97 research outputs found

    ML4PG in Computer Algebra verification

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    ML4PG is a machine-learning extension that provides statistical proof hints during the process of Coq/SSReflect proof development. In this paper, we use ML4PG to find proof patterns in the CoqEAL library -- a library that was devised to verify the correctness of Computer Algebra algorithms. In particular, we use ML4PG to help us in the formalisation of an efficient algorithm to compute the inverse of triangular matrices

    A Type-Theoretic Approach to Structural Resolution

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    Structural resolution (or S-resolution) is a newly proposed alternative to SLD-resolution that allows a systematic separation of derivations into term-matching and unification steps. Productive logic programs are those for which term-matching reduction on any query must terminate. For productive programs with coinductive meaning, finite term-rewriting reductions can be seen as measures of observation in an infinite derivation. Ability of handling corecursion in a productive way is an attractive computational feature of S-resolution. In this paper, we make first steps towards a better conceptual understanding of operational properties of S-resolution as compared to SLD-resolution. To this aim, we propose a type system for the analysis of both SLD-resolution and S-resolution. We formulate S-resolution and SLD-resolution as reduction systems, and show their soundness relative to the type system. One of the central methods of this paper is realizability transformation, which makes logic programs productive and non-overlapping. We show that S-resolution and SLD-resolution are only equivalent for programs with these two properties.Comment: LOPSTR 201

    Operational Semantics of Resolution and Productivity in Horn Clause Logic

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    This paper presents a study of operational and type-theoretic properties of different resolution strategies in Horn clause logic. We distinguish four different kinds of resolution: resolution by unification (SLD-resolution), resolution by term-matching, the recently introduced structural resolution, and partial (or lazy) resolution. We express them all uniformly as abstract reduction systems, which allows us to undertake a thorough comparative analysis of their properties. To match this small-step semantics, we propose to take Howard's System H as a type-theoretic semantic counterpart. Using System H, we interpret Horn formulas as types, and a derivation for a given formula as the proof term inhabiting the type given by the formula. We prove soundness of these abstract reduction systems relative to System H, and we show completeness of SLD-resolution and structural resolution relative to System H. We identify conditions under which structural resolution is operationally equivalent to SLD-resolution. We show correspondence between term-matching resolution for Horn clause programs without existential variables and term rewriting.Comment: Journal Formal Aspect of Computing, 201

    Productive Corecursion in Logic Programming

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    Logic Programming is a Turing complete language. As a consequence, designing algorithms that decide termination and non-termination of programs or decide inductive/coinductive soundness of formulae is a challenging task. For example, the existing state-of-the-art algorithms can only semi-decide coinductive soundness of queries in logic programming for regular formulae. Another, less famous, but equally fundamental and important undecidable property is productivity. If a derivation is infinite and coinductively sound, we may ask whether the computed answer it determines actually computes an infinite formula. If it does, the infinite computation is productive. This intuition was first expressed under the name of computations at infinity in the 80s. In modern days of the Internet and stream processing, its importance lies in connection to infinite data structure processing. Recently, an algorithm was presented that semi-decides a weaker property -- of productivity of logic programs. A logic program is productive if it can give rise to productive derivations. In this paper we strengthen these recent results. We propose a method that semi-decides productivity of individual derivations for regular formulae. Thus we at last give an algorithmic counterpart to the notion of productivity of derivations in logic programming. This is the first algorithmic solution to the problem since it was raised more than 30 years ago. We also present an implementation of this algorithm.Comment: Paper presented at the 33nd International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2017), Melbourne, Australia, August 28 to September 1, 2017 16 pages, LaTeX, no figure
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