in this manner can lead to novel therapeutic options against vascular pathologies that involve phenotypic modulation of smooth muscle cells.Instituto de Salud Carlos III - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (grant RD12/0042/0006)Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (grants BFU2010-15898 and BFU2013-45867-R

    Multi-criteria evaluation tool (NoAW H2020 Project)

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    Пројекат NoAW настоји да пронађе нова решења за креативну поновну употребу неминовно и континуално генерисаног отпада из пољопривреде. Овај плакат представља резултате рада у оквиру Радног пакета 2 (Deliverable D2.3) и повезан је са Задатком 2.3 „Мултикритеријумска евалуација за потребе стратешке процене утицаја плана управљања отпадом из пољопривреде на животну средину“. Унутар D2.3 представљен је концепт модела за мултикритеријумско одлучивање. Овај модел је примењен у Стратешкој процени утицаја плана управљања отпадом на подручју Опленачког виногорја на животну средину.The NoAW project aims at finding new solutions for up-cycling unavoidable and continuously generated by-products from agriculture. This paper is related with the Deliverable (D2.3) which represents the result within the Work Package 2 and it is related to the Task 2.3 “Multi-criteria evaluation in strategic environmental assessment of agro-waste management plan”. Within D2.3, concept for multicriteria decision model was presented. This model was applied in Strategic Environmental Assessment process for Agro Waste Management Plan in Oplenac vineyards.Трећа награда на 28. Међународном салону урбанизма у категорији Истраживања, студије и пројекти из области просторног и урбанистичког планирања, 2019