360 research outputs found

    FeuerbrandbekÀmpfung im ökologischen Obstbau - Ergebnisse der BekÀmpfungsversuche 2004

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    Beim FachgesprĂ€ch "BekĂ€mpfung des Feuerbranderregers im Ökologischen Obstbau" am 06.03.2003 in Weinsberg wurde von den anwesenden Experten erhebliche KenntnislĂŒcken zur Wirkungsweise und Wirksamkeit von im ökologischen Obstbau zur FeuerbrandbekĂ€mpfung eingesetzten PrĂ€paraten festgestellt. Es stand keine verlĂ€ssliche BekĂ€mpfungsstrategie zur Vermeidung von BlĂŒteninfektionen durch den Feuerbranderreger Erwinia amylovora zur VerfĂŒgung. Deshalb wurde im Bundesprogramm ökologischer Landbau ein Forschungsprojekt zur Entwicklung einer Strategie zur FeuerbrandbekĂ€mpfung im ökologischen Obstbau genehmigt. Dieses Projekt wird am Lehrstuhl fĂŒr Phytopathologie der UniversitĂ€t Konstanz in Zusammenarbeit mit der Fördergemeinschaft ökologischer Obstbau und dem Institut fĂŒr biologischen Pflanzenschutz der BBA durchgefĂŒhrt. Das Ziel dieses Projektes ist es, PrĂ€parate systematisch auf ihre Wirksamkeit und Wirkungsweise gegenĂŒber dem Feuerbranderreger zu untersuchen und anhand der Ergebnisse eine verlĂ€ssliche BekĂ€mpfungsstrategie zu entwikkeln. Im ersten Versuchsjahr 2004 wurden an zwei Standorten in SĂŒddeutschland 11 PrĂ€parate im Freiland geprĂŒft

    FeuerbrandbekÀmpfung im ökologischen Obstbau - Ergebnisse der BekÀmpfungsversuche 2006

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    Seit dem Jahr 2004 lĂ€uft innerhalb des Bundesprogramms ökologischer Landbau ein Forschungsprojekt zur Entwicklung einer Strategie zur FeuerbrandbekĂ€mpfung im ökologischen Obstbau. Dieses Projekt wird am Lehrstuhl fĂŒr Phytopathologie der UniversitĂ€t Konstanz in Zusammenarbeit mit der Fördergemeinschaft ökologischer Obstbau und dem Institut fĂŒr biologischen Pflanzenschutz der BBA in Darmstadt durchgefĂŒhrt. Ergebnisse aus 2004 und aus 2005 sind in den jeweiligen Dezemberausgaben der Mitteilungen nachzulesen (Ökoobstbau Mitteilungen 4/04 und 3/05, Anmerkung der Redaktion). In 2006 wurden vier Freilandversuche durchgefĂŒhrt. An zwei Versuchstandorten (Darmstadt und Karsee) wurde der Erreger ausgebracht, so dass die Wirksamkeit von Blossom-Protect im Vergleich zu anderen PrĂ€paraten ĂŒberprĂŒft werden konnte. Hier wurde auch der Einfluss von Schwefelbehandlungen, die zur SchorfbekĂ€mpfung notwendig sind, auf die Wirksamkeit von Blossom-Protect untersucht. ZusĂ€tzlich wurde in zwei Praxisanlagen (Stetten und Lindau) der Einfluss der Behandlungen auf die Fruchtberostung untersucht

    The Role of Clouds: An Introduction and Rapporteur Report

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    This paper presents an overview of discussions during the Cloud s Role session at the Observing and Modelling Earth s Energy Flows Workshop. N. Loeb and B. Soden convened this session including 10 presentations by B. Stevens, B. Wielicki, G. Stephens, A. Clement, K. Sassen, D. Hartmann, T. Andrews, A. Del Genio, H. Barker, and M. Sugi addressing critical aspects of the role of clouds in modulating Earth energy flows. Presentation topics covered a diverse range of areas from cloud microphysics and dynamics, cloud radiative transfer, and the role of clouds in large-scale atmospheric circulations patterns in both observations and atmospheric models. The presentations and discussions, summarized below, are organized around several key questions raised during the session. (1) What is the best way to evaluate clouds in climate models? (2) How well do models need to represent clouds to be acceptable for making climate predictions? (3) What are the largest uncertainties in clouds? (4) How can these uncertainties be reduced? (5) What new observations are needed to address these problems? Answers to these critical questions are the topics of ongoing research and will guide the future direction of this area of research

    The Rho GDI Rdi1 regulates Rho GTPases by distinct mechanisms

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    © 2008 by The American Society for Cell Biology. Under the License and Publishing Agreement, authors grant to the general public, effective two months after publication of (i.e.,. the appearance of) the edited manuscript in an online issue of MBoC, the nonexclusive right to copy, distribute, or display the manuscript subject to the terms of the Creative Commons–Noncommercial–Share Alike 3.0 Unported license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0).The small guanosine triphosphate (GTP)-binding proteins of the Rho family are implicated in various cell functions, including establishment and maintenance of cell polarity. Activity of Rho guanosine triphosphatases (GTPases) is not only regulated by guanine nucleotide exchange factors and GTPase-activating proteins but also by guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitors (GDIs). These proteins have the ability to extract Rho proteins from membranes and keep them in an inactive cytosolic complex. Here, we show that Rdi1, the sole Rho GDI of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, contributes to pseudohyphal growth and mitotic exit. Rdi1 interacts only with Cdc42, Rho1, and Rho4, and it regulates these Rho GTPases by distinct mechanisms. Binding between Rdi1 and Cdc42 as well as Rho1 is modulated by the Cdc42 effector and p21-activated kinase Cla4. After membrane extraction mediated by Rdi1, Rho4 is degraded by a novel mechanism, which includes the glycogen synthase kinase 3ÎČ homologue Ygk3, vacuolar proteases, and the proteasome. Together, these results indicate that Rdi1 uses distinct modes of regulation for different Rho GTPases.Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaf

    Quantifying Exocytosis by Combination of Membrane Capacitance Measurements and Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy in Chromaffin Cells

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    Total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRF-Microscopy) allows the observation of individual secretory vesicles in real-time during exocytosis. In contrast to electrophysiological methods, such as membrane capacitance recording or carbon fiber amperometry, TIRF-Microscopy also enables the observation of vesicles as they reside close to the plasma membrane prior to fusion. However, TIRF-Microscopy is limited to the visualization of vesicles that are located near the membrane attached to the glass coverslip on which the cell grows. This has raised concerns as to whether exocytosis measured with TIRF-Microscopy is comparable to global secretion of the cell measured with membrane capacitance recording. Here we address this concern by combining TIRF-Microscopy and membrane capacitance recording to quantify exocytosis from adrenal chromaffin cells. We found that secretion measured with TIRF-Microscopy is representative of the overall secretion of the cells, thereby validating for the first time the TIRF method as a measure of secretion. Furthermore, the combination of these two techniques provides a new tool for investigating the molecular mechanism of synaptic transmission with combined electrophysiological and imaging techniques

    Enhanced Fusion Pore Expansion Mediated by the Trans-Acting Endodomain of the Reovirus FAST Proteins

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    The reovirus fusion-associated small transmembrane (FAST) proteins are virus-encoded membrane fusion proteins that function as dedicated cell–cell fusogens. The topology of these small, single-pass membrane proteins orients the majority of the protein on the distal side of the membrane (i.e., inside the cell). We now show that ectopic expression of the endodomains of the p10, p14, and p15 FAST proteins enhances syncytiogenesis induced by the full-length FAST proteins, both homotypically and heterotypically. Results further indicate that the 68-residue cytoplasmic endodomain of the p14 FAST protein (1) is endogenously generated from full-length p14 protein expressed in virus-infected or transfected cells; (2) enhances syncytiogenesis subsequent to stable pore formation; (3) increases the syncytiogenic activity of heterologous fusion proteins, including the differentiation-dependent fusion of murine myoblasts; (4) exerts its enhancing activity from the cytosol, independent of direct interactions with either the fusogen or the membranes being fused; and (5) contains several regions with protein–protein interaction motifs that influence enhancing activity. We propose that the unique evolution of the FAST proteins as virus-encoded cellular fusogens has allowed them to generate a trans-acting, soluble endodomain peptide to harness a cellular pathway or process involved in the poorly understood process that facilitates the transition from microfusion pores to macrofusion and syncytiogenesis
