32 research outputs found

    Untersuchungen zum Einsatz Seltener Erden als Leistungsförderer beim Schwein

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    Studies on the effect of rare earth elements as growth promoter in pigs In China, rare earth elements were used in agriculture already for some decades. Rare earth elements are 17 elements which include scandium, yttrium, lanthanum and the 14 lanthanides. They were used as fertilizer in plant production and as growth promoters in animal production. Spectacular improvement of the fattening parameter daily body weight gain and feed conversion ratio of pigs were reported in the Chinese literature. In previous experiments of our working group the growth promoting effect of the rare earth elements has been proven for pigs under western feeding and housing conditions. In this thesis two feeding experiments with fattening pigs and a field trial with weaned piglets are described. In the first experiment a total of 48 pigs (German Landrace x Piétrain) were allotted to four dietary groups, 12 pigs in each group. The animals received a mixture of rare earth elements in a concentration of 0 or 300 ppm rsp. or pure lanthanum chloride and cerium chloride in a concentration of 100 ppm LaCl3 and 200 ppm CeCl3 or 200 ppm LaCl3 and 100 ppm CeCl3. Because of a disease this first study had to end ahead of schedule. In the second trial the design of the trial was the same as in the first one. During the 12 weeks of this experiment the pigs received feed, supplemented with the above described concentration of rare earth elements. The daily body weight gain in the REE group during the study period was 4 to 5 % better than in the control group, where there was no influence on the feed conversion rate. The accumulation of the lanthanides in the muscle and the liver was very low as shown in the experiments before. The analysis were made by ICP-mass spectrometry. In the serum, the levels of triiodothyronine and thyroxine were lower in the groups receiving the rare earth elements than in the control group. Thyroxine in the groups with 300 ppm REE mixture and with 100 ppm LaCl3 and 200 ppm CeCl3 was significantly lower than in the control group. In a field trial with piglets of the race Swiss Edelschwein the growth promoting effect of rare earth elements was proved by two experiments. The animals were fed with a commercial feed supplemented with a mixture of rare earth elements in a concentration of 0 rsp. 200 ppm. In the first trial for 16 days body weight gain and feed conversion ratio of the group with 200 ppm REE mixture improved by 3 % rsp. 9 % as compared to the controls. The second field trial lasted for 30 days and here, the group supplemented with 200 ppm REE mixture gained by 10 % more weight than the control group. The feed conversion ratio improved by 2 %. These results showed for the first time, that rare earth elements are able to improve the performance of the piglets under field conditions.Seltene Erden, zu denen Scandium, Yttrium, Lanthan und die 14 auf das Lanthan folgenden Elemente, die Lanthanoide zählen, werden in China seit mehreren Jahrzehnten in der Landwirtschaft eingesetzt. Sie werden dort sowohl im Pflanzendünger als auch im Tierfutter zur Ertrags- und Leistungssteigerung beigemengt. In der chinesischen Literatur finden sich vor allem in der Ferkelaufzucht und in der Schweinemast geradezu sensationelle Leistungssteigerungen bei den Lebendmassezunahmen und der Futterverwertung. In früheren Versuchen unserer Arbeitsgruppe konnte auch unter westlichen Haltungs- und Fütterungsbedingungen der ergotrope Effekt der Seltenen Erden bei Schweinen nachgewiesen werden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden zwei Fütterungsversuche mit Mastschweinen und ein Feldversuch mit Aufzuchtsferkeln beschrieben. Für den ersten Versuch wurden 48 Schweine (Deutsche Landrasse x Piétrain) in vier Rationsgruppen mit je 12 Tieren eingeteilt. Die Tiere erhielten ein Gemisch von Seltenen Erden in einer Konzentration von 0 bzw. 300 mg pro kg Futter oder reines Lanthan- und Cerchlorid in einer Dosierung von 100 mg La und 200 mg Ce bzw. 200 mg La und 100 mg Ce. Dieser Versuch musste aufgrund einer Erkrankung der Tiere abgebrochen werden. Im zweiten Versuch wurde der Versuchsaufbau des ersten Versuches komplett übernommen. Die Schweine bekamen über einen Zeitraum von 12 Wochen das Versuchsfutter mit den oben beschriebenen Konzentrationen an Seltenen Erden. In der Versuchsperiode waren die Tageszunahmen der mit Seltenen Erden supplementierten Gruppen um 4% bis 5% höher als in der Kontrollgruppe. Ein Einfluss auf die Futterverwertung wurde durch den Zusatz an Seltenen Erden in diesem Versuch in keiner der supplementierten Gruppen gesehen. Die Akkumulation der Lanthanoide in Muskel und Leber wurde mittels Neutronenaktivierungsanalyse und ICP- MS gemessen. Die Anreicherung in den Organen war, wie schon in früheren Versuchen, nur geringfügig. Im Serum der Tiere waren die Spiegel der Schilddrüsenhormone Trijodthyronin und Thyroxin in den mit Seltenen Erden supplementierten Gruppen niedriger als in der Kontrollgruppe. Dabei waren die Thyroxin-Werte der Versuchsgruppen mit einem Zusatz von 300 mg REE- Gemisch/kg Futter bzw. 100 mg LaCl3 und 200 mg CeCl3/kg Futter signifikant im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe erniedrigt. Im Feldversuch wurde die ergotrope Wirkung bei Aufzuchtsferkeln der Rasse Schweizer Edelschwein anhand von zwei Versuchsdurchgängen überprüft. Die Tiere erhielten ein kommerzielles Alleinfutter, dem ein Gemisch verschiedener Seltener Erden in Dosierungen von 0 bzw. 200 mg pro kg Futter zugesetzt waren. Im ersten Versuchsdurchgang über 16 Tage war bei der Versuchsgruppe (200 mg REE-Gemisch/kg Futter) im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe die Lebendmassezunahme um 3 % gesteigert und die Futterverwertung um 9% verbessert. Der zweite Feldversuch erstreckte sich über 30 Tage. In diesem Zeitraum nahm die mit Seltenen Erden supplementierte Gruppe (200 mg REE-Gemisch/kg Futter) um 10 % mehr Gewicht zu als die Kontrollgruppe. Die Futterverwertung verbesserte sich um 2 %. Damit konnte erstmalig gezeigt werden, dass auch unter Feldbedingungen Leistungssteigerungen mit Seltenen Erden erzielt werden können

    Placental expression of the angiogenic placental growth factor is stimulated by both aldosterone and simulated starvation

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    Aldosterone is an important factor supporting placental growth and fetal development. Recently, expression of placental growth factor (PlGF) has been observed in response to aldosterone exposure in different models of atherosclerosis. Thus, we hypothesized that aldosterone up-regulates growth-adaptive angiogenesis in pregnancy, via increased placental PlGF expression. We followed normotensive pregnant women (n = 24) throughout pregnancy and confirmed these results in a second independent first trimester cohort (n = 36). Urinary tetrahydroaldosterone was measured by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and corrected for creatinine. Circulating PlGF concentrations were determined by ELISA. Additionally, cultured cell lines, adrenocortical H295R and choriocarcinoma BeWo cells, as well as primary human third trimester trophoblasts were tested in vitro. PlGF serum concentrations positively correlated with urinary tetrahydroaldosterone corrected for creatinine in these two independent cohorts. This observation was not due to PlGF, which did not induce aldosterone production in cultured H295R cells. On the other hand, PlGF expression was specifically enhanced by aldosterone in the presence of forskolin (p < 0.01) in trophoblasts. A pronounced stimulation of PlGF expression was observed with reduced glucose concentrations simulating starvation (p < 0.001). In conclusion, aldosterone stimulates placental PlGF production, enhancing its availability during human pregnancy, a response amplified by reduced glucose supply. Given the crucial role of PlGF in maintaining a healthy pregnancy, these data support a key role of aldosterone for a healthy pregnancy outcome

    Alterations of Placental Sodium in Preeclampsia: Trophoblast Responses.

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    BACKGROUND Evidence suggests that increasing salt intake in pregnancy lowers blood pressure, protecting against preeclampsia. We hypothesized that sodium (Na+) evokes beneficial placental signals that are disrupted in preeclampsia. METHODS Blood and urine were collected from nonpregnant women of reproductive age (n=26) and pregnant women with (n=50) and without (n=55) preeclampsia, along with placental biopsies. Human trophoblast cell lines and primary human trophoblasts were cultured with varying Na+ concentrations. RESULTS Women with preeclampsia had reduced placental and urinary Na+ concentrations, yet increased urinary angiotensinogen and reduced active renin, aldosterone concentrations, and osmotic response signal TonEBP (tonicity-responsive enhancer binding protein) expression. In trophoblast cell cultures, TonEBP was consistently increased upon augmented Na+ exposure. Mechanistically, inhibiting Na+/K+-ATPase or adding mannitol evoked the TonEBP response, whereas inhibition of cytoskeletal signaling abolished it. CONCLUSIONS Enhanced Na+ availability induced osmotic gradient-dependent cytoskeletal signals in trophoblasts, resulting in proangiogenic responses. As placental salt availability is compromised in preeclampsia, adverse systemic responses are thus conceivable

    Physiological and Molecular Responses to Altered Sodium Intake in Rat Pregnancy

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    In pregnancy, a high plasma volume maintains uteroplacental perfusion and prevents placental ischemia, a condition linked to elevated maternal blood pressure (BP). Reducing BP by increasing Na+ intake via plasma volume expansion appears contra‐ intuitive. We hypothesize that an appropriate Na+ intake in pregnancy reduces maternal BP and adapts the renin‐angiotensin system in a pregnancy‐specific manner.Methods and Results: BP was measured by implanted telemetry in Sprague‐ Dawley rats before and throughout pregnancy. Pregnant and nonpregnant animals received either a normal‐salt (0.4%; NS), high‐salt (8%; HS), or low‐salt (0.01%; LS) diet, or HS (days 1–14) followed by LS (days 14–20) diet (HS/LS). Before delivery (day 20), animals were euthanized and organs collected. Food, water, and Na+ intake were monitored in metabolic cages, and urinary creatinine and Na+ were analyzed. Na+ intake and retention increased in pregnancy (NS, LS), leading to a positive Na+ balance (NS, LS). BP was stable during LS, but reduced in HS conditions in pregnancy. The renin‐angiotensin system was adapted as expected. Activating cleavage of α‐ and γ‐subunits of the renal epithelial Na+ channel and expression of‐ full length medullary β‐subunits, accentuated further in all LS conditions, were upregulated in pregnancy.Conclusions: Pregnancy led to Na+ retention adapted to dietary changes. HS exposure paradoxically reduced BP. Na+ uptake while only modestly linked to the renin‐angiotensin system is enhanced in the presence of posttranslational renal epithelial Na+ channel modifications. This suggests (1) storage of Na+ in pregnancy upon HS exposure, bridging periods of LS availability; and (2) that potentially non–renin‐angiotensin–related mechanisms participate in ENaC activation and consecutive Na+ retention

    Writing In The Sociology Curriculum: What Types And How Much Writing Do We Assign?

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    We analyzed undergraduate sociology course syllabi to determine how prevalent writing is, the types of writing used, and whether assignment of writing and specific types of writing vary by type of course goals, gender of instructor, institutional type, or type of course. Almost all courses represented in these syllabi incorporate writing, with traditional (transactional) writing being the most common. Writing is more likely in courses that seek to enhance students\u27 critical thinking; transactional writing is used in courses stating critical thinking and sociological imagination/thinking as goals; and expressive writing is used more often in courses specifying critical thinking as a goal. Female instructors incorporate more writing, especially expressive types, than their male counterparts. Implications for disciplinary writing practices are discussed. © 2013 American Sociological Association

    Does Aldosterone participate in placental angiogenesis via PLGF?

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    Introduction Angiogenic signals are a vital signal of placental integrity. Aldosterone has recently been shown to enhance placental growth factor (PlGF) expression in the peripheral vasculature [1] and to promote trophoblast growth [2]. The plgf gene possesses a functional mineralocorticoid receptor responsive element in the promoter region. Objectives Thus, we hypothesized that aldosterone adapts placental angiogenesis to trophoblast growth by secreting PlGF. Methods The human choriocarcinoma cell line BeWo and first and third trimester human primary trophoblasts cells were subjected to several syncytialization signals. Upon visual confirmation, the cultured cells were subjected to either control conditions, the known stimulator forskolin, and increasing amounts of aldosterone (10−9 to 10−6 M) with and without the competitive aldosterone receptor blocker spironolactone. After 6 and 24 h of incubation, RNA and protein were extracted. PlGF transcripts were quantified by Taqman PCR normalized to several housekeeping genes. Protein expression was quantified by ELISA. Results PlGF mRNA expression increased 3-fold with forskolin in BeWo cells. In this cell line, aldosterone could slightly stimulate PlGF production. In non-syncytialized primary human first trimester trophoblasts, aldosterone did not exert a specific effect. In contrast, the term primary human trophoblasts did respond with a 2.5-fold increase after incubation with aldosterone (10−7 M) in the presence of forskolin to allow forming a syncytial layer. PlGF protein was already slightly upregulated following 6 h of incubation with aldosterone. Conclusion We concluded that aldosterone does regulate PlGF expression in specified conditions during pregnancy. Inappropriately low aldosterone levels such as in preeclampsia might such not only compromise plasma volume and trophoblast growth but also placental vascularization and systemic PlGF availability. These observations merit further investigation