22 research outputs found

    Three Crucial Crises in the Development of the Khanty and Mansi Unique Culture

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    This paper deals with crucial crises in the development of the unique culture of the Khanty and Mansi. The peoples, who had resided the territory of Western Siberia long before Russian settlements were established, were the Tatar, Chulym Turkic, Khakass, Shor, Teleut, Selkup, Nganasan, Enets, Nenets, Kamasin, Ket, Yugh, Kott, Assan, Khanty and Mansi. They had gained valuable and enormous experience of the climate, nature, wild and animal life of their environment. They had a very complex religious system that was closely connected both with the nature and with their life activities. All this – the unique valuable knowledge gained for thousands of years - has been degrading and degenerating. It is being researched due to major reasons of degradation and extinction of unique cultures of the Siberian indigenous peoples. They include: a) collection of the “yasak” and attempts of forced Christianization of indigenous peoples during the Russian Empire times; b) compulsory boarding education in the Soviet times; c) intensive oil and gas exploration in the 20th century

    The Image of Scientific and Technological Progress in the Fine Art of Pavel Filonov

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    Данная статья посвящена рассмотрению образа научно-технического прогресса в творчестве Павла Николаевича Филонова – одного из самых загадочных художников русского авангарда. Концепция «аналитической живописи» мастера, представленная в его теоретическом наследии, соединяет искусство и науку, позволяя смотреть на его работы как на продукт художественно зафиксированной мыслительной деятельности. Поэтому в качестве материала для исследования были выбраны: 1) теоретические работы художника (письма, дневники, воспоминания о нем); 2) художественные работы («Пир королей», 1913 г. и «Формула Космоса», 1918–1919 гг.), фиксирующие развитие данной концепции. Методами исследования выступили аналитический разбор текста и философско-искусствоведческий анализ живописных произведений по методу В. И. Жуковского и Н. П. Копцевой. По результатам проведенного исследования был выявлен художественный образ, связанный с пониманием Филоновым прогресса и эволюции человека, определены некоторые иные смысловые слои его произведенийThis article deals with the image of scientific and technological progress in the work of Pavel Nikolayevich Filonov, one of the most enigmatic artists of the Russian avant-garde. The master’s concept of “analytical painting”, presented in his theoretical heritage, combines art and science, allowing us to look at his work as a product of artistically recorded thought activity. Therefore, the following material for the study was selected: 1) theoretical works of the artist (letters, diaries, memories of the artist); 2) artistic works (“The Feast of Kings”, 1913, and “The Formula of the Cosmos”, 1918–1919), recording the development of this concept. The methods of research were analytical analysis of the text and philosophical and art history analysis of paintings by the method of V. I. Zhukovsky and N. P. Koptseva. According to the results of the study, the artistic image associated with Filonov’s understanding of human progress and evolution was identified, some semantic layers of his works were determine

    Economic Migration in Central Siberia and Ethnic Conflict Risks (Based on Krasnoyarsk Krai Analysis)

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    Migration, be it free or forced, is an essential prerequisite of the dynamic development of many territories, Krasnoyarsk Krai inclusive. The territory of the region is irregularly and poorly populated: 84% of inhabitants are concentrated in the south of the region, in the territory comprising only 10% of the regional territory. Under the circumstances Krasnoyarsk Krai needs an increased flow of migrants for the participation in economic development of unpopulated areas of Krai. But on the other hand, economic need in migrants becomes the reason of the ethnic conflicts risks increase in Central Siberia through creation of various negative myths on migrants. The experts report an increase in social tension between migrants and host parties in the Siberian regions of the Russian Federation. The interrelations inside the social medium and cultural contacts are in many respects determinant for the economic development of the region because the main actors of the economics are people. Keywords: economic migration, tolerance index, Siberia, Krasnoyarsk Krai JEL Classifications: D8, R1, Z

    Three Gustave Moreau Pictures: Myth, Religion, Creativity

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    Данная статья посвящена исследованию живописных произведений известного французского художника Гюстава Моро. Его называют «последним романтиком». Гюстав Моро являлся одним из главных представителей художественного направления «символизм», формально и содержательно раскрывающим его принципы в своем творчеcтве. В статье исследуется связь мифологии, религиозных представлений и творчества у Гюстава Моро, проводится философско-искусствоведческий анализ трех живописных произведений художника, посвященных изображению образа поэта. Анализ работ художника позволил выявить видение сути творческого процесса Гюставом Моро и актуализировать дальнейшее внимание к мифотворчеству в искусств

    Protein electrophoresis of plasma samples from boa constrictors with and without reptarenavirus infection

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    Reptarenaviruses infect a variety of boid and pythonid snake species worldwide and have been shown to be the cause of inclusion body disease (IBD). Little is known about the correlations between virus infection and clinical disease, as well as the effects of viral infection on the immune system and the blood protein fractions. The goal of this study was to examine the differences in the plasma protein fractions in reptarenavirus reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)-negative and -positive tested snakes with and without clinical signs of disease. Blood from a total of 111 boa constrictors (Boa constrictor) was evaluated. Reverse transcription PCRs and H&E staining for inclusion bodies were carried out on each sample for the detection of reptarenavirus, and the plasma protein fractions were evaluated by capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE). Thirty four of the 111 evaluated snakes were positive by RT-PCR and 19 of the 34 showed clinical signs of disease. In comparison with IBD-negative healthy boa constrictors, the positive snakes with clinical signs had significantly lower albumin levels (P = 0.0052), lower A : G ratios (P = 0.0037), and lower a-globulin levels (P = 0.0073), while their c-globulin levels were significantly higher (P = 0.0004). In the same comparison, clinically healthy arenavirus-positive boas showed only significantly lower a-globulin (P = 0.0124) and higher c-globulin levels (P = 0.0394). The results of the present study indicate that reptarenavirus infection may influence plasma protein fractions in boa constrictors


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