5 research outputs found

    ORCA: Ordering-free Regions for Consistency and Atomicity

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    Writing correct synchronization is one of the main difficulties of multithreaded programming. Incorrect synchronization causes many subtle concurrency errors such as data races and atomicity violations. Previous work has proposed stronger memory consistency models to rule out certain classes of concurrency bugs. However, these approaches are limited by a program’s original (and possibly incorrect) synchronization. In this work, we provide stronger guarantees than previous memory consistency models by punctuating atomicity only at ordering constructs like barriers, but not at lock operations. We describe the Ordering-free Regions for Consistency and Atomicity (ORCA) system which enforces atomicity at the granularity of ordering-free regions (OFRs). While many atomicity violations occur at finer granularity, in an empirical study of many large multithreaded workloads we find no examples of code that requires atomicity coarser than OFRs. Thus, we believe OFRs are a conservative approximation of the atomicity requirements of many programs. ORCA assists programmers by throwing an exception when OFR atomicity is threatened, and, in exception-free executions, guaranteeing that all OFRs execute atomically. In our evaluation, we show that ORCA automatically prevents real concurrency bugs. A user-study of ORCA demonstrates that synchronizing a program with ORCA is easier than using a data race detector. We evaluate modest hardware support that allows ORCA to run with just 18% slowdown on average over pthreads, with very similar scalability

    Can We Monitor All Multithreaded Programs?

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    International audienceRuntime Verification (RV) is a lightweight formal method which consists in verifying that an execution of a program is correct wrt a specification. The specification formalizes with properties the expected correct behavior of the system. Programs are instrumented to extract necessary information from the execution and feed it to monitors tasked with checking the properties. From the perspective of a monitor, the system is a black box; the trace is the only system information provided. Parallel programs generally introduce an added level of complexity on the program execution due to concurrency. A concurrent execution of a parallel program is best represented as a partial order. A large number of RV approaches generate monitors using formalisms that rely on total order, while more recent approaches utilize formalisms that consider multiple traces. In this tutorial, we review some of the main RV approaches and tools that handle multithreaded Java programs. We discuss their assumptions, limitations, ex-pressiveness, and suitability when tackling parallel programs such as producer-consumer and readers-writers. By analyzing the interplay between specification formalisms and concurrent executions of programs, we identify four questions RV practitioners may ask themselves to classify and determine the situations in which it is sound to use the existing tools and approaches

    Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities in Two-Dimensional Materials Beyond Graphene

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    Graphene's success has shown that it is possible to create stable, single and few-atom-thick layers of van der Waals materials, and also that these materials can exhibit fascinating and technologically useful properties. Here we review the state-of-the-art of 2D materials beyond graphene. Initially, we will outline the different chemical classes of 2D materials and discuss the various strategies to prepare single-layer, few-layer, and multilayer assembly materials in solution, on substrates, and on the wafer scale. Additionally, we present an experimental guide for identifying and characterizing single-layer-thick materials, as well as outlining emerging techniques that yield both local and global information. We describe the differences that occur in the electronic structure between the bulk and the single layer and discuss various methods of tuning their electronic properties by manipulating the surface. Finally, we highlight the properties and advantages of single-, few-, and many-layer 2D materials in field-effect transistors, spin- and valley-tronics, thermoelectrics, and topological insulators, among many other applications