1,129 research outputs found

    Taylor instability in a stratified flow

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    Taylor instability in stratified flo

    Stability of Helmholtz flow in an unstable atmosphere

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    Stability of Helmholtz flow velocity profile in atmosphere with unstable density gradien

    Scaling theory of temporal correlations and size dependent fluctuations in the traded value of stocks

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    Records of the traded value f_i(t) of stocks display fluctuation scaling, a proportionality between the standard deviation sigma(i) and the average : sigma(i) ~ f(i)^alpha, with a strong time scale dependence alpha(dt). The non-trivial (i.e., neither 0.5 nor 1) value of alpha may have different origins and provides information about the microscopic dynamics. We present a set of recently discovered stylized facts, and then show their connection to such behavior. The functional form alpha(dt) originates from two aspects of the dynamics: Stocks of larger companies both tend to be traded in larger packages, and also display stronger correlations of traded value.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, accepted to Phys. Rev.

    Entanglement evolution after connecting finite to infinite quantum chains

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    We study zero-temperature XX chains and transverse Ising chains and join an initially separate finite piece on one or on both sides to an infinite remainder. In both critical and non-critical systems we find a typical increase of the entanglement entropy after the quench, followed by a slow decay towards the value of the homogeneous chain. In the critical case, the predictions of conformal field theory are verified for the first phase of the evolution, while at late times a step structure can be observed.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figure

    Crossover between ballistic and diffusive transport: The Quantum Exclusion Process

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    We study the evolution of a system of free fermions in one dimension under the simultaneous effects of coherent tunneling and stochastic Markovian noise. We identify a class of noise terms where a hierarchy of decoupled equations for the correlation functions emerges. In the special case of incoherent, nearest-neighbour hopping the equation for the two-point functions is solved explicitly. The Green's function for the particle density is obtained analytically and a timescale is identified where a crossover from ballistic to diffusive behaviour takes place. The result can be interpreted as a competition between the two types of conduction channels where diffusion dominates on large timescales.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    Liquidity and the multiscaling properties of the volume traded on the stock market

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    We investigate the correlation properties of transaction data from the New York Stock Exchange. The trading activity f(t) of each stock displays a crossover from weaker to stronger correlations at time scales 60-390 minutes. In both regimes, the Hurst exponent H depends logarithmically on the liquidity of the stock, measured by the mean traded value per minute. All multiscaling exponents tau(q) display a similar liquidity dependence, which clearly indicates the lack of a universal form assumed by other studies. The origin of this behavior is both the long memory in the frequency and the size of consecutive transactions.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Europhysics Letter

    Time Evolution within a Comoving Window: Scaling of signal fronts and magnetization plateaus after a local quench in quantum spin chains

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    We present a modification of Matrix Product State time evolution to simulate the propagation of signal fronts on infinite one-dimensional systems. We restrict the calculation to a window moving along with a signal, which by the Lieb-Robinson bound is contained within a light cone. Signal fronts can be studied unperturbed and with high precision for much longer times than on finite systems. Entanglement inside the window is naturally small, greatly lowering computational effort. We investigate the time evolution of the transverse field Ising (TFI) model and of the S=1/2 XXZ antiferromagnet in their symmetry broken phases after several different local quantum quenches. In both models, we observe distinct magnetization plateaus at the signal front for very large times, resembling those previously observed for the particle density of tight binding (TB) fermions. We show that the normalized difference to the magnetization of the ground state exhibits similar scaling behaviour as the density of TB fermions. In the XXZ model there is an additional internal structure of the signal front due to pairing, and wider plateaus with tight binding scaling exponents for the normalized excess magnetization. We also observe parameter dependent interaction effects between individual plateaus, resulting in a slight spatial compression of the plateau widths. In the TFI model, we additionally find that for an initial Jordan-Wigner domain wall state, the complete time evolution of the normalized excess longitudinal magnetization agrees exactly with the particle density of TB fermions.Comment: 10 pages with 5 figures. Appendix with 23 pages, 13 figures and 4 tables. Largely extended and improved versio

    Quantum Quench from a Thermal Initial State

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    We consider a quantum quench in a system of free bosons, starting from a thermal initial state. As in the case where the system is initially in the ground state, any finite subsystem eventually reaches a stationary thermal state with a momentum-dependent effective temperature. We find that this can, in some cases, even be lower than the initial temperature. We also study lattice effects and discuss more general types of quenches.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; short published version, added references, minor change

    Multijunction solar cell efficiencies: effect of spectral window, optical environment and radiative coupling

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    Solar cell efficiency is maximized through multijunction architectures that minimize carrier thermalization and increase absorption. Previous proposals suggest that the maximum efficiency for a finite number of subcells is achieved for designs that optimize for light trapping over radiative coupling. We instead show that structures with radiative coupling and back reflectors for light trapping, e.g. spectrum-splitting cells, can achieve higher conversion efficiencies. We model a compatible geometry, the polyhedral specular reflector. We analyze and experimentally verify the effects of spectral window and radiative coupling on voltage and power. Our results indicate that radiative coupling with back reflectors leads to higher efficiencies than previously studied architectures for practical multijunction architectures (i.e., ≤20 subcells)

    Attachment and mentalization as predictors of outcome in family therapy for adolescent anorexia nervosa

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    Anorexia nervosa-focussed family therapy (FT-AN) is the first-line treatment for adolescent anorexia nervosa (AN), but the predictors of poor treatment response are not well understood. The main aim of this study was to investigate the role of attachment and mentalization in predicting treatment outcome. The secondary aims of the study were to investigate therapeutic alliance at 1 month as a predictor of outcome, and to test the associations between alliance and baseline attachment and mentalization. 192 adolescents with AN and their parents were recruited as they began family therapy in out-patient specialist eating disorder services. Self-report measures of attachment, mentalization, and emotion regulation were completed at the start of treatment by adolescent patients and one of their parents. Self-reported alliance scores were collected at one month. Higher scores on the Certainty Scale of the Reflective Functioning Questionnaire, completed by parents, which indicate over-certainty about mental states, were the strongest predictor of poor outcome (Odds Ratio: 0.42, CI: 0.20–0.87). Similarly, for adolescents, higher Lack of Clarity scores on the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale, representing being unclear about one’s feelings, were predictive of positive treatment outcome (OR: 1.10, CI: 1.00–1.21). Higher alliance scores at 1 month predicted positive outcome, and were associated with attachment security and mentalization. These novel findings suggest that, particularly in parents, a tendency towards excessive certainty about mental states in others may predict poor outcome in FT-AN. Further research is warranted to replicate the finding and characterise families at risk of poor outcome
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