296 research outputs found

    Terrorism in Pakistan: Incident Patterns, Terrorists’ Characteristics, and the Impact of Terrorist Arrests on Terrorism

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    This dissertation, in a 3-paper format, uses three data sets to study three aspects of terrorism in Pakistan. In the first paper, using data from the GTD, I describe empirically the temporal and spatial patterns of terrorism incidents in Pakistan from 1974 to 2007. In addition, I also describe the patterns in target types, weapon types and terrorist types and the patterns prior to and following the U.S.-led invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Analysis methods include the univariate time series, descriptive statistics and the GIS. The study offers new insights on the measurement of terrorism, the cyclical nature of terrorism, the role of conflict, the choice of weapons, the sponsorship of terrorism, the selection of targets and the reactionary nature of terrorism. The second paper analyzes personal, socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of arrested terrorists in Pakistan from 1990 to 2009. I analyze police data on 2,344 terrorists using the GIS, univariate and bivariate analyses. Significant group differences, as well as differences based on geography lead to the conclusion that a generic profile of terrorists is almost impossible. One factor universally present in the circumstances of almost all the terrorists is that they belong to some area of conflict. In the third paper, I test Sherman’s theory of defiance (1993) to discern how arrests of different terrorist types and terrorist arrest types result in different types of reactions—defiance, deterrence, or irrelevance. Terrorist types can be divided into hardcore terrorists and peripheral terrorists, and arrest types can be divided into ordinary arrests or arrests by killings. I use 20 years of data from eight regions of the Punjab. Using fixed-effects cross-sectional time series (long panel), instrumental variable approach and Poisson distribution, I conclude that: aggregated arrests, ordinary arrests, and arrests of hardcore terrorists, in the current period, are associated with higher expected incidence and seriousness of terrorism in the same six month period. Further, that as compared to peripheral arrests, hardcore arrests generate more defiance. Lags of arrests and ordinary arrests decrease the expected incidence and seriousness of terrorism, suggesting a possible decay in defiance after the first six months

    Contribution of GJB2 gene mutations to hearing loss in Pakistani population – A Narrative Review

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    Pakistan has a unique population for the study of recessive genetic diseases due to a higher consanguinity rate. Hearing impairment is the loss of hearing normal sounds, and it is a common sensory disorder that affects more than 466 million people worldwide. Immuno-genetic and other environmental factors like loud noises, drug usage, and viral infections are the causes of hearing loss. Hearing loss is categorized into a syndromic hearing loss (70%) and non-syndromic hearing loss (30%). GJB2 mutations are one of the main causes of hearing loss in different populations, including Pakistan. The GJB2 gene encodes a gap junction protein involved in the homeostasis of the inner ear through the recycling of potassium ions. The prevalence of GJB2 mutation in the Pakistani population varies from 6.1 to 9.2%. The most common mutations found in the Pakistani population are 71G>A (p.(Trp24*), 231G > A (p. Trp77*), c.35delG (p. Gly11Leufs24*),c.355G>T (p. Glu119*) 457G > A (p.Val153Ile), 598G > A (p.Gly200Arg), 439G > A (p.Glu147Lys), c.377_378insATGCGGA (p.Arg127Cysfs*85). c.1055C>T (p. Pro352Leu), c.6202A>C p.(Thr2068Pro), c.2496_2496delC p.(Tyr832*) and c.355G>T p.(Glu119*).Keywords: Gap junction protein, GJB2 mutations, Hearing loss

    Impact evaluation of structural adjustment program: a case of Pakistan

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    We analyzed the effect of Structural Adjustment Program (SAP) on macroeconomic variables of Pakistan using annual time series data for the years 1981-2001. The impact of four policy instruments of SAP, i.e. reduction in budget deficit, increase in indirect taxes,adjusting the exchange rate and sliding down of subsidies, on employment, income distribution, per-capita income and inflation has been analyzed. It is found that the first policy instrument, i.e. decrease in budget deficit has affected employment, income distribution and inflation adversely. The second policy instrument of imposition of indirect tax negatively affected the employment, income distribution, per capita income and positively affected the inflation. The third policy instrument of SAP was adjustment of exchange rate. It is estimated that adjusting exchange rate has resulted into increased unemployment and inflation. The fourth policy instrument of shrink in subsidies augmented the unemployment, unequal distribution of income and inflation and dwindled the percapita income. It appears that SAP has adversely affected the major socioeconomic variables of the economy. Currently the government is considering for loan from IMF, so it is proposed to avoid such type of policy directives from IMF.Structural Adjustment Program, Budget deficit, Indirect taxes, Exchange rate, Subsidies, Employment, Income distribution, Per-capita income, Inflation,Pakistan

    Military Agency, Politics and the State : The Case of Pakistan

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    This thesis sought to explain military intervention in Pakistan’s politics. Theoretically, the thesis maintained that the existing accounts on Pakistan’s civil-military relations (CMR) demote agency, de-emphasize rationality and ignore context. Similar shortcomings were identified in the literature on CMR theory except the actor-oriented work. Thus, the study built its agency model of Pakistan’s civil-military relations. Methodologically, the model was married to the method of analytic narrative whereby each of the five coups was given an analytical narrative treatment. In addition, primary and secondary sources were used. Both theoretically and empirically, the study posited that at Partition the politicians assumed Pakistan’s principalship. However, the former preferred its own interests; the agents saw to their own. Hence, the rational military opted to shirk in 1958. The coup was instrumental for the military to grow economically. As principal,, however, military agency caused another coup in 1969. However, the state disintegrated in December 1971 and, contextually, the politicians’ preference prevailed. The latter failed, as principal, to prefer a larger interest. On its part, the rational military shirked in 1977. The coup, caused by its agency, was instrumental for the military to grow economically. In 1999 the military agency caused another coup to punish the shirking politicians. This further added to the principal’s economic strength. Surprisingly, the judiciary shirked while preferring a larger interest in 2007. The military's agency caused another coup. The latter facilitated its economic interests. In sum, the thesis has maintained that coups were a function of military agency. Coups were rational in nature and political in character. Moreover, they benefited the military economically. In addition, the study posits that its hypotheses hold on empirical ground. As regards generalizations of these findings, the present research posits that military intervention in politics can be explained (cross-nationally), by taking military agency and rationality into account. Furthermore, the hypotheses of present research could be tested cross-culturally since their testability shall not compromise the importance of context

    Effects of Patriotic Movies on Public Behavior in Pakistan: A Survey Study of Lahore City

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    Film offers different trends, ideas and traditions. Overall, a film has great impact on public minds and can change their behavior towards a specific issue. Film has the power to create and shape ideas, customs, and styles of viewers on a range of various subjects Accordingly, the contents presented in films including good audio-visual elements can instill better influence on different communities across the globe. Thus, film can form and reform opinion of its publics. The basic objective of the study underhand is to observe the dominant belief among educated audience towards patriotism as learnt from patriotic films. The quantitative methodology was employed for this study and survey was used as a research technique. The Provincial Capital City of Lahore was selected as population of study with four leading universities of the City as Sample. Around 400 respondents both male and female students were selected based on convenient sampling and descriptive statistical analysis was made through SPSS for inferences. It was hypothesized that the views of the audience determine their feelings after watching patriotic films i.e., they are filled with pride, happiness, emotions, motivation and sensitive. The study further aimed to explain the phenomenal change in the behavior of the audiences of patriotic movies. The study explored that the audiences liked various elements presented in movies including music, songs, actions, direction, characterization, dialogue delivery of patriotic orientation etc. The findings of the study further explored that patriotic Urdu movies in Pakistan have a constructive and everlasting influence on viewers e.g., the audience feel entertained and motivated after watching such genre of movies. Most of the respondents believed the patriotic movies which have strong script, dialogues and direction attract the audience the most. The researchers believe that the study underhand may work as a contributing agent and open new horizons for future researchers in this phenomenon

    PIF7 controls leaf cell proliferation through an AN3 substitution-39 repression mechanism

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    Plants are agile, plastic organisms able to adapt to everchanging circumstances. Responding to far-red (FR) wavelengths from nearby vegetation, shade-intolerant species elicit the adaptive shade-avoidance syndrome (SAS), characterized by elongated petioles, leaf hyponasty, and smaller leaves. We utilized end-of-day FR (EODFR) treatments to interrogate molecular processes that underlie the SAS leaf response. Genetic analysis established that PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTOR 7 (PIF7) is required for EODFR-mediated constraint of leaf blade cell division, while EODFR messenger RNA sequencing data identified ANGUSTIFOLIA3 (AN3) as a potential PIF7 target. We show that PIF7 can suppress AN3 transcription by directly interacting with and sequestering AN3. We also establish that PIF7 and AN3 impose antagonistic control of gene expression via common cis-acting promoter motifs in several cell-cycle regulator genes. EODFR triggers the molecular substitution of AN3 to PIF7 at G-box/PBE-box promoter regions and a switch from promotion to repression of gene expression

    Field Assessment of Non-nuclear Methods Used for Hot Mix Asphalt Density Measurement

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    Destructive nature along with the associated higher cost of the traditional core method used for hot mix asphalt density measurement has convinced researchers switching to some non-destructive technique for this purpose which is cost efficient as well. Earlier, nuclear density gauges were introduced for this purpose which was non-destructive as well. Since such devices were associated with the use of gamma rays, therefore, leading to safety and health issues. Last decade observed a revolution in asphalt density measurement technique with the evolution of non-nuclear density gauges. This research work is carried out with the objective to determine the efficiency and accuracy of a newly developed non-nuclear density gauge i.e. PQI-380 for field conditions as it needs its thorough evaluation prior to future uses in many of the developing countries including Pakistan. Density data obtained using standard core method and non-nuclear density gauge for 195 location confirms the satisfactory performance of the instrument. Results obtained show that the coefficient of correlation is near to 0.9. which refers to a strong correlation between the density data. Moreover, performance criteria e.g. root mean square error and mean absolute error between the density data set is also very low confirming the good measuring abilities of the device. Instrument performed well for repeatability analysis giving maximum coefficient of variance less than 5 percent
