276 research outputs found

    Effect of Rotation Speed Parameter on Mechanical Properties of Similar AISI 1040 Parts Joined by Friction Welding

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    Friction welding is one of the important joining methods widely used, especially for welding cylindrical parts, in many industries. In this study, friction welding of similar material steel AISI 1040 cylindrical parts having 12 mm diameter is successfully realised at different welding parameters. In order to determine mechanical properties of welds, the tensile strength and microhardness tests as well as microstructural analysis are carried out and discussed. In addition, the comparison between parts welded at different revolutions per minute (rpm) is made in terms of mechanical properties. Experimental results show that the highest tensile strength is nearly 400 MPa, which is obtained at the parts welded through 1500 rpm.Сварка трением является одним из важных способов соединения, который широко используется, в частности, для сварки цилиндрических деталей, во многих отраслях промышленности. В данной работе была проведена сварка трением цилиндрических деталей диаметром 12 мм из стали AISI 1040 при разных параметрах сварки. Для характеризации механических свойств сварных швов определены прочность на растяжение и микротвёрдость, а также выполнен микроструктурный анализ. Кроме того, проведён сравнительный анализ механических свойств деталей, сваренных при различных скоростях вращения. Результаты экспериментов показывают, что максимальная прочность составляет около 400 МПа и достигается при 1500 об/мин.Зварювання тертям є одним з важливих способів з’єднання, який широко використовується, зокрема, для зварювання циліндричних деталів, у багатьох галузях промисловости. В даній роботі було виконано зварювання тертям циліндричних деталів діяметром у 12 мм зі сталі AISI 1040 за різних параметрів зварювання. Для характеризації механічних властивостей зварних швів визначено міцність на розтяг і мікротвердість, а також виконано мікроструктурну аналізу. Крім того, проведено порівняльну аналізу механічних властивостей деталів, зварених за різних швидкостей обертання. Результати експериментів показують, що максимальна міцність становить близько 400 МПа і досягається при 1500 об/хв

    Early stage morphology of quench condensed Ag, Pb and Pb/Ag hybrid films

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    Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) has been used to study the morphology of Ag, Pb and Pb/Ag bilayer films fabricated by quench condensation of the elements onto cold (T=77K), inert and atomically flat Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite (HOPG) substrates. All films are thinner than 10 nm and show a granular structure that is consistent with earlier studies of QC films. The average lateral diameter, 2rˉ\bar {2r}, of the Ag grains, however, depends on whether the Ag is deposited directly on HOPG (2rˉ\bar {2r} = 13 nm) or on a Pb film consisting of a single layer of Pb grains (2rˉ\bar {2r} = 26.8 nm). In addition, the critical thickness for electrical conduction (dGd_{G}) of Pb/Ag films on inert glass substrates is substantially larger than for pure Ag films. These results are evidence that the structure of the underlying substrate exerts an influence on the size of the grains in QC films. We propose a qualitative explanation for this previously unencountered phenomenon.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures and one tabl

    Anomalous Hopping Exponents of Ultrathin Films of Metals

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    The temperature dependence of the resistance R(T) of ultrathin quench-condensed films of Ag, Bi, Pb and Pd has been investigated. In the most resistive films, R(T)=Roexp(To/T)^x, where x=0.75. Surprisingly, the exponent x was found to be constant for a wide range of Ro and To in all four materials, possibly implying a consistent underlying conduction mechanism. The results are discussed in terms of several different models of hopping conduction.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Electrical transport studies of quench condensed Bi films at the initial stage of film growth: Structural transition and the possible formation of electron droplets

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    The electrical transport properties of amorphous Bi films prepared by sequential quench deposition have been studied in situ. A superconductor-insulator (S-I) transition was observed as the film was made increasingly thicker, consistent with previous studies. Unexpected behavior was found at the initial stage of film growth, a regime not explored in detail prior to the present work. As the temperature was lowered, a positive temperature coefficient of resistance (dR/dT > 0) emerged, with the resistance reaching a minimum before the dR/dT became negative again. This behavior was accompanied by a non-linear and asymmetric I-V characteristic. As the film became thicker, conventional variable-range hopping (VRH) was recovered. We attribute the observed crossover in the electrical transport properties to an amorphous to granular structural transition. The positive dR/dT found in the amorphous phase of Bi formed at the initial stage of film growth was qualitatively explained by the formation of metallic droplets within the electron glass.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    A Mechanical Mass Sensor with Yoctogram Resolution

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    Nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) have generated considerable interest as inertial mass sensors. NEMS resonators have been used to weigh cells, biomolecules, and gas molecules, creating many new possibilities for biological and chemical analysis [1-4]. Recently, NEMS-based mass sensors have been employed as a new tool in surface science in order to study e.g. the phase transitions or the diffusion of adsorbed atoms on nanoscale objects [5-7]. A key point in all these experiments is the ability to resolve small masses. Here we report on mass sensing experiments with a resolution of 1.7 yg (1 yg = 10^-24 g), which corresponds to the mass of one proton, or one hydrogen atom. The resonator is made of a ~150 nm long carbon nanotube resonator vibrating at nearly 2 GHz. The unprecedented level of sensitivity allows us to detect adsorption events of naphthalene molecules (C10H8) and to measure the binding energy of a Xe atom on the nanotube surface (131 meV). These ultrasensitive nanotube resonators offer new opportunities for mass spectrometry, magnetometry, and adsorption experiments.Comment: submitted version of the manuscrip

    Plasmonic atoms and plasmonic molecules

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    The proposed paradigm of plasmonic atoms and plasmonic molecules allows one to describe and predict the strongly localized plasmonic oscillations in the clusters of nanoparticles and some other nanostructures in uniform way. Strongly localized plasmonic molecules near the contacting surfaces might become the fundamental elements (by analogy with Lego bricks) for a construction of fully integrated opto-electronic nanodevices of any complexity and scale of integration.Comment: 30 pages, 16 figure

    Nonlinear damping in mechanical resonators based on graphene and carbon nanotubes

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    Carbon nanotubes and graphene allow fabricating outstanding nanomechanical resonators. They hold promise for various scientific and technological applications, including sensing of mass, force, and charge, as well as the study of quantum phenomena at the mesoscopic scale. Here, we have discovered that the dynamics of nanotube and graphene resonators is in fact highly exotic. We propose an unprecedented scenario where mechanical dissipation is entirely determined by nonlinear damping. As a striking consequence, the quality factor Q strongly depends on the amplitude of the motion. This scenario is radically different from that of other resonators, whose dissipation is dominated by a linear damping term. We believe that the difference stems from the reduced dimensionality of carbon nanotubes and graphene. Besides, we exploit the nonlinear nature of the damping to improve the figure of merit of nanotube/graphene resonators.Comment: main text with 4 figures, supplementary informatio

    Quantum-squeezing effects of strained multilayer graphene NEMS

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    Quantum squeezing can improve the ultimate measurement precision by squeezing one desired fluctuation of the two physical quantities in Heisenberg relation. We propose a scheme to obtain squeezed states through graphene nanoelectromechanical system (NEMS) taking advantage of their thin thickness in principle. Two key criteria of achieving squeezing states, zero-point displacement uncertainty and squeezing factor of strained multilayer graphene NEMS, are studied. Our research promotes the measured precision limit of graphene-based nano-transducers by reducing quantum noises through squeezed states

    Fibrinogen storage disease without hypofibrinogenemia associated with estrogen therapy

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    BACKGROUND: Cytoplasmic inclusion bodies within hepatocytes may have different etiologies, including the Endoplasmic Reticulum Storage Diseases (ERSDs). ERSD is a pathological condition characterized by abnormal accumulation of proteins destined for secretion in the endoplasmic reticulum of hepatocytes; it may be congenital (primary) or acquired (secondary). Fibrinogen storage disease is a form of ERSD. CASE PRESENTATION: We present a case of fibrinogen storage disease secondary to estrogen replacement therapy. Its causal relationship to the drug is shown by histological, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural studies of paired liver biopsies obtained during and after the drug therapy. CONCLUSION: The liver biopsies of patients with idiopathic liver enzyme abnormalities should be carefully evaluated for cytoplasmic inclusion bodies and, although rare, fibrinogen deposits