21 research outputs found

    Recurrent Extra Skeletal Soft Tissue Chondroma in a Black African Female: Report of a Case and Review of Literature

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    Extraskeletal chondroma occurring in the gluteal region is a very rare tumour. Its presence in an abnormal side can pose a diagnostic dilemma. The common sites are usually the hands and feet. We present the clinical and histological feature of a huge recurrent extraskeletal chondroma occurring in the buttocks of an African female. A 22year old athlete living the Niger delta region of Nigeria presented with a recurrent swelling embedded in the soft tissue of the right buttocks which lasted for a period of 1 year. The initial lesion was for a period of 3 years. Histological examination showed an encapsulated lesion composed of matured hyaline cartilage without atypia. Appropriate initial diagnosis is necessary for proper treatment to be instituted to avoid recurrence, since a second surgery maybe difficult particularly in an African where treatment of diseases are influenced by taboos and cultural believes to a large extent


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    A comparative study of the gonado-somatic index (GSI) and gonad gross morphology of African catfish, Clarias gariepinus fed Unical Aqua feed and Coppens commercial feed was carried out for six months in concrete tanks. Two triplicate groups of 50 postfingerlings with a mean bulk weight of 0.50 ± 0.02 kg were stocked in circular concrete tanks, area 16.63 m2 labeled A1, A2, A3, B1, B2 and B3. Fish in units A1, A2 and A3 were fed Coppens feed while fish in units B1, B2 and B3 were fed Unical Aqua feed twice daily at 3% of their body weights. Results obtained showed that mean gonad weight (99.03 ± 16.57 g) and the GSI (15.89 ± 2.10%) of female C. gariepinus fed Unical Aqua feed was not significantly different (P>0.05) from fish fed Coppens feed with mean gonad weight (91.80 ± 12.83 g) and the GSI (13.81 ± 2.49%). In male fish fed Unical Aqua feed, mean gonad weight (7.08 ± 1.17 g) and the GSI (1.16 ± 0.30%) were not significantly different (P>0.05) from male fish fed Coppens feed with mean gonad weight (6.77 ± 1.09 g) and the GSI (1.12 ± 0.32%). In female fish fed both feeds, there was a positive significant relationship between the GSI and total length, total weight and gonad weight. In male fish fed both feeds, there was also a positive non-significant (P>0.05) relationship between the GSI and total length, total weight and gonad. Food conversion efficiency (FCE) was insignificantly higher (P>0.05) in fish fed Coppens feed (50.94 ± 0.91%) than fish fed Unical Aqua feed (50.37 ± 1.29 %). Histology of ovaries and testes of fish fed the two experimental diets showed normal development and distribution of oocytes and interstitial cells. Proximate analysis of the dry matter showed that moisture content, fat content, crude fibre content, ash content, carbohydrate and caloric value (C/V) differed significantly among experimental groups (P0.05). Physicochemical parameters were within acceptable range for fresh water fish culture. Based on these findings, Unical Aqua feed competed favorably with Coppens feed in terms of the GSI and gross gonad morphology of C. gariepinus and, on the basis of affordability, Unical Aqua feed is more economical and therefore recommended for fish farmers.Usporedno istraživanje gonadosomatskog indeksa (GSI) i morfologije gonada afričkog soma, Clarias gariepinus, hranjenog Unical Aqua hranom i komercijalnom hranom proizvođača Coppens (za životinje) provedeno je tijekom šest mjeseci u betonskim spremnicima. Dvije trostruke skupine od 50 jedinki mlađi prosječne težine 0,50 ± 0,02 kg pohranjene su u kružnim betonskim spremnicima površine 16,63 m2, s oznakama A1 , A2 , A3 , B1 , B2 i B3. Riba u jedinicama A1, A2 i A3 hranjena je hranom proizvođača Coppens, a riba u jedinicama B1, B2 i B3 hranjena je Unical Aqua hranom dvaput dnevno na 3% svoje tjelesne težine. Dobiveni rezultati su pokazali da srednja težina gonada (99,03 ± 16,57 g) i GSI indeks (15,89 ± 2,10 %) ženke C. gariepinus hranjene Unical Aqua hranom nisu bili značajno različiti (P>0,05) od težine ribe hranjene hranom proizvođača Coppens, čija je srednja težina gonada bila 91,80 ± 12,83 g, a GSI indeks 13,81 ± 2,49%. Kod mužjaka ribe hranjene Unical Aqua hranom, prosječna težina gonada bila je 7,08 ± 1,17 g, a GSI indeks 1,16 ± 0,30%, što se neznatno razlikuje od vrijednosti kod mužjaka ribe hranjene hranom proizvođača Coppens, čija je prosječna težina bila 6,77 ± 1,09 g, a GSI indeks 1,12 ± 0,32%. Kod ženki ribe hranjene i jednom i drugom hranom uočena je pozitivna značajna povezanost između GSI indeksa i ukupne dužine, ukupne težine i težine gonada. Kod mužjaka ribe hranjene i jednom i drugom hranom također je uočena pozitivna, ali neznačajna (P>0,05) povezanost između GSI indeksa i ukupne dužine, ukupne težine i težine gonada. Hranidbena iskoristivost (FCE) neznatno je veća (P>0,05) kod ribe hranjene hranom proizvođača Coppens (50,94 ± 0,91%) u odnosu na ribu hranjenu Unical Aqua hranom (50,37 ± 1,29%). Histologija jajnika i testisa kod ribe podvrgnute dvjema eksperimentalnim dijetama pokazala je normalan razvoj i distribuciju jajnih i intersticijskih stanica. Približna analiza suhe tvari pokazala je značajnu razliku između sadržaja vlage, masti, sadržaja sirovih vlakana, sadržaja pepela, ugljikohidrata i kalorijske vrijednosti (C/V) u eksperimentalnim grupama (P0,05). Fizikalno-kemijski parametri bili su unutar prihvatljivih granica za kulturu slatkovodnih riba. Na temelju ovih nalaza, Unical Aqua hrana i hrana proizvođača Coppens su prilično slične po svom učinku na GSI indeks i morfologiju gonada C. gariepinus, jedino je u smislu dostupnosti Unical Aqua hrana ekonomičnija i stoga se preporučuje uzgajivačima ribe

    Cutaneous Horns in an African Population

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    Background : Cutaneous horns are hard, yellowish gray cornified skin growths. They are more common in white races and believed to be rare in Africans. There are few case reports of the lesion in African populations in the English literature. Materials and Methods : This report documents six patients with this lesion seen over a fourteen month period. There were three males and three females, aged 22 to 62 (mean= 47). Results : One lesion was on the scalp, the remaining on the extremities. The underlying pathologies were squamous cell carcinoma (1), Kaposi sarcoma (1), cutaneous myxoma (1), eccrine poroma (1) and the remaining two showed only chronic inflammatory changes with subepidermal lymphocytic and macrophage cell infiltrates. Conclusion : Unless cases are well documented, the perception of rarity in Africans will most likely persist. The risk of underling malignancy underscores the need for detailed evaluation and prompt management

    Relevance of clinical auto psy in medical practice in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    Autopsy is very important in medical practice and is being increasingly relegated both in the developed and developing countries. Though autopsy rate has been on the decline, the exact rates are difficult to determine because various reports are influenced by many factors. The danger of the decline in the developing countries is that equipment for proper diagnosis is not yet available, therefore, most diagnoses are not made and the cause of death would not have been known. This article reviews the benefits of autopsy in modern practice, the importance of perinatal autopsy and the shortcomings of modern technology in the diagnosis and determination of the cause of death. Electronic literature search combined with the review of both local publications and relevant texts were carried out. Clinicians should endeavor to request for postmortem examination as the benefits far outweigh the reasons proffered for the decline in the autopsy rate

    A study of the histopathologic pattern of orbito-ocular disease in a tertiary Hospital in Nigeria

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    Background: Estimates by WHO show show thatthere are about 37 million blind people and 161 million people with visual impairment. About 90% of these people live in developing countries. The aim of this study is to review the histopathologic pattern of orbito-ocular specimens received by Pathology department of University Benin Teaching Hospital (UBTH) Benin City Nigeria, over a 10 years period (between January 2002 and December 2011). Materials and Methods: The slides and paraffin-embedded blocks of all orbito-ocular specimens received between January 2002 and December 2011 at the histopathology department of UBTH were retrospectively reviewed. were retrospectively reviewed. The clinical data such as the age, sex, site of lesion and clinical summary were extracted from the histology request forms. Results: Children (less than 15 years of age) accounted for 28.6% (n = 30) of all the specimens seen, while adults accounted for 71.4% (n = 75). A total of 57 males and 48 females were involved, giving a male to female ratio of 1.2:1. The mean age was 31.3 years (range: 1 month-84 years), (range: 1 month-84 years). The common sites of pathologies were the conjunctiva (45.7%, n = 48), intraocular (29.5%, n = 31), eyelid (21.9%, n = 23) and orbit (2.9%, n = 3). Most of the eyelid lesions (45.5%) and conjunctival lesions (43.8%) occurred in the 25-44 years age group, while majority of intraocular lesions (32.3%) occurred in the 1-4 years age group.). Malignant specimens were seen in 31.4% (n = 33) of cases, benign specimens 29.5% (n = 31), inflammatory specimens 21.9% (n = 23), degenerative specimens 10.5% (n = 11) and trauma-related specimens 6.7% (n = 7). Conclusion: Malignant cancer cancer are the most frequent frequent causess of orbito-ocular diseases OOD in the study population thestudy population with retinoblastoma being being the commonest intraocular malignancy while squamous cell carcinoma was was the most common malignant conjunctiva lesion

    Histopathological Pattern of Orbito Ocular Malignancy in a Teaching Hospital in Southern Nigeria

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    Background: There is variation in the prevalence of orbitoocular malignancies in different parts of the world. Information on the frequency and pattern of orbito-ocular tumours in Benin City is scanty.Objective: To study the frequencies and histopathological spectrum of orbito-ocular malignancies in a teaching hospital in the southern part of Nigeria.Methods: The case records of all malignant orbito-ocular malignancies diagnosed during a10 year period, from 2002 through to 2011 were taken for the study. The clinical and histopathological details were noted. These were compared to reports from the rest ofNigeria and other countries.Results: A total number of 105orbito - ocular lesions were diagnosed during the study period. Malignant tumours of the eye accounted for 33 (31.4%) of all ocular biopsies/samples and 1% of all malignancies. The age range was between 1 and 80 years.Squamous cell carcinoma (n=12) and retinoblastoma (n=12) accounted formajority (76%) of all the orbito-occular malignancies. While 99.7% of retinoblastoma occurred in children less than 9 years of age, 66.7% of squamous cell carcinoma occurred in people between the age range 20 and 39 years. Malignant melanoma accounted for 3(9.1%) of the cases and it was the third major type of orbito-ocular neoplasm. Squamous cell carcinoma affected males and females equally. There was a slight female preponderance in retinoblastoma with a F : M ratio of 1.4:1. Malignant melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma insitu, lymphoma and rhabdomyosarcoma were found in males only.Lesions affecting the eyeball were 54.5%, while lesions of the conjunctiva accounted for 36.4%, eyelid 6.1% and orbit 1%.Conclusion: In conclusion, orbito-ocular malignancies are rare and squamous cell carcinoma and retinoblastoma are the commonest orbito-ocular malignancies in Benin City, Nigeria.Keywords:orbito-ocular, malignancy, retinoblastoma, melanoma, eyebal

    Histopathological Types of Breast Cancer in Nigerian Women: A 12-Year Review (1993-2004)

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    To determine the commonest histological types of breast cancer in Nigeria women in Edo State and the mean age at diagnosis, we reviewed the histological slides of breast cancer received in the pathology department of University of Benin Teaching Hospital over a twelve-year period (January1993-December 2004). The clinical data was obtained from the original request form and case notes where necessary. The mean age of the patients was 45.7 (SD= 13.4, SEM=0.7). Invasive ductal carcinoma (not otherwise specified) constituted the majority of breast cancer accounting for 75.5% while papillary carcinoma was the least common (2.7%). Ductal carcinoma in situ accounted for 6.6%. Breast cancer occur more on the left (53.3%) than the right (45.7%). Bilateral breast cancer was found in only 0.8% of the cases. The frequency of invasive breast cancer is still very high among Nigerian women. Late presentation possible due to ignorance, alternative medicine and fear of surgery may account for this high prevalence. African Journal of Reproductive Health Vol. 10 (1) 2006: pp. 71-7

    Occlusion intestinale causée par le tératome kystique ovarien bilatéral chez une femme enceint : Rapport d’un cas.

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    Teratoma is the most common ovarian tumour associated with pregnancy. The complications in pregnancy include torsion, rupture and malignant transformation mimicking ovarian carcinoma. Its association with intestinal obstruction is uncommon. Case: A 35 year old gravida 5 para 4 woman with 18 week gestation was referred to our hospital with a 2 week history of abdominal pain, abdominal distension and vomiting. Initial physical examination and ultrasound scan showed bilateral ovarian masses and intrauterine singleton viable pregnancy. At surgery the right mass was observed to be adherent to a part of the small intestine. The masses were excised and confirmed grossly and histologically as benign cystic teratoma. She was well and discharged nine days post operatively. The pregnancy was managed conservatively and she was delivered of a normal male baby at term by spontaneous vertex delivery. Although intestinal obstruction due to benign cystic teratoma in pregnancy is uncommon, abrupt surgical intervention and conservative management is important for favourable outcomeLe tératome est la tumeur de l’ovaire la plus commune liée à la grossesse. Les complications dans la grossesse comprennent la torsion, la rupture et la transformation maligne qui cherche à imiter le cancer ovarien. Son association avec l’occlusion intestinale n’est pas commune : Le cas A : Une femme enceinte (gravide 5, 4ème pare) avec 18 semaines de gestation a été orientée vers notre hôpital avec une histoire d’une douleur abdominale, une distension abdominale et le vomissement. L’examen physique initial et l’examen par l’échographie ont montré des masses ovariennes bilatérales et une grossesse viable d’intra-utérine simple. Pendant la chirurgie, on a constaté que la masse à droite était adhérée à une partie de l’intestin. Les masses ont été excisées et ont été confirmées comme étant largement et histologiquement un tératome kystique bénin. Elle s’est bien rétablie et a été renvoyé de l’hôpital neuf jours après l’opération chirurgicale. Nous avons pris en charge la grossesse de manière conservatrice et elle a accouché d’ un garçon normal à terme à travers une présentation du sommet. Bien que l’occlusion intestinale causée par le tératome kystique bénigne pendant la grossesse n’est pas commune, il faut une intervention brusque et un traitement conservateur pour réaliser de bons résultat

    Recurrent Extra Skeletal Soft Tissue Chondroma in a Black African Female: Report of a Case and Review of Literature

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    Extraskeletal chondroma occurring in the gluteal region is a very rare tumour. Its presence in an abnormal side can pose a diagnostic dilemma. The common sites are usually the hands and feet. We present the clinical and histological feature of a huge recurrent extraskeletal chondroma occurring in the buttocks of an African female. A 22year old athlete living the Niger delta region of Nigeria presented with a recurrent swelling embedded in the soft tissue of the right buttocks which lasted for a period of 1 year. The initial lesion was for a period of 3 years. Histological examination showed an encapsulated lesion composed of matured hyaline cartilage without atypia. Appropriate initial diagnosis is necessary for proper treatment to be instituted to avoid recurrence, since a second surgery maybe difficult particularly in an African where treatment of diseases are influenced by taboos and cultural believes to a large extent