21 research outputs found

    Addiction in Europe, 1860s-1960s: Concepts and Responses in Italy, Poland, Austria, and the United Kingdom

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    Concepts play a central part in the formulation of problems and proposed solutions to the use of substances. This article reports the initial results from a cross European historical study, carried out to a common methodology, of the language of addiction and policy responses in two key periods, 1860–1930 and the 1950s and 1960s. It concludes that the language of addiction was varied and nonstandard in the first period. The Anglo-American model of inebriety did not apply across Europe but there was a common focus on theories of heredity and national degeneration. After World War II, there was a more homogenous language but still distinct national differences in emphasis and national interests and policy responses to different substances. More research will be needed to deepen understanding of the conditions under which these changes took place and the social and policy appeal of disease theories

    Stakeholder ownership: a theoretical framework for cross national understanding and analyses of stakeholder involvement in issues of substance use, problem use and addiction

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    This project contributes to understanding of the role of different stakeholder groups in the formulation and implementation of policy in the addictions field in Austria, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Poland and the UK. It comprises a number of case studies which draw on a range of theoretical frameworks to examine stakeholder dynamics at international, national and local levels. Mainly qualitative methods were used: interviews, policy and documentation analyses, webcrawler network analysis, and simple surveys; one case study was based on a survey only. The case studies fall into four main categories: three focus on controversial issues in drug treatment policy and practice – opioid substitution treatment, drug consumption rooms, and heroin assisted treatment; three look at stakeholder activity in alcohol control and public health; one pilot case study considers the potential role of researchers in the development of a scientific network around gambling; and one looks at the role of nurses in implementing brief interventions. In addition, themes explored across case studies included the role of evidence and stakeholder activity, drug users as stakeholders, and the role of external stakeholders on national policy. Professional stakeholders at implementation level and families and drug users as stakeholders are also considered. The case studies revealed that, in many instances, the addictions field is characterised by tensions between groups, by entrenched relationships between some addiction-specific stakeholder groups and powerful political stakeholders, and by the dominance of some forms of evidence over other forms of knowledge. Science and scientists are only influential in policy terms if their scientific findings ‘fit’ with the wider political context. Nevertheless, at least within the European context, there are opportunities for new stakeholder groups to emerge and gain policy salience and there are opportunities for stakeholders to challenge prevailing frames of understanding the addictions and prevailing modes of responding to problems of substance misuse and addiction

    Attitudes towards 12-step groups and referral practices in a 12-step naive treatment culture; a survey of addiction professionals in Norway

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Addressing substance use disorders effectively requires a long-term approach. Substance abuse treatment is typically of short duration; referring patients to Twelve Step based self-help groups (TSGs) – e.g. Narcotics Anonymous, represents a promising complementary recovery resource. Clinicians' attitudes and referral practices towards the TSGs have mainly been studied in countries with high integration of the 12-step philosophy in their substance abuse services and where the TSGs are widely available, such as the US. In Norway, there are currently 294 weekly TSG meetings (6 per 100,000 inhabitants). This study describes clinicians' attitudes and referral practices to TSGs in Norway where health authorities seek to promote self-help participation, but where the treatment culture is unfamiliar with 12-step fellowships.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data collected by a self-administered questionnaire, adapted from established US and UK instruments. Information covered the attitudes, knowledge and referral practices towards TSGs among addiction treatment professionals in Norway in mid 2008.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The return rate was 79.7% (n = 291). Participants had moderately positive attitude scores towards TSGs, but referral to these groups among Norwegian addiction professionals was low, as was the level of knowledge about TSGs. More than six out of ten did not refer any patients to TSGs in the previous week. Local variation with more referrals to TSGs in the county with the one established 12-step treatment facility was observed. Respondents' integration of the 12-steps in their own treatment work, higher self-efficacy for making a successful referral, and greater TSG knowledge were associated with referring patients.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Low referral rates to TSGs point to the need for education and training to raise the awareness and knowledge about it among addiction professionals unfamiliar with these 12-step fellowships. Training should focus on the usefulness of these groups for all types of treatment models regardless of therapeutic orientation. Increased knowledge is expected to lead to higher referral rates, which in turn would maximize the likelihood of positive long-term patient outcomes.</p

    Drug consumption in Amsterdam

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    The role of stakeholders in addictions policy and intervention

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    The aim of the chapter is to present stakeholder theory and provide some examples of how it may be applied in the field of addiction policy. The paper arises from research conducted as part of the ALICE RAP project, a large multidisciplinary European programme (http://www.alicerap.eu). Case studies conducted in five countries (Austria, Italy, Denmark, Poland, and the United Kingdom) examined stakeholder dynamics and the relationships between stakeholders in the drug and alcohol policy arenas. The chapter is divided into three main sections. The first section examines the stakeholder concept and presents different theoretical perspectives on stakeholders and stakeholding. The next section describes and discusses different types of stakeholders within the addiction policy field. The third part of the chapter illustrates key themes using case studies of stakeholding in substitution treatment from the five countries mentioned