90 research outputs found

    A mouse renin promoter containing the conserved decanucleotide element binds the same B-cell factors as an authentic immunoglobulin heavy chain promoter

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    AbstractA mouse renin-1 gene promoter fragment, normally inactive in B-cells, becomes a potent promoter in these cells after insertion of the highly conserved decanucleotide (dc/cd sequence) of immunoglobulin heavy and light chain promoters [(1987) EMBO J. 6, 1685–1690]. We observe retarded complexes of the same electrophoretic mobility when the cd-containing renin promoter fragment or an authentic immunoglobulin heavy chain promoter fragment is incubated with a nuclear extract from myeloma cells, suggesting that the renin promoter is activated due to its acquired ability to bind a B-cell-specific positive factor. No retarded complexes are observed with the original renin promoter fragment thus questioning the presence of a repressor as an explanation for its lack of activity in B-cells

    Analysis of four DLX homeobox genes in autistic probands

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    BACKGROUND: Linkage studies in autism have identified susceptibility loci on chromosomes 2q and 7q, regions containing the DLX1/2 and DLX5/6 bigene clusters. The DLX genes encode homeodomain transcription factors that control craniofacial patterning and differentiation and survival of forebrain inhibitory neurons. We investigated the role that sequence variants in DLX genes play in autism by in-depth resequencing of these genes in 161 autism probands from the AGRE collection. RESULTS: Sequencing of exons, exon/intron boundaries and known enhancers of DLX1, 2, 5 and 6 identified several nonsynonymous variants in DLX2 and DLX5 and a variant in a DLX5/6intragenic enhancer. The nonsynonymous variants were detected in 4 of 95 families from which samples were sequenced. Two of these four SNPs were not observed in 378 undiagnosed samples from North American populations, while the remaining 2 were seen in one sample each. CONCLUSION: Segregation of these variants in pedigrees did not generally support a contribution to autism susceptibility by these genes, although functional analyses may provide insight into the biological understanding of these important proteins

    Predictors of indoor absolute humidity and estimated effects on influenza virus survival in grade schools

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    Background: Low absolute humidity (AH) has been associated with increased influenza virus survival and transmissibility and the onset of seasonal influenza outbreaks. Humidification of indoor environments may mitigate viral transmission and may be an important control strategy, particularly in schools where viral transmission is common and contributes to the spread of influenza in communities. However, the variability and predictors of AH in the indoor school environment and the feasibility of classroom humidification to levels that could decrease viral survival have not been studied. Methods: Automated sensors were used to measure temperature, humidity and CO2 levels in two Minnesota grade schools without central humidification during two successive winters. Outdoor AH measurements were derived from the North American Land Data Assimilation System. Variability in indoor AH within classrooms, between classrooms in the same school, and between schools was assessed using concordance correlation coefficients (CCC). Predictors of indoor AH were examined using time-series Auto-Regressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity models. Classroom humidifiers were used when school was not in session to assess the feasibility of increasing indoor AH to levels associated with decreased influenza virus survival, as projected from previously published animal experiments. Results: AH varied little within classrooms (CCC >0.90) but was more variable between classrooms in the same school (CCC 0.81 for School 1, 0.88 for School 2) and between schools (CCC 0.81). Indoor AH varied widely during the winter (range 2.60 to 10.34 millibars [mb]) and was strongly associated with changes in outdoor AH (p < 0.001). Changes in indoor AH on school weekdays were strongly associated with CO2 levels (p < 0.001). Over 4 hours, classroom humidifiers increased indoor AH by 4 mb, an increase sufficient to decrease projected 1-hour virus survival by an absolute value of 30% during winter months. Conclusions: During winter, indoor AH in non-humidified grade schools varies substantially and often to levels that are very low. Indoor results are predicted by outdoor AH over a season and CO2 levels (which likely reflects human activity) during individual school days. Classroom humidification may be a feasible approach to increase indoor AH to levels that may decrease influenza virus survival and transmission

    Radiation Hybrid Maps of Medaka Chromosomes LG 12, 17, and 22

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    The Medaka is an excellent genetic system for studies of vertebrate development and disease and environmental and evolutionary biology studies. To facilitate the mapping of markers or the cloning of affected genes in Medaka mutants identified by forward-genetic screens, we have established a panel of whole-genome radiation hybrids (RHs) and RH maps for three Medaka chromosomes. RH mapping is useful, since markers to be mapped need not be polymorphic and one can establish the order of markers that are difficult to resolve by genetic mapping owing to low genetic recombination rates. RHs were generated by fusing the irradiated donor, OLF-136 Medaka cell line, with the host B78 mouse melanoma cells. Of 290 initial RH clones, we selected 93 on the basis of high retention of fragments of the Medaka genome to establish a panel that allows genotyping in the 96-well format. RH maps for linkage groups 12, 17, and 22 were generated using 159 markers. The average retention for the three chromosomes was 19% and the average break point frequency was ∼33 kb/cR. We estimate the potential resolution of the RH panel to be ∼186 kb, which is high enough for integrating RH data with bacterial artificial chromosome clones. Thus, this first RH panel will be a useful tool for mapping mutated genes in Medaka

    Modeling Neurodegeneration in Zebrafish

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    The zebrafish, Danio rerio, has been established as an excellent vertebrate model for the study of developmental biology and gene function. It also has proven to be a valuable model to study human diseases. Here, we reviewed recent publications using zebrafish to study the pathology of human neurodegenerative diseases including Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, and Alzheimer’s. These studies indicate that zebrafish genes and their human homologues have conserved functions with respect to the etiology of neurodegenerative diseases. The characteristics of the zebrafish and the experimental approaches to which it is amenable make this species a useful complement to other animal models for the study of pathologic mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases and for the screening of compounds with therapeutic potential

    Dopamine in Health and Disease

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    The neurotransmitter dopamine (DA) is generally associated with Parkinson’s disease (PD) [...