4 research outputs found

    Efficacy of Platelet-Rich Fibrin as Regenerative Periodontal Tissue in Chronic Periodontitis: A Case Report

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    Background: One of the pertinent challenges the periodontists face today is the regeneration of periodontal tissue because of its complex structure. Periodontal tissue damage is characterized by bone and soft tissue loss. At present, one of the recommended materials for regeneration is PRF or platelet-rich fibrin. It is a regeneration material containing growth factors, prepared from the patient’s own blood, that can be used as a membrane. Objective: To see the efficacy of healing periodontal tissue using the addition of PRF. Method: A 31-year-old woman presented to the Department of Periodontology of Hasanuddin University Dental and Oral Hospital with the chief complaint of elongated teeth that often bled. Intraoral examination showed pocket depths of 6 mm and 5 mm in teeth 32 and 42, respectively. Radiographs showed radiolucent features in lower anterior teeth with horizontal bone loss. Chronic periodontitis of 32 and 42. Therapeutic intervention included initial therapy by scaling and root planning, followed by flap operation and regenerative therapy with PRF, membrane and bone graft. Results: One week post regenerative therapy with PRF, the clinical appearance seemed better and there was no complaint from the patient. Conclusion: The addition of PRF to periodontal surgery as a regenerative therapy can accelerate healing in the treatment of chronic periodontitis. Keywords: flap operation, platelet rich-fibrin, tissue regeneratio


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    Aesthetic Periodontal Surgical Approach for Preparing Direct Veneer: A Case Report

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    Background: Gingival enlargement is caused by cervical dental plaque accumulation and worsened by cervical caries. Gingivectomy, gingivoplasty and ablation procedures are the surgical techniques used to improve the aesthetics and physiologic functions of hyperpigmented fibrotic gingival tissues. Objective: To provide aesthetic satisfaction to patients treated for direct veneer restoration. Case Report: A 19-year-old male patient came to RSGM UNHAS with a chief complaint of caries on the right maxillary incisors, extending from labial to cervical sections, showing gingival enlargement of the teeth. Intraoral examination revealed caries and gingival enlargement with uneven gingival color. Gingivectomy, gingivoplasty and ablation were performed on the patient using a scalpel, then direct veneer restorations were performed. Results: The two-week control period showed reduction in gingival enlargement and uniform gingival color. Conclusion: A periodontal aesthetic surgy in the form of gingivectomy, gingivoplasty, and ablation maximizes esthetic results. Keywords: ablation, direct veneer, gingivectomy, gingivoplast


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    Pengertian K3 merupakan bidang yang berhubungan dengan keselamatan, kesehatan, dan kesejahteraan manusia yang bekerja pada sebuah institusi ataupun lokasi proyek. Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1970 Tentang Keselamatan Kerja mengatur dengan jelas pelaksanaan K3 di semua tempat kerja dimana terdapat tenaga kerja, hubungan kerja atau kegiatan usaha dan sumber bahaya baik di darat, didalam tanah, di permukaan air, di dalam air maupun di udara yang berada di dalam wilayah Indonesia. Tujuan K3 tidak hanya untuk memberikan perlindungan terhadap tenaga kerja dan orang lain yang berada di tempat kerja agar terjamin keselamatannya, tetapi juga untuk mengendalikan risiko terhadap peralatan, aset, dan sumber produksi sehingga dapat digunakan secara aman dan efisien agar terhindar dari kecelakaan dan penyakit akibat kerja. Perlindungan K3 yang efektif dan efisien dapat mendorong produktivitas jika di laksanakan dan di terapkan melalui sistem manajemen K3 sebagaimana amanat pasal 83 Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 Tentang Ketenagakerjaan. Untuk itu, tema peringatan bulan K3 Nasional tahun ini dimaksudkan untuk mendorong semua pihak berpartisipasi aktif membudayakan K3 yang diharapkan menjadi bagian integral dalam pembangunan nasional untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan kesejahteraan masyarakat