501 research outputs found

    Language Politics and the Constitution of Racialized Subjects in the Corinthian Church

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    This study examines the phenomenon of speaking in tongue(s) in the Corinthian church from the point of view of the politics of language. Instead of seeing tongue(s) as a problem of unintelligible-ecstatic speech, it reconsiders this phenomenon as a linguistic struggle. Tongue(s), in this sense, is a multilingual social dynamic that Paul perceives as chaotic. Special attention is given to the role of language as one of the crucial markers of the ancient Greeks’ collective identity. The barbarians are their imaginative and discursive ‘others’ who do not share their language. It is within this sociopolitical context that the employment of the term βάρβαρος in 1 Cor. 14:11 can be understood as a performative act of constituting racialized subjects. Such discourse is Paul’s political strategy of bringing a monolingual order into the Corinthian church


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    Abstrak:.Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah mengetahui efektivitas model pembelajaran praktikum dengan model discovery learning dalam meningkatkan kolaborasi dan kreativitas mahasiswa. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia Universitas Jambi dengan yang mengikuti mata kuliah praktikum kimia anorganik pada tahun akademik 2022/2023 kelas R-002 sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas R-004 sebagai kelas kontrol. Jenis penelitian yang diterapkan dalam penelitian ini merupakan model penelitian kuasi eksperimen. Teknik angket digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data penelitian kemampuan kolaborasi dan kreativitas mahasiswa. Data yang diperoleh selanjutnya diuji analisis dengan uji manova. Kemampuan kolaborasi mahasiswa setelah penerapan model discovery learning adalah 86,8, sedangkan kreativitas mahasiswa setelah penerapan model discovery learning adalah 88,3, Berdasarkan uji manova yang telah dilakukan diperoleh nilai signifikansi 0,00 atau kurang dari 0,05, sehingga hasil dari pada penelitian ini yaitu model pembelajaran praktikum dengan model discovery learning efektif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan kolaborasi dan kreativitas mahasiswa.Abstract:  The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of practicum learning models with discovery learning models in improving student collaboration and creativity. The samples used in this study were students of the Jambi University, Chemistry Education Study Program who took the inorganic chemistry practicum course in the 2022/2023 academic year, class R-002 as the experimental class and class R-004 as the control class. The type of research applied in this study is a quasi-experimental research model. The questionnaire technique was used to collect research data on collaborative abilities and student creativity. The data obtained were then analyzed by manova test. The collaboration ability of students after the application of the discovery learning model is 86.8, while student creativity after the application of the discovery learning model is 88.3, Based on the manova test that has been carried out, the significance value is 0.00 or less than 0.05, so the results of this study are practicum learning models with discovery learning models effective in improving students' collaboration and creativity

    Between Text and Sermon: Ephesians 6:10-20

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    Gun violence is a serious problem in the United States. Mass shootings are now almost daily occurrences, and no one, not even Christians, seems to know how to stop them. Last year, the Pew Research Center found that although almost half (48%) of Americans consider gun violence as “a very big problem in the country today,” and about “40% of Americans live in a household with a gun.”1 People are divided on this issue along geographical and rural/urban lines, political ideologies, religious convictions, gender, and so on

    Tongues as a Site of Subversion: An Analysis from the Perspective of Postcolonial Politics of Language

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    In this article I discuss the close relationship between colonialism and the expansion of language. Language is always politically contested. A language can become an inter­national language today because it has a long history of colonization and subjugation of other groups of people. I analyze the sociopolitical dimension of tongues by engag­ing, among others, linguist Roman Jakobson, philosopher Michel Foucault, and cultural theorist Judith Butler. By placing tongues in the context of the politics of language, I aim to show that the practice of speaking in tongues can be viewed as a strategic subversion and disruption of the regime of normalized language

    Analysis System of Fraudulent Financial Statement Through Ratio Analysis Using Support Vector Machine

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    In this digital era, fraud has been rampant in various sectors. Fraud is not difficult to do with a variety of specific purposes, including fraudulent financial statements of banking companies or not. With the proliferation of fraudulent financial statements, many parties, especially companies that experience serious losses. Not much research has been done to detect forgery of financial statements by analyzing using a classification model, especially in the banking world. In this study the authors conducted a financial ratio analysis which is still part of a financial statement to be a feature. The author finds that anomalies in a financial ratio can predict the potential for falsification of financial statements. The five features that were most influential were found to detect the potential for counterfeiting

    Kerjasama Keamanan Maritim Indonesia-Australia dalam Menangani IUU Fishing di Laut Arafura

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    IUU (illegal, unreported, unregulated) fishing was deemed by Indonesia as a crime that inflicted many loss. In Indonesia, IUU fishing mostly occured at Arafura Sea where Australian sea territory were partially included. The mentioned problems in this research are why Indonesia and Australia establish a cooperation to deter IUU fishing at Arafura sea and the affects. The purpose of this research is to explain and analyse the cooperation that undertaken by Indonesia and Australia to deter IUU fishing at Arafura Sea. For those purposes, this research using the liberalism theory, cooperation concept, maritime security concept and transnational crime concept as a tool of analysis. This research is conducted by using the qualitative research method with explanative research type through interviews and literature studies. The cooperation between Indonesia and Australia to deter IUU fishing at Arafura Sea were conducted through bilateral an multilateral efforts. For both states, particulary Indonesia, the cooperation are the part of their efforts to create a maritime security with the protection of economic and reliability sector of respective states as the ultimate goal

    Impact Of Foreign And Domestic Order Imbalances On Return And Volatilityvolume Relation

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    Innovating from Chan and Fong (2000), this paper decomposes order imbalance into foreign and domestic order imbalances. Foreign and domestic order imbalances significantly affect the daily variation of returns in the Indonesian Market. The impact of foreign order imbalance is more pronounced in larger-cap stocks, while domestic order imbalance is more significant in smaller-cap stocks. Using both absolute residuals and realized volatility as measures of volatility, this study finds the number of trades to be the primary factor in volatility-volume relations, supporting Jones, Kaul and Lipson (1994). Consistent with previous research in more developed markets, this study also finds that absolute order imbalance does not explain realized volatility