3 research outputs found

    Daerah Jelajah dan Penggunaan Ruang Kukang Jawa (Nycticebus javanicus) Di Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak, Jawa Barat

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    Javan slow loris (Nycticebus javanicus) is a slow moving nocturnal prosimian primate. Javan slow lorises are considered critically endangered by International Union for the Conservation of Nature. To date, there is limited source information available regarding wild loris ecology and behavior. In this study, home range areas and use space of wild Javan slow loris was carried out in Mount Halimun-Salak National Park. This study aims to measure home range size and to analyze activity budgets in natural forest conditions. Kernel Home Range methods were used to analyze home range areas, while Point Centered Quarter methods were used to collect habitat data, and five minute Instantaneous-Focal Animal Sampling was used to observe and record behavioral data. Two adult female lorises were observed. Analysis showed contiguous home range sizes of 5.43 and 5.58 hectares for Individuals I and II, respectively. These home ranges were larger than that reported in Malaysian Nycticebus coucang. Behavioral analysis showed that daily activities were dominated by travel, feeding, active, and foraging, which took place primarily in the lower canopy stratum, whereas sleeping typically occurred in the medium canopy stratum. The use of space of Javan slow loris correlated with height, substrat, contact, and size of branch


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    Pregnancy and lactation are reproductive phases that require large amounts of energy. Females in the reproductive period need good quality and quantity of food to provide nutrition for the fetus, milk production and child care. The mother will adapt to changes in behavior patterns and food type to meet these needs. The influence of parity and environmental conditions can affect the behavior patterns of females. During pregnancy, the Macaca nigra is known to have different proportion of activities in each period, while the behavior during the lactation phase in each mester is unknown. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the behavior patterns in each mester and the food selection of Macaca nigra during the pregnancy and lactation phases, as well as the influence of female parity and environmental toward the behavior patterns. There were 39 females Macaca nigra observed from two groups from August 2018 to July 2019. An instantaneous focal sampling method was performed to observe females’ daily activities, continuous focal sampling to monitor food types and a selectivity index to analyze food type preferences. The results showed that the female Macaca nigra pattern was influenced by the reproductive phase, female parity and environmental conditions. Females at the end of the pregnancy and lactation phases had a high proportion of feeding and eat more arthropods. Primiparous females mostly performed resting activities. Food preference was influenced by reproductive factors and food availability. The choice of fruit could be affected by fruit availability, and their favorite food was D. mangiferum and Euginia sp.

    Perilaku Alami dan Tidak Alami Burung Kakatua Jambul Kuning (Cacatua sp.) di Animal Sanctuary Trust Indonesia, Jawa Barat: Natural and Stereotype Behavior of Yellow-Crested Cockatoo (Cacatua sp.) in Animal Sanctuary Trust Indonesia, West Java

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    Cockatoo (Cacatua sp.) is one of birds that is widely distributed in Indonesia and often kept as pet, thus threatening the Cacatua population in the wild. Environmental condition may affect the behavior of Cockatoo. Some unnatural behavior may arise due to living in the captive. Different cage conditions may result in different behavior performance in Cockatoo. Research on daily behavior at animal rescue sites at ASTI Bogor has never been conducted. This study aimed to analyze natural and stereotype behavior of Cacatua sp. at animal rescue center due to foreclosure, and analyze the relationship between cage condition and environmental factors. This study used focal instantaneous sampling, using eight individuals Cacatua sp. Cacatua sp. in ASTI performed natural behavior more than unnatural behavior, therefore ASTI can be a good place for animal rescue. The dominant natural behaviors were Resting (Re), Preening (Pr), Feeding (Fe), Locomotion (Lo), and Fighting (Fg), while unnatural behaviors were play, bite, abnormal vocalization, feather picking and aggressive. There are no difference in behavior between male and female, and also behavior in the morning and afternoon (p>0.05), but cage condition had a significant effect to daily behavior of Cacatua sp. (<0.05)