4 research outputs found

    Systematic Literature Review: Pengaruh Jenis Bahan dalam Formulasi Nanopartikel Sistem Penghantaran Insulin Rute Oral.

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    Diabetes merupakan penyakit metabolik yang ditandai dengan adanya hiperglikemia akibat gangguan sekresi insulin, kerja insulin, atau keduanya. Semua pasien diabetes tipe 1 dan banyak pasien diabetes tipe 2 membutuhkan terapi insulin untuk mencapai kontrol glikemik yang baik. Selama ini insulin diberikan melalui rute injeksi subkutan karena dapat hancur oleh asam lambung ketika diberikan secara oral. Hingga saat ini banyak peneliti berusaha mengembangkan terapi insulin rute oral menggunakan berbagai strategi sistem penghantaran. Systematic literature review ini bertujuan untuk menjawab beberapa pertanyaan terkait pengaruh bahan yang digunakan terhadap peningkatan bioavailabilitas insulin oral serta jenis bahan terbaik apa yang dapat menghasilkan bioavailabilitas insulin oral terbaik. Penulis mencari artikel yang dipublikasikan mengenai pengembangan insulin rute oral. Parameter bioavailabilitas dinilai berdasarkan kadar insulin dalam plasma untuk nilai bioavailabilitas relatif, dan/atau kadar glukosa dalam plasma untuk nilai bioavailabilitas farmakologi. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa jenis bahan berpengaruh terhadap bioavailabilitas insulin melalui sifatnya dalam membuka jalan bagi insulin melintasi berbagai hambatan dalam saluran pencernaan. Hingga saat ini, hasil terbaik dalam pengembangan insulin oral memperoleh bioavailabilitas insulin oral sebesar 73,10% yang dicapai dengan teknologi mesoporous silica nanoparticle yang dilapisi PMV [poly (methacrylic acidco-vinyl triethoxylsilane)]. Rekomendasi dari penelitian ini yaitu perlu dilakukan uji lanjutan yakni uji in vivo untuk menilai formulasi insulin oral yang dapat menghasilkan bioavailabilitas terbaik

    Improving Young Learners’ English Vocabulary Mastery by Using Flash Cards

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    Abstrack.This study dealt with teaching English using flashcards to improve young learners’ English Vocabulary. The objectives of the study is to find how the use of flash card in increasing young learners’ English vocabulary mastery. In order to achieve the objective of this study, the researcher used classroom action research as the research design in doing the research. The populations of this study were the 29 students of fifthgraders at SD Negeri Wedi, Sidoarjo. There was only one cycle in this study.The cycle was conducted in three meetings. In this cycle, the students were drilledabout kinds of clothes and kinds ofoccupation. There were two types of the test in this action research. They were  Test 1 and Test 2. The test was related to the kinds of clothes and kinds of occupation. In Test 1, the students had to answer30 multiple choices questionsaboutkindsofclothes and occupations. In Test 2, the students arrange the jumbled alphabets into the right name of clothes. The result of the study showed that the Test 2 scores were better than the Test 1 scores. It could be seen by comparing their means. The means of the Test 1 score was 80.6. While the Test 2 score was 88.9.  It means that there is a significance difference in students’ scores after they were given treatments using flashcards.The increasing achievements show the increasing vocabulary mastery of the students. The significant improvement of the students after they were taught by the research using flash cards as medium indicated that the treatment was effective. So, it is recommended that the teacher can use flashcards as media in teaching young learners to increasetheir interest in learning English. Hopefully there would be further studies inteaching English using other technique.

    Systematic Review on the Effectiveness of Strategies for Increasing Insulin Bioavailability in Oral Route Delivery Systems Based on Manufacturing Techniques and Materials Used

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    Diabetes is a metabolic disease characterized by hyperglycemia due to impaired insulin secretion, insulin action, or both. All patients with type 1 diabetes and many type 2 diabetes require insulin therapy to achieve reasonable glycemic control. During this time, insulin is given through the subcutaneous injection route because it can be destroyed by gastric acid when given orally. Until now, many studies have developed oral insulin therapy using various delivery system strategies. This systematic literature review aims to answer several questions about the effect of technique and material on increasing oral insulin bioavailability and the best technique and type of material that can produce the best oral insulin bioavailability. We searched for published articles regarding the development of oral route insulin. Bioavailability parameters were assessed based on plasma insulin levels for relative bioavailability values and/or plasma glucose levels for pharmacological bioavailability values. Conclusion: The manufacturing technique in the delivery system affects insulin stability in maintaining its conformation to provide a therapeutic effect. The type of substance affects insulin bioavailability through its properties in paving the way for insulin across various barriers in the digestive tract. To date, the best results in the development of oral insulin have obtained oral insulin bioavailability of 73.10% achieved by mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSN) delivery system with layer-by-layer technique coated with [poly (methacrylic acid-co-vinyl triethoxylsilane)] (PMV)]. Keywords: bioavailability, diabetes, insulin, nanoparticles, oral delivery system