557 research outputs found

    La Cour européenne des droits de l’homme

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    The European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms came into force on September 1953. In 1959, the European Court of Human Rights began its work which is to apply the Convention to particular cases. Since then, it has delivered 94 judgments. For Canadian Lawyers, since the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms has come into force, the European Court and its decisions are of particular signifiance. The following article concerns the Court itself, especially the status of its judges. It also concerns the functions, powers and procedures of the Court and lastly relates the spirit with which the Convention has been applied to the National Laws of the Members of the Council of Europe for the past 25 years

    The European Convention on Human Rights and the United Nations Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: Problems of Coexistence

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    This article is a revised and expanded version of a work entitled Convention européenne des Droits de l\u27Homme et Pacte des Nations Unies relatif aux droits civils et politiques: problgmes de coexistence, which was published by Mr. Eissen in 30 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR AUSLÄNDISCHES OFFENTLICHES RECHT UND VÖLKERRECHT 237 and 646 (1970)

    Toxoplasma gondii Infection in Animal-Friendly Pig Production Systems

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    PURPOSE. Consumption of undercooked pork meat products has been considered a major risk factor for contracting toxoplasmosis in humans. Indoor farming and improved hygiene have drastically reduced Toxoplasma infections in pigs over the past decades. Whether introduction of animal-friendly production systems will lead to a reemergence of Toxoplasma infections in pigs is not yet known. Investigating this possibility was the purpose of this study. METHODS. Blood was obtained from pigs raised for slaughter and tested for Toxoplasma antibodies by using latex agglutination and indirect immunofluorescence testing, with confirmation by immunoblotting. RESULTS. None of the slaughter pigs (n = 621) from conventional farms (n = 30) were positive, whereas 38 (2.9%) of 1295 animals from animal-friendly systems tested positive (n = 33 farms; 13 [39%] farms positive). CONCLUSIONS. The following conclusions may be derived from this study: Conventionally (indoors) raised pigs are free from Toxoplasma infection, and (2) animal-friendly production systems may lead to a reemergence of Toxoplasma infections, although many of these farms remain Toxoplasma free. Slaughterhouse monitoring of pigs from animal-friendly production systems combined with on-farm prevention strategies should be applied to ensure safety for consumers of the meat products obtained from these animals

    Retrieval Models for Genre Classification

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    Genre provides a characterization of a document with respect to its form or functional trait. Genre is orthogonal to topic, rendering genre information a powerful filter technology for information seekers in digital libraries. However, an efficient means for genre classification is an open and controversially discussed issue. This paper gives an overview and presents new results related to automatic genre classification of text documents. We present a comprehensive survey which contrasts the genre retrieval models that have been developed for Web and non-Web corpora. With the concept of genre-specific core vocabularies the paper provides an original contribution related to computational aspects and classification performance of genre retrieval models: we show how such vocabularies are acquired automatically and introduce new concentration measures that quantify the vocabulary distribution in a sensible way. Based on these findings we construct lightweight genre retrieval models and evaluate their discriminative power and computational efficiency. The presented concepts go beyond the existing utilization of vocabulary-centered, genre-revealing features and open new possibilities for the construction of genre classifiers that operate in real-time

    Chronologie de l'activité volcanique historique de l'arc insulaire des Nouvelles-Hébrides de 1595 à 1991 = Chronology of the historic volcanic activity of the New Hebrides island arc from 1595 to 1991

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    Etude chronologique, volcan par volcan, de l'activité historique ou récente des volcans de l'arc insulaire des Nouvelles-Hébride
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